Can anyone help?

Mary S

Earning My Ears
Mar 24, 2001
I'm trying to plan our days and was wondering if anyone can remember if there is a bus directly to DD from the theme parks or do you need to go through the hotels? Thanks
I do not remember seeing any bus routes between DD and any of the parks. It is my belief that you have to go through a hotel.

Guess you could say that I've been to WDW more than most, but not as much as some.
My wife and I did go from EPCOT to DD on a Dbus but that was about 3 or 4 years ago.

I do know that they have buses going to all points from the TTC.

But if I where you and your are going to have a car with you take the car. This is the way we do it. WE park at a resort with Valet Parking and take the monorail/motor launch to the park. Then when we want to leave we just go back to the resort where we parked and let the valet bring the car to us. It only cost the amout of the tip. It is much better, and less of a headache, for us to do it that way traveling with our young Dd. :)


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