Can I make a change with my package?


Earning My Ears
Nov 20, 2000
I booked a package with WDTC in September for 2/11-2/16/01 and paid in full. I don't recall the CM giving me any options in terms of passes. When I received all of my info from them I realized that we have the Ultimate park hopper plus 1 option.
All we really need is 1 - 4 day hopper and 1 - 5 day hopper, as Disneyquest and pleasure island do not appeal to us and the water parks will all be closed. Neither of us feel we will miss anything by skipping one of the options.
This is the first on-site trip for me and a first trip ever for my boyfriend so we are both excited but feel we are paying for extras that are not needed.
By the way, I didn't find this web-site until after the trip was booked or else I could have saved! Like many, we are already on a tight budget and think the $ we could have saved would have been better spent in the parks!
Does anyone know if this change is possible and if so, will they refund me?
I would appreciate anyones advice since our trip is so close!
What you probably got in your package was an Unlimited Magic Pass (gets you unlimited admissions to ALL Disney parks, water parks, PI, DQ, and DWWS from the moment of your check-in to midnight on the day that you check out) and a Flex Feature - which is probably a choice of a character breakfast, Mickey N Me photo, or a few others.
You are correct, you probably only WANT one of the Hopper Passes which allow you to hop between the 4 major parks and the days NEVER expire if you do not use them.
If I were you, I would call WDTC and see if you CAN just get the Hopper Passes. Believe me, they are going to tell you how much you really will WANT the UMP, but you know yourself that you do not. IF they CAN make the change (and I am not certain that they can) they should credit you the difference in cost. IF they are giving you a hard time about changing ask if you can just cancel the ressie that you have and rebook as a room only reservation and add on the Hopper Passes. I still don't know if that will work, but it IS something to ASK about.
Good Luck and let us know how it goes.
You will have a wonderful time at WDW regardless of WHAT happens! :)

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board</font>
Really appreciate the advice. I hate calling and asking for a change. I am not asking for special treatment, but if the options were laid out in the beginning I wouldn't be pulling my hair out! I have 1 day left on my Aug. hopper and think it is a bit ridiculous to pay for more than what I need.
The problem I have is that everything is already paid for. boyfriend is from the pittsburgh area!
I called WDTC and told them up front that I was uncomfortable about making the change, but explained that I was a little wet behind the ears when I made the reservations. The reprsentative Blake, told me she could make the change but there was a charge of $50.00 to do so. (easy for them to do if you pay in full, afterall they already have your money).
Anyway, I told her I thought that was a bit unfair considering that I wasn't given choices when I booked the trip, I was just told that the package included the UMP. What did I know?
I then asked her what the penalty would be if I just cancelled the whole trip, and the answer was none, but the $50.00 travel insurance I paid would not be refunded. I then told her it was better than losing a total of $100.00 for the change. She then said "let me see what I can do".
The change was made to room ressies only and I will buy the tickets I need when I check in. They did waive the $50. fee.
In all fairness, I have to say this was a pleasant conversation and not at all argumentative. I know she was just following policies. She did tell me that I would be refunded on my credit card over 2 billing cycles. Although it amazes me that they can charge you right a way for a full vacation but take 2 billing cycles to pay you back. LOL
So all turned out great and I will soon be there
I had completely forgotten about these fees that they are now charging for changes (just started these late last year).
I am happy that this worked out well for you and that you will be getting the tickets that you want.

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board</font>


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