Brooklynn takes Bella to meet Cinderella! Page 242 Downtown Disney

Happy Thanksgiving to MeMom, Jill, John, Brookie, Bella, and all the rest of your family! I hope today fills you all with lots of new memories and reasons to be thankful :hug:

MeMom, thank YOU for always knowing the right things to say and exactly how to say them!
Happy Thanksgiving MeMom, Jill, Brooklynn, Bella, and the rest of your family! I am very thankful for the fact that I get to see Kazin today! No Caleb, but one is enough to keep me happy :laughing:

Today is a very important day, besides the fact that it's Thanksgiving! It's the ten year anniversary of my first trip to Disney! November 26, 1999 at age 6, my parents took me to Disney for the very first time :goodvibes I realized that a couple weeks ago and marked it on my calendar :rotfl:

I hope you all have an awesome day today :hug:
I'm becoming more and more interested in the pins. They are nice souvenirs - not too expensive, easy for travel, and a good memory of something special.

I remember a while back you had mentioned that you use some of the pins on your bulletin board, and I loved that idea!

Your Thanksgiving sentiments brought tears to my eyes. We truly do have so much to be thankful for. I try to be aware of it all year long, but it's so easy to lose focus.

I popped on here on my lunch break to wish you a wonderfully quiet day.

I'm so touched by what you wrote, it was so eliquently written.

Thank you for reminding me of all the things I take for granted.

I am so grateful for all the fun times I have had on here with you and all of my DIS friends.

I wish I could join you and check out the Disney Store at midnight.

MeMom you are one very special lady! We are all blessed to know you! :hug:

I'm in for a pyjama DIS meet...I just got new Mickey pj's. :)

speaking of play-doh...i was watching Rachael Ray and they had a travel segment about traveling with kids...and just so you know...if you are cannot bring play-doh on the plane with you...apparently it has some same chemicals that is in bombs (or something bad like that) was something I didn;t know but then again i would think play doh on a plane would be messy!!

Probably not a chemical issue but a density issue. Several years ago, we had a guest for 3 weeks from Ukraine. While staying with us, she fell in love with peanut butter. 6 months later, DH went to stay with her in Ukraine and was going to bring a couple jars to her as a gift but was told he couldn't because it's density resembles bomb materials and it would be flagged by the scanners.

Happy Thanksgiving MeMom, Jill and our little Dis family!!!

(I want in on the PJ party too!)
Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We are in Kentucky and have just finished stuffing ourselves. Isabella ate an entire plate of mashed potatoes, green beans and sweet potatoes. She is now asleep probably for several hours. Brooklynn and her cousin Tucker have been nurturing their love-hate relationship. They were dying to see each other but have not really stopped chasing each other, taking toys from each other, and tackling each other to the ground. There has been a lot of noise and chaos. I am thankful that on Sunday I get to go home!

John and I are thinking we may hit Toys R Us at midnight. We really don't need anything just going for atmosphere. We are planning on being at Walmart and trying to get a laptop at 5:00.
Happy Thanksgiving!!! We aren't eating till 4 pm...looking forward to it! Glad to hear you had a great meal...

I am thinking of doing Walmart at 5 am...just to see what I can find on sale. My friend is going too. So is Toys R Us at midnight tonight? Ours is too far away!
This is GREAT! :rotfl: He looks so serious, :thumbsup2

I know - I wish I had tried harder to get a smiley shot but it started to eat the mini cup and it did have coffee and whipped cream around the edges so it was whipped away quickly! Not sure if they do over there, but in the UK they have started offering "Babycinos" in Starbucks (and other similar places!) which is basically that teeny weeny cup of frothed milk! So cute! We are hoping to try Toby on one this weekend as we LOVE Starbucks - especially the Gingerbread Latte's at Christmas!!! xxx

Isabella is completely on real people food and has been for about a month. There is nothing she won't eat. She grabbed a slice of pizza out of my hand last night and shoved it in. She had a death grip on it so it ripped in half when I tried to take it away. She eats like a maniac but is not even 14 pounds yet, she is still a little peanut.

Thanks for sharing the pics of Toby is is a cutie. I especially love the one with his face all messy!

Go Bella!!! T is loving his food! I am a proud Mummy as he started badly compared to the other babies we know and he is doing well now bless him (he took ages to show interest in food)! He LOVES his food and I hope he has his Daddies fast metabolism!!!

Bella has GREAT taste. Pizza is my favourite!!!!! Toby is 17lb 12ozs but I don't think he looks especially chubby? He does have a big tummy and a big head though - Daddy says its for the Drayton brain that will grow to be very large and powerful :rotfl:


OK I need to know what he was eating in this picture....:laughing:
You have an adorable baby!

I think it was his first taste of sweet potato? It probably had carrots in it too? Or maybe it was papaya? It was also the first time Daddy had fed him so of course it went everywhere! tee hee! :rotfl:

To all my Disney Friends! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
I hope you all have wonderful days today!!!

Even though I don't celebrate it, I am thankful for being blessed with the most gorgeous, funny, cute, happy, hungry (!!!), charming, amazing little boy. Who, by the way, has FINALLY started rolling over now!!!!!!!!!! (the only that tempts him currently is my iphone!!!)

Much love, Julie xxx
Such a beautiful post MeMom. I am very thankful to have "met" you and your beautiful family. I am all for a pj meet-someday.

Jill Good luck on ur shopping!
As usual, your word are beautiful MeMom!
We are sitting here stuffed, and watching "Home Alone".....
Discussing our upcoming trip....
Deciding what transfers we want on what color shirt....
Enjoying our day!

I like your plan of late night shopping.... I'd love to go with you!

Oh and I'm in for the Hippy Dippy Pool!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, MeMom and Jill, and your wonderful family!

By the way, I would be happy with a pajama DIS meet at the Hippy Dippy Pool with Mickey waffles! :cloud9:

We'll make that happen one of these days! :thumbsup2


Sign me up for the Pajama Party with Mickey Waffles also. I will wear my Minnie ones.

Awesome! I don't have any Disney pj's...yet. :)

I will be there in my pajamas, too! Oh wait.......

I bet wigd can order you some with her online shopping skills. :laughing:

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Isn't it great to have so much to be thankful for? :cool1:

Yes, it is. I think I would keep my life compared to what many in the world deal with most any day.

I hope one day that we will be able to meet again, longer than the 5 minutes that we did in front of the castle with my "imaginary friends."

Me, too. I'm glad we met you and your son, and I'm glad he didn't even have to pinch us to see that we were real! :laughing:

I am thankful for your ability to take what i'm thinking and put it into words in a way i'll never be able to! :hug:

I just tell it like I feel it. Not much talent in that, but I'm glad it does have meaning for you. :)

Happy Thanksgiving, MeMom!

I would totally be in for a pajama DIS meet. That would be SO much fun!

And who is on your Disney jammies? :goodvibes
Your mom and sister will join us, too, right?
And your dad is the one with those crazy glasses, isn't he?
He needs to bring those!


Enjoy your "quiet day "

I am in also for the PJ meet.

And I picture you wearing aqua jammies, right?
We'll let you know the date of this quickly-growing event. :thumbsup2

Hi Memom,

Just wanted to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. Have a great day.

Thanks so much.

Hope your day with a whole gang of friends turned out great, Scott!

Happy Thanksgiving MeMom, Jill, and family!!

Same to you. After dinner, you'll work off the meal with some packing, I suppose. :banana:

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

And to you and yours, as well!
A Caleb at Thanksgiving picture is always welcome. :)

I'm all for the PJ Hippy Dippy Pool Party with Mickey Waffles!

However, I must warn you in advance....

With my short hair style + naturally curly hair = FUNKY hair in the AM! I just might wear a hat to the meet. ;)

:rotfl: that is so adorable! I can just imagine what was going through her head. "I NEED! I WANT! GIMMIE!" :goodvibes

It does look cute, doesn't it? I want to see it too.

And a HAPPY THANKSGIVING back to you MeMom and family!!

Luckily I get up early enough that I can primp a bit before the Mickey waffles. If you saw me when I first got up, you'd be too afraid to ever come over to this TR again! :eek:

I know I am getting old, and my kids are as well, when Yo Gabba Gabba comes on the parade and I look up and go " What the heck???" Cute but strange. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

I missed that part. I was messing around in the kitchen. I did see the Mickey balloon, though. What is Yo Gabba Gabba? I would go Google it, but I bet Shocker will come up with something faster than I can find it.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

MeMom, you have a way with words. What a wonderful sentiment.
We traveled to our family get together, stuffed ourselves, and now are relaxing at home. Hoping to put up our tree tomorrow!
Happy Thanksgiving!!


Hope you and Marc had a great one, too!

Happy Thanksgiving to MeMom, Jill, John, Brookie, Bella, and all the rest of your family! I hope today fills you all with lots of new memories and reasons to be thankful :hug:

It's almost time for you to leave! :banana:

Happy Thanksgiving MeMom, Jill, Brooklynn, Bella, and the rest of your family! I am very thankful for the fact that I get to see Kazin today! No Caleb, but one is enough to keep me happy :laughing:

Today is a very important day, besides the fact that it's Thanksgiving! It's the ten year anniversary of my first trip to Disney! November 26, 1999 at age 6, my parents took me to Disney for the very first time :goodvibes I realized that a couple weeks ago and marked it on my calendar :rotfl:

I hope you all have an awesome day today :hug:

My first trip was when it opened - 1971 - but I don't remember the day. Too bad. That's a good anniversary to remember. ;)

Hope you had a great day with 'the fam'! :)

I remember a while back you had mentioned that you use some of the pins on your bulletin board, and I loved that idea!

We truly do have so much to be thankful for. I try to be aware of it all year long, but it's so easy to lose focus.

I like using the pins on the board more and more, too. When I put up a boring information paper, I get a sweet memory of some Disney moment. I can't take credit for the idea, though. I got it from someone else, but I'm glad to pass it on.

:goodvibes Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and our extended DIS family!!

We do have a nice extended family here, don't we? I am thankful Jill showed me the way to this place.


I popped on here on my lunch break to wish you a wonderfully quiet day.

Thank you for reminding me of all the things I take for granted.

I am so grateful for all the fun times I have had on here with you and all of my DIS friends.

I wish I could join you and check out the Disney Store at midnight.

I'm in for a pyjama DIS meet...I just got new Mickey pj's. :)

I, too, am thankful for DIS friends who understand our obsession.

I'm sure I won't be at the Disney Store at midnight, but I wouldn't mind being there. I've always told my kids that nothing good happens after midnight, as in be home before all the crazy people get out on the streets, so I better take my own advice and stay safe in the house.

Hang on to those jamas. We'll get to the pool and eat those waffles someday!

Probably not a chemical issue but a density issue. Several years ago, we had a guest for 3 weeks from Ukraine. While staying with us, she fell in love with peanut butter. 6 months later, DH went to stay with her in Ukraine and was going to bring a couple jars to her as a gift but was told he couldn't because it's density resembles bomb materials and it would be flagged by the scanners.

Happy Thanksgiving MeMom, Jill and our little Dis family!!!

(I want in on the PJ party too!)
Interesting to know.

Good. We'll add you to the list. Should we make little invitations in the shape of pajamas? :laughing:

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We are in Kentucky and have just finished stuffing ourselves. Isabella ate an entire plate of mashed potatoes, green beans and sweet potatoes. She is now asleep probably for several hours. Brooklynn and her cousin Tucker have been nurturing their love-hate relationship. They were dying to see each other but have not really stopped chasing each other, taking toys from each other, and tackling each other to the ground. There has been a lot of noise and chaos. I am thankful that on Sunday I get to go home!

John and I are thinking we may hit Toys R Us at midnight. We really don't need anything just going for atmosphere. We are planning on being at Walmart and trying to get a laptop at 5:00.

The least you could do is give us a picture of Bella scarfing down mashed potatoes!!!

I am picturing the Brooklynn and Tucker chaos.
I am also picturing John's mom as she watches it unfold. :laughing:

I am thankful that I get to see you on Sunday.
Our big tree is up, so we'll have a tree trimming party! :santa:

Happy Thanksgiving!!! We aren't eating till 4 pm...looking forward to it! Glad to hear you had a great meal...

I am thinking of doing Walmart at 5 am...just to see what I can find on sale. My friend is going too. So is Toys R Us at midnight tonight? Ours is too far away!

I'm not buying any toys, so I haven't paid any attention to Toys R Us. I got Brooklynn some videos and will give her some sweets and some Disney dollars, and Bella will get needs and Disney dollars. They don't need any more toys than what Santa is already bringing, so with the money they can get something on the trip.

Be careful if you dare to get out in the morning!

I know - I wish I had tried harder to get a smiley shot but it started to eat the mini cup and it did have coffee and whipped cream around the edges so it was whipped away quickly! Not sure if they do over there, but in the UK they have started offering "Babycinos" in Starbucks (and other similar places!) which is basically that teeny weeny cup of frothed milk! So cute! We are hoping to try Toby on one this weekend as we LOVE Starbucks - especially the Gingerbread Latte's at Christmas!!! xxx

Go Bella!!! T is loving his food! I am a proud Mummy as he started badly compared to the other babies we know and he is doing well now bless him (he took ages to show interest in food)! He LOVES his food and I hope he has his Daddies fast metabolism!!!

Bella has GREAT taste. Pizza is my favourite!!!!! Toby is 17lb 12ozs but I don't think he looks especially chubby? He does have a big tummy and a big head though - Daddy says its for the Drayton brain that will grow to be very large and powerful :rotfl:

I think it was his first taste of sweet potato? It probably had carrots in it too? Or maybe it was papaya? It was also the first time Daddy had fed him so of course it went everywhere! tee hee! :rotfl:


He doesn't look fat. He looks like he is quite enjoying his food and life in general in all the pictures I see.

I hope he does great things with that large and powerful brain! :thumbsup2

To all my Disney Friends! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
I hope you all have wonderful days today!!!

Even though I don't celebrate it, I am thankful for being blessed with the most gorgeous, funny, cute, happy, hungry (!!!), charming, amazing little boy. Who, by the way, has FINALLY started rolling over now!!!!!!!!!! (the only that tempts him currently is my iphone!!!)

Much love, Julie xxx

Our children are huge blessings when they are little and when they are grown, as well. :hug:

Such a beautiful post MeMom. I am very thankful to have "met" you and your beautiful family. I am all for a pj meet-someday.

Jill Good luck on ur shopping!

Of course, you and your precious girls must be at the party! Brooklynn would love playing with them.

We are sitting here stuffed, and watching "Home Alone".....
Discussing our upcoming trip....
Deciding what transfers we want on what color shirt....
Enjoying our day!

I like your plan of late night shopping.... I'd love to go with you!

Oh and I'm in for the Hippy Dippy Pool!

If you were here, we would go. ::yes::
I asked Trent if he'd go with me, but he gave me a crazy look.
Or maybe he gave me a look like I was crazy.


For those of you on Facebook, Erica has announced what her baby is. For everyone else, I asked her to come over here and reveal. She said she was going to last night, but things were crazy busy and she might not get to a computer in the next few days, since she's leaving for Disney World tomorrow. She told me I could tell. I told her I would, if she didn't get to it in a couple of days, but I feel like it's hers to tell. Or, Dawn can share, since we have Erica's permission and they're sorta like sisters.

Anyway, Erica said the baby is fine, and they told the family today what the new addition will be. We have a new DIS baby on the way! :dance3: Keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they travel this week.
For those of you on Facebook, Erica has announced what her baby is. For everyone else, I asked her to come over here and reveal. She said she was going to last night, but things were crazy busy and she might not get to a computer in the next few days, since she's leaving for Disney World tomorrow. She told me I could tell. I told her I would, if she didn't get to it in a couple of days, but I feel like it's hers to tell. Or, Dawn can share, since we have Erica's permission and they're sorta like sisters.

Anyway, Erica said the baby is fine, and they told the family today what the new addition will be. We have a new DIS baby on the way! :dance3: Keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they travel this week.

i actually found out yesterday but i was forbidden to say anything on facebook or otherwise since she was telling her parents today. i will wait until she gives me the go-ahead just in case she gets over here before she leaves. when she told me i screamed over the phone with joy, but i think i would've done that with it being either a boy or a girl! :laughing:

i'm planning on living vicariously through erica, heather, lauren AND kristen this week!!! SEND ME LOTS OF PICTURES, GIRLS!!!! kristen - i will PM you my cell. i think all the other girls have it. ;)
i actually found out yesterday but i was forbidden to say anything on facebook or otherwise since she was telling her parents today. i will wait until she gives me the go-ahead just in case she gets over here before she leaves. when she told me i screamed over the phone with joy, but i think i would've done that with it being either a boy or a girl! :laughing:

i'm planning on living vicariously through erica, heather, lauren AND kristen this week!!! SEND ME LOTS OF PICTURES, GIRLS!!!! kristen - i will PM you my cell. i think all the other girls have it. ;)

I promise, promise, promise to send you lots and lots of pictures!!!:goodvibes

Same to you. After dinner, you'll work off the meal with some packing, I suppose. :banana:

If you can believe it, I have been packed for 3 days now!!! Yay...only 2 more days!!!! It will fly by, especially since I am leaving at 4 am to go shopping tomorrow!!:thumbsup2


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