Brita VS bottles of water + mist fan ?


Earning My Ears
Feb 20, 2001

I have read about the individual brita bottles, but are they any more/less convenient than just bringing bottled water along?

Also, do you think we will need mist fans at the end of May?

Many thanks!:jester:
I have used the brita bottles and for us they are more convenient than reg. bottled water. If you run out of water, all you have to do is refill it. You don't have to buy a new bottle of water, carry extras along or go back to the room to get another. You have a never ending supply of fresh water to drink. The only thing that is less convenient is that you have to fill them, so if you can handle that, I would suggest using them :)
I personally love my Brita. I took with me on my last trip and it was great. Saved me a lot of money not having to buy water all the time and it makes the Florida water taste soooo much better. :p
I got mine for the trip last year and haven't stopped using it yet. We refilled ours at least twice while in the parks. And the top is wide enough that when we would leave in the morning I would fill it with ice and fill it with water in the park.

We went in late June last year and never used our fan because it rained every day:(
I am anxious to get and try one of these Brita Bottles for our next trip. We use a Brita pitcher here at home and I know that I love the filtered water. And I have had trouble choking down the water at WDW. The Brita Bottle should be GREAT! :)
How often do you have to replace the filter when you are in WDW??? IF my Dh and myself both brought a Brita water bottle, and we stayed for 8 days, how often should we expect to change the filter?

P.S. - We drink a lot of water .
If memory serves me correctly, you have to change the filter after about 30 gallons. It tells you on the box the bottle comes in, so double check. Maybe someone will know for sure, but I am pretty sure. ;) I would think you would not drink that much over the course of 8 days even if you all are heavy water drinkers.
Just an fyi, you can use the brita filter (sports bottle size) on any regular sports bottle. I use the sports size poland spring bottles. Just pop the top, place the brita filter inside and replace the top. Works just like the brita bottle at less the cost. HTH.


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