Can you tell me about CURVES?? **updated**


The first to extend her Fish
Jan 26, 2000
Ok, I have been able to avoid the topic of CURVES for women. There was not a location nearby, so I was able to ignore it.

So today in little local paper is a flyer for a Curves opening just a few blocks from me. With a 66% discount.

So what can you tell me about it? Do you like it, is it worth the money. How much is it. Do you like it better than another plan.

I have NEVER been one to work out with others, and with my job my time can be incredibly lacking, and I don't know when that will be.

Any information you can share, I would greatly appreciate it.

I, too, avoided Curves conversations b/c I had none near enought to me to commit to doing it faithfully. In April they opened one 5 minutes from my house!!
I joined on day 1! :)

I love it. Because I pay for it, I'm motivated to go. I've had a treadmill in my basement for years, but it's boring and frankly, I'm not motivated to go down into my grungy basement and exercise, alone.

Curves is only women, so I never feel awkward there. There are all shapes and sizes there and no one cares! There is also an incredible range of ages....from high schoolers to many who are in their 60's and 70's! There is even a lady, she's retired, who comes to ours who has lost 100 pounds with Curves (before ours opened she used to travel 40 minutes ONE way, 5 times a week to go to Curves!!) It's so unlike my's bright and cheery and ppl smile and the music is good. And I don't get bored on any one machine....30 seconds later I'm doing something new (again, as opposed to the treadmill where I do the SAME action for 30 straight minutes)

I pay about $30 a get that rate if you do check draft withdrawl and commit for one year. I believe it's $39 a month if you want to go month to month.

The only complaint is the hours. Mine has expanded their hours twice already (and started opening up on Saturday mornings) but there are still days when I cannot go b/c of my dh's work schedule---they don't allow kids anywhere NEAR the place, so I'm stuck without childcare. They seem to be responding to the needs of the women though as they are making adjustments in their schedule if enough people request it.

Hope this helps! If you have any more questions, just holler!

btw, my Curves started Saturday hours this last Saturday and they were open 8:30-10:30. I heard that ALL of the stations were full and that there were 12 people in line WAITING to get into the circut!!! They will HAVE to expand Saturdays, I'm SURE!!
Curves is GREAT! In fact, if all goes well, I may be starting to work p/t at the one I go to!

This was already on another post, but there is an article in the new (June 17 cover date) issue of Women's World that is very informative.

Curves is totally mindless exercise, but it gives great results! What more could you ask for??? :p
One of the nicest things about Curves is that you don't HAVE to talk to anyone. Sometimes conversations are going on - friends will work out together (overhearing some of those conversations can be quite entertaining!) But I can tune them out too. People at the one I go to are friendly, but not overly - it's very comfortable.

The Curves I go to is now open ALL DAY! Monday - Thursday 7:30 - 7:30, Friday 7:30 - 6:30 & Saturday morning 8 - 11:30.
Thanks for the info on CURVES. I am surrounded by them and have thought about checking it out. Do you have to use their weight loss plan? I am on Weight Watchers and am really happy with the program - I don't want to change!
Ours is fairly new and doesn't have any of the weight loss diet things. Actually, there are some canisters on a shelf in the corner, but no one has ever talked to them. I assume they are diet things.

I don't think that any Curves is going to force you to be on their diet plan.
Nope, you sure don't have to use their plan. :) They don't even ask you if you're on a plan at the one I go to (I'm on WW, too).

I've been going to Curves for a little over a month and at my first measure I'd lost 9 inches. :teeth:

When I joined April 23 they were giving a registration special if you signed up on the day you toured the club. Instead of $149, it was $59. My best friend was going to join this week (but she just found out she's pregnant) and it's gone up to $74 for the registration special. Different Curves have different prices, though, from what I've seen online.

As far as monthly fees, I pay $29/mo. because I signed up for a year and let them deduct the fee from my checking account. If you go month-to-month it's $39.

I pretty much would rather do anything besides exercise, but I love Curves. It's a great atmosphere and I feel such a feeling of accomplishment after I work out. :) Let us know if you join!!
Originally posted by DiznEeyore
I pretty much would rather do anything besides exercise, but I love Curves. It's a great atmosphere and I feel such a feeling of accomplishment after I work out. :)

I remember when you were first asking here about Curves! :) Way to go, girl! What great progress you're making! NINE inches!! Feels good, doesn't it?
I still love curves! This week I've already gone 4x and hope to go again tomorrow morning.

I like that it's quick, not difficult and you do get results fairly quickly. I have only lost about 3 pounds in a couple of months, but I know that I have lost inches because my clothes are fitting better.

At mine you do NOT have to do the diet or get measured. I made sure of that before I joined.

I liked doing Jazzercise, but I'm in my 40's now and all that jumping around was doing bad things to my knees. I had some minor knee trouble the first week at curves but now everything is ok.

I have found that the ladies in the morning are much more talkative and I like listening in and sometimes joining in their conversations. At lunch-time and after 5:00 you get the working ladies and I think they are just too tired to talk! :)

Give it a might be surprised that you like it!

Originally posted by ohiominnie
I remember when you were first asking here about Curves! :) Way to go, girl! What great progress you're making! NINE inches!! Feels good, doesn't it?
Yes, it does! :teeth: Now I just have to keep it up -- I'm so glad all of you nudged me to join! :)
ohiominnie summed it up great! It's been almost a month for me and I love it. The only trouble that I had at first was that I overdid. Having never used machines before, I think I was a little over enthusiast. Other than that, it's been great. Like ohiominnie said it is all ages, and I know that at mine, no one cares what anyone else is wearing or doing, whether they are jogging at a quick pace or just picking up their feet a little. No one cares if you're big or small. The beauty of Curves is I think it's attracted people who would never go into a gym because of their size. There's no judging. Everyone does their thing, some talk, some don't. It's a wonderful workout and I always feel great after it. The others are a little restrictive, but like someone else said, they seem to be trying to adjust. I know ours has. Definitely give it a try. Best thing I have done for myself and it feels great.
Well... I did it.

I went by there yesterday and signed up. My first workout was tonight. I think this will work for me. There were not very many people there when I went tonight. Yesterday at around the same time it was packed!! But it is the first week, so I am sure there are growing pains until people get into a schedule.

The hours they are open right now are not ideal... M-F 9 am - 12 pm and 4 pm - 7 pm. I sure hope they open up on Saturdays soon or maybe open earlier in the morning.

I do have a question for other Curves members... when do you get measured again? Do you go a certain number of times? Or when you ask? I had forgotten to ask that question.


Debbie <----embarking on the next step of this way of life
Originally posted by EpcotKilterFan
...(snip).....I do have a question for other Curves members... when do you get measured again? Do you go a certain number of times? Or when you ask? I had forgotten to ask that question.


Debbie <----embarking on the next step of this way of life

At my Curves, most women who get measured do it once a month, but there's no pressure or reminder to do it. We do sign in before each workout with a scanner/computer and it does have a place that says the day of the month that is your "Measure Day". I just ask whenever I want to get measured and it's never a problem. Usually I wait until I think I have lost a few inches, though, LOL!


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