None today either. Trader Sam’s was already loaded by 5:47.
How did you see Trader Sam's at 5:47 this morning? I was on both my laptop and phone starting at 5:50 and it didn't load for me until exactly 6:00. And by then my preferred dinner time frame was not available. If there are any tips, please let me know, as I'll be trying again tomorrow morning. Thanks!
How did you see Trader Sam's at 5:47 this morning? I was on both my laptop and phone starting at 5:50 and it didn't load for me until exactly 6:00. And by then my preferred dinner time frame was not available. If there are any tips, please let me know, as I'll be trying again tomorrow morning. Thanks!
I’ve noticed certain restaurants load early - some up to a day early. Napa Rose in particular this week has loaded early. Rather than searching all dining, I have been going to the restaurant’s page and search only for that restaurant’s availability.

That said, still no Blue Bayou.
Keep checking, especially closer to your trip. I booked a last minute trip this year and thought I had zero chance at Blue Bayou or Trader Sams. In the 3 days before I left, multiple Blue Bayou reservations were available due to cancellations.

I found the free notification services too slow. By the time I was notified it was gone. Couldn't be bothered to subscribe so I just checked on my own frequently starting 7 days before I left.
I’ve noticed certain restaurants load early - some up to a day early. Napa Rose in particular this week has loaded early. Rather than searching all dining, I have been going to the restaurant’s page and search only for that restaurant’s availability.

That said, still no Blue Bayou.

Do you have an onsite hotel reservation? People with onsite reservations have been reporting earlier access to restaurant reservations.
Do you have an onsite hotel reservation? People with onsite reservations have been reporting earlier access to restaurant reservations.
Are onsite people really getting early access? I am onsite and I tried going in early and nothing! The dates weren't highlighted until 6am on my 60 days.
Are onsite people really getting early access? I am onsite and I tried going in early and nothing! The dates weren't highlighted until 6am on my 60 days.
No, it's wishful thinking, hope and coincidences.
There might be a server out there programed with the wrong time but it's luck to get it if it exists.
We are onsite but not all restaurants are available early - just 1 or 2. I agree with starlite in the above post: its just dumb luck that some restaurants are loading early.
How did you see Trader Sam's at 5:47 this morning? I was on both my laptop and phone starting at 5:50 and it didn't load for me until exactly 6:00. And by then my preferred dinner time frame was not available. If there are any tips, please let me know, as I'll be trying again tomorrow morning. Thanks!
I honestly don't know - I had done the exact same process for 1/25 as practice and they did not load until 6am. I've been using the app, and I go to the Trader Sam's page first and go from there rather than search all dining.
The dining alerts do work very well. I've gotten loads of reservations using it, especially the harder to get ones. BB, Oga's, etc.
Agree. I have gotten nearly every reservation I have wanted, at places like BB and Carthay (during a Halloween party, no less) with an alert. even day off. The 2 hr cancellation has opened lots up.

For walk up arrive just before they open at 11 and you’ll have a good chance.

OP- one thing I’ve noticed is if they haven’t released the reservation times and you are searching a specific restaurant it will pop up “no times are available.” This tells me they haven’t released the times because otherwise it would give you options for other restaurants. Right now if I search BB for the 21 it says no reservations available, so that tells me they haven’t released times, because if you do a blank search for the 21 for any dining you have options. If I search for this weekend instead of “no times available“ it gives me options of other restaurants. So don’t give up hope! Be frustrated, absolutely, but not completely discouraged. Hope this makes sense.
Nothing yesterday or today either… that gets me to the end of our trip. I set dining alerts for my birthday day and we’ll see if I can get one that way.
I started booking this week for our trip Jan 24-29. I got everything I wanted, even Trader Sam's BUT Blue Bayou *never* became available.

Like you, every morning at 6am when the date opened up on the calendar, there was "no availability" within the 10/15 seconds it took me to request. I've also been stalking the availability for about 2 weeks prior to this, and nothing ever showed up.

If you look at the calendar, it shows it as blocked off a Jan 7-12. I suspect this is a closure for refurb, and they're not actually taking any reservations for the rest of January in case the refurb runs over schedule.
I started booking this week for our trip Jan 24-29. I got everything I wanted, even Trader Sam's BUT Blue Bayou *never* became available.

Like you, every morning at 6am when the date opened up on the calendar, there was "no availability" within the 10/15 seconds it took me to request. I've also been stalking the availability for about 2 weeks prior to this, and nothing ever showed up.

If you look at the calendar, it shows it as blocked off a Jan 7-12. I suspect this is a closure for refurb, and they're not actually taking any reservations for the rest of January in case the refurb runs over schedule.
At this point I'm just waiting for them to announce a PotC maintenance closure as well.
I'm so annoyed with this. I could have scheduled something for arrival day 1/6, but wanted to try on our first full day the 7th. Now 1/6 is long gone. They must have been released for that day since my alert service notified me twice now, once for 8:40 and once for 8:20, way later than I'd be interested in. I have a hunch since it appears to be closed the following days anything that comes up on the 6th now will be in very high demand.

Just give us some information please. This is so frustrating.
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Decent amount of Blue Bayou for 60d from today. Was able to grab a Trader Sams as well. Dec 2nd didn't even show up the times i looked from 545am to 630am est time. But i just randomly checked at 930 am est and it was loaded. Am I wrong that DL ressies go live at 6am est? or is it basically whenever they want?
Decent amount of Blue Bayou for 60d from today. Was able to grab a Trader Sams as well. Dec 2nd didn't even show up the times i looked from 545am to 630am est time. But i just randomly checked at 930 am est and it was loaded. Am I wrong that DL ressies go live at 6am est? or is it basically whenever they want?
I thought it was 6PT, so 9ET. If they don’t load them at 60 days, then they could get loaded whenever.


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