Bl 7.1 purple team!!!!!

Hi everyone! Just a quick post, I'm on the purple team woo hoo! DD and I have the flu this weekend, so that'll be a good start for me. ha ha! :) Will answer questions later...have a good one.
Hey Jenn Z! I WORK in Noblesville, IN! Small world!

I will be 29 in a few weeks. It's just me and DH- no kids yet. I've not read prior BL threads so I'm not sure what I'm in for, but I need some accountability.

I'm pretty short so my weight isn't a huge number- but when you're only 5 feet tall it doesn't take much to make you look heavy!

Looking forward to starting the first challenge tomorrow!
Happy Sunday morning! I am looking forward to earning lots of points with the COW! It won't be a big challenge for me actually. I drink at least 66 ounces of water/seltzer every day, I probably eat 2-4 servings of veg on a BAD day and more than that on a good day. Fruit may be the only challenge... I sometimes only eat one serving, but I'll be SURE to have two a day this week!

Now I'm debating about whether I want to walk in the rain this morning or wake the family with my "thump-thump-thump" on the treadmill.

I hope all of my Purple teammates have a great Sunday.............P
Hi everyone. Today I had a great workout. I did the eliptical for 1 hour and buned 501 calories!:banana: I was watching the movie "australia" and the time went by fast. Then DH, DS and I watched it after breakfast, Oh My, that was a LONG movie, I didn't even know how long it was. But it was good. Now I am off to do bills... yuck!

Hope everyone has a great day.

Oh, I wanted to add that I have made some goals for this challenge:

1. Loose 12#
2. no McDonalds
3. No regular potato chips
4. Only step on the scale on Fridays.

Believe it or not, but that last one will be the hardest!
The weekends almost over, and I'm still not properly unpacked, but I have eaten okay. Avoided McDonalds which I usually have on Saturday after a morning spent in the swimming pool with DD's. Instead we had Subway. My DD's started their new set of lessons this weekend. One has a lesson from 9:30-10 and the other from 11-11:30. So the 3 of us go there and spend the whole time in the pool. I don't get a lot of actual swimming in, but lots of squats from playing with the kids. DD4 is too young to leave alone, but while she's in her lesson, I can leave DD7 to play with other kids and get a few laps in. We were all tired after 3.5 hours in the pool.

I missed checking in yesterday, so missed the start of the COW today, but I'm geared up to start it tomorrow. :goodvibes

Hope everybody had a great weekend!
Hello everyone!
Sorry I'm late checking in. I was away visiting a college open house with my son from Thursday until this evening.
I am 42 years old, married 22 years, and have two amazing sons, ages 17 and 12. I was in on the first part of this challenge, lost 14 lbs during that time, but have gained a few back. Life happened and I went off program for three weeks.
BUT.. I'm ready to go again and lose about 18 lbs by my June WDW trip! I've done low carb and that's when I'm the most successful at losing. But, I do have trouble once I go off the plan. By tomorrow morning, I'll decide which way I'm going: low carb or weight watchers on my own.
Tomorrow is my new starting date to get in shape!

Glad to be part of the Purple Team!:cheer2:
I'm back from my conference and getting caught up. I have posted a list of members in the first post. I would like to give a welcome to our three newest members: corinnak, FaithTrustnPixieDust, and Nicole786.

I have received weights from the following members, if you are not on the list please send me your weights. Don't make me come after you! ;)

Just joining in. Also sick this weekend so off to a slow start. My official personal weight loss challenge begins tomorrow and im hoping this provides a good dose of motivation. My first personal challenge is to only drink water, so I should be good with COW!
Okay purple team. We are slackers! Only two people on the green team have not yet sent me their weight. We need to do some serious catching up! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! I decided to start anew with Weight Watchers. Got a new tracker, new starting weight, etc. Sometimes you just need a fresh start!

mrsklamc: I feel your pain. I am 4'10". It's hard when your starting wieght is so many people's goal. On the WeightWatchers boards I had to add my height to my profile because people would look at my goal weight (100) and accuse me of being anorexic! They didn't realize that there are people for whom that is a perfectly acceptable weight. It also seems like the shorter you are the more noticeable even a little extra weight is.

Hi Everyone-

I apologize for being late in checking in has been crazy around here lately.

I was a member of the last challenge BL 7 and I was very proud of myself that I was able to lose a fair amount of weight. I did not make my goal....but not without good reason. I had a complete abdominal hysterectomy 2 weeks ago so my weight loss has been on hold per doctors orders. I have been recovery quite nicely but I do still have an amount of abdominal pain.....which makes sense given the fact that I had 30 staples and an incision on top of having to move my bladder back to its' rightful home after having been moved by my endometriosis infected uterus which took over its' space.

I am 37 years old and the mother of 3 beautiful kiddos. My youngest is 19 months old and he has had a few challenges in life. He was born at 25 weeks weighing in at 1lb. He spent 137 days in the NICU and has had 5 surgeries with at least one surgery remaining to be done. I am married to my high school sweetheart and we will be celebrating our 15th anniversary in May.

I am so excited to be a part of the PURPLE team and get back on my weight loss journey. The first few weeks may be a slow go for me as I work to regain my strength and my energy after surgery. I have been given permission to start out on the treadmill as long as I stop if it begins to hurt. I am so ready to get started.....and tomorrow will be my first day back. DH has been home with me for 2 weeks helping out and my kids were on spring tomorrow life resumes to normal and I am so ready....My ultimate goal is to lose another 20lbs by the end of this challenge.

If you made it this far thanks for reading....I think I rambled on a bit....

Hello All!

I am a new comer to the BL Challenge. I just browsed around in the WISH section on the DISboards for the first time last night.

A little bit about myself. I am a 42 year old mother of two children. My son turns 10 tomorrow (Monday 3/30) and my daughter is 5.

I work full time, attend graduate school (when it fits into my schedule), Webelos Den Leader for my sons Cub Scout Pack, Team Mom for Little League baseball team, Co-Chair of our school's Race for Education fundraiser, and when I am not working on one of those activities I am taking my kids to one of their many practices or CCD/PREP class.

Today I actually got to work in my garden after my sons soccer game. The weather warmed up and we did not get the expected thunderstorms this afternoon. I love to work in my gardens. It gives me time to just think about life and breathe in the fresh air.

As you might be able to tell from my introduction, I spend a great deal of time volunteering my services for everyone's activities but my own. I have recently made some life changes and part of those include getting into shape and losing weight. But most importantly feeling healthy again.

I have let myself get run down to the point of exhaustion.

My biggest goal for this challenge is to Be accountable to myself and for myself.

I know I can lose the weight once I get started. I did well several years ago when I tried the South Beach diet. I had no problem with the will power and staying on course. Right now it is just taking the time to get started. For me I have to get organized and have a plan. There are just so many things going on right now with the kids activities, work, and school that I have not taken the time to make MY PLAN and GET ORGANIZED.

So far, I have cleaned out most of the junk from the pantry. I need to start taking my daily vitamins again. I have plans in the next few weeks to get the garage organized (again) and set up the treadmill . I am going to start using the Wii Fit my son wanted for Christmas that has yet to be used by anyone.

As I type out my thoughts here my plan is starting to come together ( at least in my head).

My long term goal is to lose 60-70 pounds. For this challenge, I would like to lose 20 lbs and then continue on from that point. I am going on the DVC Member Cruise (SSMC'09) in September and would love to be down at least 40 lbs by that point. So, I am setting specific milestones for myself and I think joining this group might be a good way to help me stay on track.

I may not be able to post as frequently as some of you but I will do my best to check in through out the week. But most importantly I will make sure I at least do my weekly weigh ins.

I WISH you all much success over the coming weeks.
Hi Everyone-

I apologize for being late in checking in has been crazy around here lately.

I was a member of the last challenge BL 7 and I was very proud of myself that I was able to lose a fair amount of weight. I did not make my goal....but not without good reason. I had a complete abdominal hysterectomy 2 weeks ago so my weight loss has been on hold per doctors orders. I have been recovery quite nicely but I do still have an amount of abdominal pain.....which makes sense given the fact that I had 30 staples and an incision on top of having to move my bladder back to its' rightful home after having been moved by my endometriosis infected uterus which took over its' space.

I am 37 years old and the mother of 3 beautiful kiddos. My youngest is 19 months old and he has had a few challenges in life. He was born at 25 weeks weighing in at 1lb. He spent 137 days in the NICU and has had 5 surgeries with at least one surgery remaining to be done. I am married to my high school sweetheart and we will be celebrating our 15th anniversary in May.

I am so excited to be a part of the PURPLE team and get back on my weight loss journey. The first few weeks may be a slow go for me as I work to regain my strength and my energy after surgery. I have been given permission to start out on the treadmill as long as I stop if it begins to hurt. I am so ready to get started.....and tomorrow will be my first day back. DH has been home with me for 2 weeks helping out and my kids were on spring tomorrow life resumes to normal and I am so ready....My ultimate goal is to lose another 20lbs by the end of this challenge.

If you made it this far thanks for reading....I think I rambled on a bit....



I also had a hysterectomy last Fall. The best thing I did for myself was walking. So, yes if you are not able to get outside to walk I suggest you get on the treadmill. You need to take it very slow and just small periods of walking at a time. And very small steps too. You can build up a little at a time. But you will be so happy you did it. I know someone who barely did any walking after her surgery and she had a very difficult recovery. When she did get out of bed it was very painful for her to walk around. Walking and using those muscles is the key.

If you are like I was, just sitting up, then slowly standing, and then actually straightening your back up to a full upright standing position was such a chore. It took some time and I had to tell everyone to just let me do it and not help. But, once you get up and are able to stand upright and stretch those abdominal muscles that really helps.

Just hang in there. It will get better. Each day gets a little better until one day you will wake up and no pain.

Wishing you a speedy recovery!

THis week's COW starts on Sunday 3/29/09 and will run until midnight Thursday 4/2/09. It will be short this week since we just started. It will be an easy COW since we are all just getting restarted.

YOu get 1 point for each day you follow the COW

THis week will start easy

Drink 8 glasses of water (1 point for each day)
Eat 2 servings of veggies (1 point for each day)
East 2 pieces of fruit (1 point for each day)

On Friday send me

XX days drinking water
XX days eating 2 serving of veggies
XX days eating 2 pieces of fruit.

Thanks and enjoy the COW
I can do this! :) I was perfect on COW's (not counting the last week of BL7 when I gave up on the huge thread :blush: ).


My biggest goal for this challenge is to Be accountable to myself and for myself.

Can I join in on this goal? I need to do this for ME. And I need to remember that I need to do this for me. I am at an age where the weight doesn't want to come off. I had a goal of 5 pounds for BL7, and I while at one point I made 4#, I ended up down about 1.5# :sad1: What I would really like to do is be solidly in a different decade (love it to be 2, but I know my body!). That means a loss of at least 5 pounds.

Fighting for computer time with my two girls can be an issue, but I promise to read-if not respond-every day.

My DSis is on the other team, so C'MON PURPLE TEAM! We've gotta rally together and BEAT GREEN!
Hey Purple Team!

Sorry I haven't posted before -- I was on the Green Team for a few days, so I was over there! I didn't post much on BL7, and I am determined to do better this time. It was my first BL, so I'm still sort of finding my way. I'm also going to work on the COW, which just intimidated me before. With all this focus, how can I not succeed?!

Here's a little about me -- I'm 40, and I work full-time as a grants professional for a large homeless services agency. We have one ds11, and my dh and I have been married for almost 16 years. I never struggled with my weight as a child, but during grad school it went up and just never stopped. Pregnancy didn't help matters...Anyway, I need to lose about 60 lbs. (I can't believe I just wrote that...Sigh). I had a very unrealistic goal for BL7. This time my goal is 11 lbs. That's still ambitious for me, but I think I can do it if I stick with it for the entire time and don't take weeks off from doing what I should

I am a voracious reader, and I wog (combination of walk and jog) for exercise, with a little bit of yoga and stationary biking thrown in for variety. I completed the WDW Half Marathon in 2008 & 2009 (Double Donald! ), and I'm registered for 2010. Yes, you can do a half marathon and not look like an Olympian -- or even an athlete in my case The folks at WISH got me started, and I could not be more grateful! I can't imagine what I would weigh now if I wasn't working out most days of the month. The Team Ohana in my siggie is my WISH team in the event thread (Corinna is my teammate! :woohoo:), we have a very friendly competition with miles and minutes over the year, but it's mostly a great place to talk about your workouts and anything else you'd like. We have quite the literary bent in my Team, some of the others have other things they chat about more -- like nutrition, injuries -- whatever people need or want to share.

Anyway, I'm totally psyched to be here, and I guess I could get with the program and answer the QOTD from yesterday -- QOTD Monday -- What do you want to get out of this challenge?

I am hoping to lose 11 lbs., get in all my workouts, and maintain a consistently positive attitude, even when the scale does not move as quickly as I would like or expect, or even in the right direction. I expect to have 6 weeks of focused attention on weight loss.

It has been great reading the introductions, and I am very happy to be a part of this awesome Purple Team!

Maria :upsidedow

Well, after doing WW for about 15 months, I feel like I have a real handle on the food/eating/points thing. But I need to do better with my exercise. I need to MAKE SURE that it is part of my daily routine like brushing my teeth and getting dressed. And that means making time for it. I've been doing well getting up early on my work days to make sure I exercise before work (evenings get away from me). But it is NOT a real habit yet.

I want to make sure that 45 minutes of vigorous exercise, at least 4 days a week, is my NORM. That is what I want to get out of this challenge (well, that and being down several pounds too!).................P
Good morning Purple Team

Hope everyone is working on the COW for this week

You might want to dust off or find a pedometer for the next part of the COW

Will be back later in the week to fill you in.

Have a great day
Hello Purple Team! I am excited to join you for BL 7.2!!

Nice to see some familiar faces from BL 7 including Maria, my Ohana cousin. :wave:

I am a 35 year old SAHM of two boys, married to my amazingly supportive husband of nearly 13 years. I enjoy working backstage in local theater, reading, and like Maria, completed the 2009 WDW Half marathon (against all odds, due to a concussion in October and lost month of training in November). I'm registered for 2010, as well. I started running with the C25K program 2 years ago and really enjoy the activity, even though (and perhaps because) I am not what you would call lightning fast. Exercise is not enough, however, for me to lose any weight. Food counts as much or even more. Yes, definitely more. So I'm following WW, continuing on with training for some shorter races and love checking in with the BL Friday weigh ins! I hope to lose 6 pounds in this challenge. A pound a week, baby! I sometimes lose faster, but sometimes I don't, so I'm trying to be realistic. Long term goal: I started with almost 50 to lose, have a little more than 30 to go.

Do we have a purple team graphic or mascot yet? There are so many fine choices. Figment? :figment: Eeyore? :eeyore: Cheshire cat? :ccat: (OK, that's really more fuschia), Maleficent? :maleficen??? I don't feel right, somehow, with a GREEN BL7 logo in my signature. ;) OK, maybe NOT Maleficent.....
Good Morning Everyone!

I'm tardy as well - my apologies. I'm a SAHM to 3 girls. I'm 5'2 and I am turning 40 this summer. When I started the previous BL's - I was at my heaviest weight ever. I have lost 18.6 pounds since October - and just hit my 10% mark. I am a turtle when it comes to weight loss. Slow and steady - but never much. I just keep reminding myself that if I keep it up - just think where I will be in Oct this year compared to last year.

I've lost my motivation as of late. I think a big part is that I was exercising everyday and felt like I was taking care of myself - I ended up bad bronchitis for 3 weeks and couldn't exercise because of not having breath - heck I could hardly walk the stairs. Now that I feel better - I didn't get back to it and now it seems that 2 months have gone by and I haven't done much more than take a walk. I do try to fit little bits in here and there - parking farthest from the store, making extra trips up and down the stairs, never taking an elevator or escalator if at all possible and trying to get my mojo back.

I also am aiming for 6 pounds this challenge- just like corinnaK and I also have about 30 more to go


I want to lose 15lbs, which may be overly ambitious, but I'm hoping the 5lbs I gained on vacation was mostly from the salt and will drop quickly.

I want to go down at 2 notches on my belt.

I want to continue the positive changes I was getting on BL7. Keep up with the drinking water, and no junk food from the vending machines at work.

I want to eat no McD or A&W for one month (I'm on day 4 today). Best I've ever done is 2 weeks, and we usually have it once a week.
So, today went well!:thumbsup2

But, I am a bit frustrated with the Biggest Loser competition I am doing through DH's work. We get points for so many things, and now they added on group exercises. Each time you do a group exercise you get 5 points, Well, I am ALL about the points, because I really want to win, but I am stressing out about how in the world to get the gym to get some classes in with my crazy schedule. EVERY DAY my schedule changes because of the schedule for surgery, so I don't know when I can get in, but the competitive part of me wants to go, even if I don't get my "down time" that I need after work. AND I am on call this week, so I can't make class that day for sure. UGHHHHH. an unexpected speed bump. Wait till I tell DH I have to go to these classes. He already is pulling the load way more than he should to help me out, and now I am adding this!


I mentioned this earlier, but I'll repeat it, so it sticks in my head!;)

1. Loose 12#
2. no McDonalds
3. No regular potato chips
4. Only step on the scale on Fridays.

Hello All!

I am a new comer to the BL Challenge. I just browsed around in the WISH section on the DISboards for the first time last night.
to post as frequently as some of you but I will do my best to check in

Welcome to WISH and the biggest loser challenge!:goodvibes I LOVE your user name!pixiedust:


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