Canadian Buffoon's Back to Front Vacation - Update! 05/18 - Falling Down

Well, hi there! :wave:

Hi back atcha! :wave:

Welcome to another installment
of a Canadian Buffoon's Vacation.
If you're a regular reader,
welcome back!

I think I've reached that status by now.

I wasn't going to write about it.
And it's gonna be a while before I do.
A few folks want the story,
and after I thought about it,
I realized that I had a few things
that I wanted to say about it.

Well good. We want to hear all about your trip, each one is slightly different from the last.

But, you know, life moves on.

Boy do I!."

I've got some 'splaining to do.

At first I thought read that as, "I've got some Man-splaining to do."

And I was like, "Oh no you don't, you have way too many women reading this TR!"

That's me.
(The much more good looking
one in the background is not me.
sorry to disappoint.)

And you're drinking a wine flight!

In September 2008, I had bought a
pair of tickets to see Elton John
in concert in Winnipeg.
Due to circumstances beyond my control,
I had to give up those tickets and skip
the concert.

Bummer, I saw him many times in High School. My mom really liked him and took me to quite a few of his concerts. I've also seen him a few times since then.

And then Sir Elton announced
a Farewell Tour.

I remember that. However, we priced it out. $200pp for tickets, $30-40 for parking, $100 for dinner beforehand. We decided that we didn't have $500 to spend on one evening at the time. We still don't. :sad2:

I decided to drive instead of fly.
I mean, given the choice between
a two hour flight or a 24 hour drive,
which would you pick???

Yeah.... okay, so it's just me.

We have considered long drives, but it all comes back to the kitties. Fran never wants to be gone that long.

The first thing I did was pick up these:

We got some of those a few weeks ago. They are still floating around in the detritus in our vehicle.

And then, about two days before I left,
I threw my back out.

Ugh. Just Ugh. I don't think my back has actually gone out, but then again I've seen a chiropractor since I was about 20.

It hurt like the Dickens, but...
after a minute or so, the pain eased off.
The masseuse..... was massive.

Technically you mean Masseur... :rolleyes1

Apparently, that was a good suggestion,
because when I tried to move,
I found that I couldn't.
Any movement brought waves of pain
crashing from my lower back and radiating
outward from there.

Yikes! I've definitely never had that problem.

Ever heard the expression
"The cure is worse than the disease"?
I think this may have been one of those cases.
While I just about died from the massage,
I think in the long run it did me some good.

Well that's good, at least you got some benefit.

She kept trying though, telling me my
arrival time in Duluth, MN would be 4:20pm.
Eventually, she stopped trying,
(it would be a good 90 minutes before she stopped)
recalculated and finally agreed with my direction.

That's why I keep the GPS on mute. It's only when we are fully located in a brand new city before I turn on the sound. Fran doesn't like my play by play narration and would rather hear it right from the source.

He handed me back my passport,
and told me to have a good day.

I need to come this way more often.

Yeah, he didn't ask if you were constipated.

After a few minutes,
I noticed that my car
seemed to be making
an odd sound.
At first I thought it was
just tires on pavement.
Nope... not that.
Not a good thing if I'm
having car troubles
right out of the gate.

This is not good foreshadowing....

I arrived in Duluth
around 4pm.
This would easily be my shortest
drive of the trip.
A mere six and a half hours,
three hundred and seventy miles.

Yikes! This is about the distance between my house and my folks. We have to rest for a day after driving up there.

I checked into the hotel.
The Country Inn & Suites, Duluth.
I tend to stay at those all the time.

I've noticed that.

Little did I know that this was
the last time I'd get wet.

You mean you didn't shower for the entire rest of your trip? :eek:

Wanna come along for the ride?

Sure. I wanna see if you take a shower at all during this time.
Hi back atcha! :wave:


I think I've reached that status by now.

You certainly have!

Well good. We want to hear all about your trip, each one is slightly different from the last.

:) Okay.
I also realized that, although brief,
I did meet someone on that trip
and I should write about it.

Boy do I!."

Yes, I imagine you would!

At first I thought read that as, "I've got some Man-splaining to do."

And I was like, "Oh no you don't, you have way too many women reading this TR!"

And I read that as "Man-scaping"

And you're drinking a wine flight!

That's coming up in about...
three (?) chapters.

Bummer, I saw him many times in High School. My mom really liked him and took me to quite a few of his concerts. I've also seen him a few times since then.

"many times"

Soooo lucky.
You saw him when he could
still hit the high notes.
And move.

I remember that. However, we priced it out. $200pp for tickets, $30-40 for parking, $100 for dinner beforehand. We decided that we didn't have $500 to spend on one evening at the time. We still don't. :sad2:

Well... ummm....

I'll get to that.
Hopefully I'll remember.

We have considered long drives, but it all comes back to the kitties. Fran never wants to be gone that long.

Yes, gotta take care
of the little ones. :)

We got some of those a few weeks ago. They are still floating around in the detritus in our vehicle.

Well, geez!
They don't work as good there!

Ugh. Just Ugh. I don't think my back has actually gone out, but then again I've seen a chiropractor since I was about 20.

Hmmmm... they scare me.
With my disk, I'm worried.

Technically you mean Masseur... :rolleyes1

A quick bit of research...

"The titles masseur and masseuse have a long and colorful history related to massage. Both terms were used to describe men and women, respectively, who provided massage in exchange for payment. But these terms, especially masseuse, were hijacked by prostitutes operating under the guise of “massage,” beginning in the 1950s."

But "masseuse" is quicker to type
than Massage Practitioner.

Yikes! I've definitely never had that problem.

Nor do you want it.

That's why I keep the GPS on mute. It's only when we are fully located in a brand new city before I turn on the sound. Fran doesn't like my play by play narration and would rather hear it right from the source.

I should have done that.
Oh, well...
She was just trying to be helpful.

Yeah, he didn't ask if you were constipated.

Some of you knew where
I was going with that.

This is not good foreshadowing....

Nah. It was fine.
Just forgot to shift
one more time. :)

Yikes! This is about the distance between my house and my folks. We have to rest for a day after driving up there.

Keep that in mind after
you read the next update.

You mean you didn't shower for the entire rest of your trip? :eek:

Ask everyone I met.
"Did pkondz stink?"
They'll all answer "Yes"

But I saved the planet, so... There's that.

Sure. I wanna see if you take a shower at all during this time.

Video? Or just still pictures?
:flower3:I’m here. Thanks so much for the invite!:love:
I’m so sorry about your back. That certainly is bad timing.
The funny thing about getting gas for me is that I always ask my hubby to fill the tank. I have only pumped my own gas twice in the last year. I can’t even remember what side the tank is on!:rolleyes1
If you ever travel down to the Dallas/Fort Worth area in the next 3 years let me know.
:flower3:I’m here. Thanks so much for the invite!:love:

:welcome: to the TR!
Glad you came! :)

I’m so sorry about your back. That certainly is bad timing.

I'm just glad it wasn't worse.
And believe me,
it could have been much worse.
As in cancel-the-trip worse.

The funny thing about getting gas for me is that I always ask my hubby to fill the tank. I have only pumped my own gas twice in the last year. I can’t even remember what side the tank is on!:rolleyes1

Heh. I used to pump
Ruby's gas all the time.
Lately though, she's been doing it.

If you have to
and you can't remember,
just look for the little
arrow by the fuel gauge.
It points to the side
that has the gas cap.

If you ever travel down to the Dallas/Fort Worth area in the next 3 years let me know.

That's one of the few areas
that I haven't been to yet.
And one that's on my radar. :)
Well, hi there! :wave:

:wave: I managed to join your trip report within the first couple of days that's not too bad going!

If you're a regular reader,
welcome back!

I'm not sure if I count as a regular reader depends on your definition of regular. I am a previous reader if that counts and of course I've come back for more!

I decided to drive instead of fly.
I mean, given the choice between
a two hour flight or a 24 hour drive,
which would you pick???

I think you know the answer to this one. We don't do long drives we'd be out the country before we knew it! ;)

The funny part?
About a day or two before I left,
when all the planning and preparing
was all done...
Elton John announced that he would
also be performing in Winnipeg.

That's typical! As you say you wouldn't have met up with all those lovely people.

Don't you love me anymore?"
But I didn't want to.
Turn that is.
I'll think about the love part
if she gets me through this
trip safe and sound.

The relationship with a Sat Nav is always a tricky one. I've recently got a new car with a new sat-nav and I feel it is very strange putting my faith in it. I recently drove through to Edinburgh for a conference which is always very busy in morning traffic. I discovered my sat-nav would do anything to avoid traffic. The first morning I saw some very pretty villages and the next morning I discovered industrial estates that I would never have had cause to visit. She has no fear of taking you from a side road with a sharp right hand turn onto a busy fast moving dual carriage way. Whereas my last sat nav I knew when to ignore her and she would shout 'Turn around now!' in a very angry fashion. Hopefully Betty kept you save and sound. You're here to tell the tale so that's a good sign!
If you're a regular reader,
welcome back!
Why, thank you! :snooty:

What do babies and women
have in common?
They both run away screaming
when they see me.
I didn't! In fact, I believe I screamed and ran toward you!

And... it allowed me to add in
a stop or two along the way
to see some folks.
A stop or two? Is that all? :laughing:

So, I'm kinda glad the Winnipeg stop
wasn't announced until much later.
YES! Me, too! ::yes::

Ever heard the expression
"The cure is worse than the disease"?
I think this may have been one of those cases.
Yep... sure sounds like it :faint: I think my back tightened up just reading that passage :scared1:

Figure it out.
:rotfl2: I know, I know!

Slightly less than dull.
Hey, for a long while, that's as high as my hopes got for first dates :rolleyes1

Wanna come along for the ride?
You betcha!!! :hyper::hyper:
:wave: I managed to join your trip report within the first couple of days that's not too bad going!

You're right on time!
Hi! :welcome: to the TR!

I'm not sure if I count as a regular reader depends on your definition of regular. I am a previous reader if that counts and of course I've come back for more!

You count as a regular reader. :hug:

I think you know the answer to this one. We don't do long drives we'd be out the country before we knew it! ;)

You could do loops!

"Look kids! Stonehenge!"

Later that day...

"Look kids! Stonehenge!.... again!"

That's typical! As you say you wouldn't have met up with all those lovely people.


I am very glad I made the trip.
And who knows?
Maybe I'll see Sir Elton again!

The relationship with a Sat Nav is always a tricky one. I've recently got a new car with a new sat-nav and I feel it is very strange putting my faith in it. I recently drove through to Edinburgh for a conference which is always very busy in morning traffic. I discovered my sat-nav would do anything to avoid traffic. The first morning I saw some very pretty villages and the next morning I discovered industrial estates that I would never have had cause to visit. She has no fear of taking you from a side road with a sharp right hand turn onto a busy fast moving dual carriage way.

Your GPS is taking you
on little mini-trips!

Whereas my last sat nav I knew when to ignore her and she would shout 'Turn around now!' in a very angry fashion.

Oh, I know that tone very well.


Hopefully Betty kept you save and sound. You're here to tell the tale so that's a good sign!

I'll have more to say
on the next chapter.
Why, thank you! :snooty:

Hi Tracy!
:welcome: to the TR! :)

I didn't! In fact, I believe I screamed and ran toward you!

That's true.
Well... I didn't hear a scream
nor did you run...
But you did move towards me.

And then when we got close,
I distinctly heard you mutter
a curse under your breath
followed with something about
misplacing your glasses.

A stop or two? Is that all? :laughing:

Well, okay. Nine.

YES! Me, too! ::yes::


Yep... sure sounds like it :faint: I think my back tightened up just reading that passage :scared1:

It was not a pleasant
memory to recount.

:rotfl2: I know, I know!


Hey, for a long while, that's as high as my hopes got for first dates :rolleyes1


Awww... poor Tracy.

You betcha!!! :hyper::hyper:

Well hang on tight then!
Here we go!
I'm really sorry I missed this. Without a Bat Signal, I just... didn't know. So, page 4 it is.

I'll be back tomorrow to read and comment.
:) Okay.
I also realized that, although brief,
I did meet someone on that trip
and I should write about it.

But you do realize we want to hear about the whole trip...not just the little meet you think we want to hear about....

And I read that as "Man-scaping"

And that's as far as I'd like to go on that subject! :laughing:

"many times"

Soooo lucky.
You saw him when he could
still hit the high notes.
And move.

I even saw him in a very intimate event with just him and a guy playing tablas. It was in Berkeley and at a very small theater. For some bizarre reason I even remember what I wore to the concert. I was in HS though I don't know what year, but we bad excellent seats and were very close to the stage. My Mom was very hip and we saw some awesome shows.

Well... ummm....

I'll get to that.

Yeah, I can imagine.....

Yes, gotta take care
of the little ones. :)

Yes we do, they are our pride and joy!

Hmmmm... they scare me.
With my disk, I'm worried.

Actually I've now been with four different Chriropractors. The first two were heavy on the adjusting kind of treatment, the next one I was very skeptical on his approach, but this one I really like, as she has totally fixed almost all my ailments and her approach is massage based.

But "masseuse" is quicker to type
than Massage Practitioner.

OK I get that.

I should have done that.
Oh, well...
She was just trying to be helpful.

But I get sick of hearing her drone on.

Some of you knew where
I was going with that.

So I guess I did :rolleyes1

Nah. It was fine.
Just forgot to shift
one more time. :)[/QUOT

OK that's good.

Keep that in mind after
you read the next update.

Okey dokey

Ask everyone I met.
"Did pkondz stink?"
They'll all answer "Yes"

But I saved the planet, so... There's that.

This gives me pause......

Video? Or just still pictures?

I'll be OK with just text description of what happened.

However given my recent potential lack of water, I can feel whatever pain you might endure!
I'm really sorry I missed this. Without a Bat Signal, I just... didn't know. So, page 4 it is.

I'll be back tomorrow to read and comment.
But you're here now!
Yay! Liesa's in the house!

:welcome: to the TR!
But you do realize we want to hear about the whole trip...not just the little meet you think we want to hear about....

Don't worry. It'll all be there.

And that's as far as I'd like to go on that subject! :laughing:


I even saw him in a very intimate event with just him and a guy playing tablas. It was in Berkeley and at a very small theater. For some bizarre reason I even remember what I wore to the concert. I was in HS though I don't know what year, but we bad excellent seats and were very close to the stage. My Mom was very hip and we saw some awesome shows.


Actually I've now been with four different Chriropractors. The first two were heavy on the adjusting kind of treatment, the next one I was very skeptical on his approach, but this one I really like, as she has totally fixed almost all my ailments and her approach is massage based.

Glad you found a good one. I don't wanna have to go through a lot of pain looking for the right one.

But I get sick of hearing her drone on.

There is that.

So I guess I did :rolleyes1


This gives me pause......


I'll be OK with just text description of what happened.


However given my recent potential lack of water, I can feel whatever pain you might endure!

Hoping your gardener can find it today.
Well... I didn't hear a scream
nor did you run...
But you did move towards me.
I do believe there was at least some excited arm flapping and waving, no?! :rotfl:

And then when we got close,
I distinctly heard you mutter
a curse under your breath
followed with something about
misplacing your glasses.
:rotfl2: And here I thought I'd finally learned to contain my mutterings...

Well, okay. Nine.
That sounds more accurate ;)


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