Can you only attend 12/1


DIS Veteran
Jan 12, 2000
This is probably a stupid question, but I feel it doesn't hurt to ask. Our family will be on the 7 day cruise that comes into port 12/1. We would like to stay at WDW for Sat./Sunday and would love to meet some of the wonderful people on this board. You have all been so helpful!!! Is there any possibility of attending a few events on either or both days? If not, I fully understand since I hear the response has been overwhelming. But if there is a chance, can someone e-mail me with details.
Hi Treloaf! The convention tickets and packages are completely sold out. You can email Linda to be placed on a waiting list in case of cancellations. The Event Only Tickets are only sold for the complete convention. They were unable to split up the days, so the tickets were sold only for the entire convention. Hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise! :)

<font size=4><font color=purple><font face=BrushArt>Carol</font></font></font>

but I am NOT addicted to it...

<font color=FF0066><font face=tahoma>Co-Mod - Theme Park Attractions and Strategies Board</font></font>
<font color=purple><font face=tahoma>Co Mod - Cruise Board</font></font>
<font color=FF0066><font face=tahoma>Co-Mod - DVC Board</font></font>
<font color=purple><font face=tahoma>Cruise & DVC Chat Host
Hi Treloarf. Sorry it took so long, but I just sent you an email. :)

Nancy, thanks for posting the link :)


<font face="Class Garmnd BT"><font color="ff69b4"><big>Jennybºoº benny</big></font>
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