Brokeback Mountain - who's seen it?


DIS Veteran
Apr 25, 2005
I have been wanting to see Brokeback Mountain but it finally just came out here, in limited release. There are about 10 theaters in the immediate area where I live, including AMC, Regal and Cinemark and several have 18 screens (most are at least 10+). Out of all of those, there is a small 1 screen theater that is showing Brokeback and 1 of the 12 screen Regal Theaters.

Anyway, I think we are going to go see it either tonight or tomorrow. Has anyone else seen it (or going to go see it)? If you have seen it, what did you think? went to see if by myself last weekend and am fighting the very strong urge to go see it again this weekend (only because I'm semi-broke, but come payday, I'm there). I loved it! Heath Ledger & Jake Gyllenhaal are amazing and the story is amazing, the music is haunting, and it's been with me all week. Can't wait to see it again!

When I went I was very surprised, cuz I expected it to be me a couple other people, but the theatre was packed! Mostly with older, apparently straight, couples, which I found very interesting...and this was at an early afternoon showing too. I guess it's been doing pretty well here.
We went to see it this afternoon. We really liked it - Heath Ledger did a great job.
I want to see it really badly! I was supposed to see it last Friday but it wasn't playing in the theatre that I usually go to so we saw a different movie instead. Though I've heard it's really good. Or to quote Javier, "Two straight guys trying to act gay...IT WAS FUNNY AS HELL!"
The greatest love story ever told.
I was surprised by Heath Ledger in this movie! His acting was terrible in A Knights Tale. I guess he felt more at home in a cowboy hat instead of a suit of armor. :scratchin he he
I'd like to see it as it's gotten raves, but Husbear definitely will not be going. His tastes run to comedy and musicals, pure escapism. If he wants to experience drama, he just calls one of his children. When asked specifically about brokeback mountain, the response was "Been there, done that...why would I pay money to see it?" And the fact that the actors are "risking" their careers to play gay really irks him. So, is Nathan Lane 'risking' his career to play straight in the Producers? There's a reason it's called ACTING!

Anyway, we're all entitled to our hot button issues. It's not on the top of my list, but I'm sure I'd enjoy it. Glad to hear that it's getting good audiences outside of the big cities.
I saw it on Wednesday with a straight friend and his wife. The theater was about 1/2 full, which was good for a 2pm show in San Antonio, especially given the subject matter in this fairly conservative state. About 1/3 of the audience was family, I'd guess, 1/3 hetero couple, and 1/3 older sr. citizens. I'm really surprised that this movie seems to appeal to the senior crowd. Good movie, the first 30 minutes seemed pretty slow to me, but the overall story line was great.

I plan to buy the DVD when it is released.
My boyfriend and I saw it last week and we really liked it. Got to the theater a few minutes late (I like to see the previews). We walked into a packed theater and I was shocked, thought there would be a smattering of people. From what we could tell after the movie was a very mixed crowd. Las Vegas isn't the most gay community of cities. We had to sit in the front of the theater and it was really too close. I would like to see it again to get a seat further back in the theater. The cinematography was great (my fave shot was the fireworks). Don't wanna spoil anything for anyone that hasn't seen it yet, but was anyone else confused by the timing of Alma's confrontation? I've been recommending it to straight friends as more of a LOVE story.
We watched it last week and it was very good. It is the kind of movie that make you think and my partner and I kept talking about all the little details all day afterward. I am glad I live in Canada in the 21st century.
kittymasi said:
Boston is playing it alot. My husband and I are really excited about seeing it. I am afraid its going to make me cry, though, and I HATE crying in the movies! Makes me feel idiotic somehow.
I just have to respond to this as it's one of my personal peeves. If I go to a movie with no expectations and it turns out to somehow get to me and I cry, that's OK (it's taken me years to accept it, but I've learned that sadness is a really core thing for wonder I identify with Eeyore!) (and Goofy...what a strange combination)). But when Steven Spielberg is doing one of his dramas, and you know what's coming up (foreshadowing...he loves to hit people over the head with it), and the violins swell and the cinematography and the lighting and the sound all scream THIS IS THE PART WHERE YOU CRY NOW! and I do, I feel like the director has once again taken me (kicking and screaming) to this emotional place that I don't want to go to (and he can do that because I am such a simple creature). I just feel so manipulated and violated and used...OOH, I JUST HATE THAT!!!!

Of course, it's not MY problem :sad1: I blame the filmmaker! ::yes::
We just got back from seeing the movie and I must say it was much better than I thought it was going to be. I didn't cry, although I felt at times I could at any second. I am kind of interested in reading the short story the movie is based on. I definetly would recommend seeing this one! Jake Gyllenhaal is beautiful! And I learned a knew phrase "Stemmin' the rose".
I saw it last night and It was great. I heard they have a book out and if you read it it explains a lot of stuff in the movie that may have gone unanswered.. I want to read it. Not sure if the book is called "brokeback mountain" or not??
We wanted to see it today and the only theater in Asheville NC that is showing it had a line down the block for each and every show. We could not get in to the first one and when we saw the line for the second decided to wait until next weekend. This particular theater does not sell advance tickets either...which in my mind does not make sense. It was interesting to see the mix of people on the line as well. I can't wait to see the film!

This is really a MUST see...for anyone in my opinion.
It tugs at so many emotions on so many levels. (some for obvious reasons and some for not-so-obvious reasons.)

I think that it was not really expected to do so well, and it EXPOLDED! When we saw it (in St. Louis), it was only playing in one small theater. You know, the little 2-screen independant theater. When we saw it (the week after it came out) the theater was packed. And now it's playing in the big theaters.

Great movie!
does anyone know where to download the short story it's based on?
I don't think it's available freely online as it's still recent enough to be under copyright. It was originally published as a 10-page short story in the New Yorker:

Brokeback mountain
Proulx, Annie.
The New Yorker. New York: Oct 13, 1997.Vol.73, Iss. 31; pg. 74

and after winning a 1998 O. Henry Award was reprinted in:

Prize Stories 1998: The O. Henry Awards
New York : Doubleday, 1998.

Unfortunately, the New Yorker does not make their pre-2005 content available online (except through secondary subscription services). I would suggest you try your local library as both the New Yorker and the Prize Stories series should be standard library purchases.

Also, Scribner just published a book of the same title that not only includes Proulx' original short story, but also the screenplay and essays by Proulx and by the author's of the screenplay. More info at:

Her website includes a link to an interview she did about the movie:


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