Biggest Loser 9 Spring Challenge -- thread closing -- see new thread Part 2!

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Hello everyone my name is denise...I know I really picked an original name for the boards...
I am, that's not right...I'm 58, ouch that was hard to say even in print. I want to be 29 or at least weigh what I did then. I have been married to the man of my dreams for 28 years now. We have one DD that is almost 20. (Feb) I work for the telephone company as a technician (inside, no poles) I will have 30 years of service next month. I took 8 years off to be a stay at home mom. I can see the light at the end of the retirement tunnel, but if I retire I will not have as much money to vacation with! :rotfl:
My job is active, when there is work to do. Lately it has been very slow. More people have cell phones then land lines, so I just sit. I don't really over eat, I just don't exercise. I don't eat red meat and haven't for over 20 years. About 3 years ago I lost over 10 pounds just by not going to Starbucks daily. It was a hard habit to stop. First went to nonfat milk and no whip cream and then to only on Fridays. I don't go at all now and haven't for 2+ years now. I have kept the weight off but really want to get rid of 25-30 pounds to be at my weight when I was 29. I have good health but want to be able to move better and not be so tired. I fell in Oct on vacation (DL really sucked in a wheelchair) and hurt my ankle and foot and was off work for 2 months in a cast. Didn't gain a pound either! Want to start walking slowly again. I always wanted to walk a 1/2 marathon but nobody would go with me.
I need to be pushed off the sofa and forced to exercise. I really hope my DH joins me. He needs to drop 50 pounds. I want to retire and enjoy the rest of my life with him...I want to be around for grand kids (not soon, but someday)
My QOTD response:

Hi y'all! My name is Brooke, and I'm 33 years old. My beloved husband and I just celebrated our 10th anniversary on December 17th at WDW, and we are the overwhelmingly proud parents to our DS who will be 17-months-old on January 1st. I work FT as a high school guidance counselor--a job that I love, but that encompasses lots of sitting and staring at the computer!

I have always struggled with weight. . .just because I just plain love to eat! I love everything about it! ;) In 2006, I joined a WISH thread where the goal was "no cheating". That, along with WW & WATP, worked for me, and DH & I lost quite a bit of weight (about 70 pounds, combined). I lost 26 over this past year (I gained a LOT when I was pregnant with DS), but about 5-7 have crept their way back on. I want to those and about 20 more. DH & I would like to start trying for another baby later this year, but I want to be much healthier (and lighter) before we start! That aside, we are also going to WDW in June and staying at Boardwalk. We're DVC'rs, but we've never stayed there--I figure "new resort, new me"! I'm hoping to get going on this challenge and exercise. . .and get DH going with me! As a PP said, I want us to be around and together forever, and we need to be healthy to do that!

I'm looking forward to this challenge! I wish everyone the best of luck!! We can do this together!
Hi Everyone!

I'm Julie and I am a first-timer here!

I am a teacher, a wife of five years, and a mother to a 6 month old. I have struggled with my weight and body issues for years but finally got serious a year ago when my husband and I went on a diet. I lost 45 pounds and was only 10 away from my ideal weight......then I got PREGNANT!

I still have 20 pounds or so of baby weight hanging on and it's time for it to go.

My husband (MrIncredidad) is also doing this challenge with me because he also has some baby weight to lose. :rotfl:
Hi! My name is Theresa, I'm 46, and I want to start by saying I'm pretty intimidated and overwhelmed by getting this started. I will try to figure out all this - 5 pages of posts to catch up on! Anyway, I married the man of my "NIGHTMARES" 10 years ago. Up until that time I had struggled with 10-20 pounds pretty often. I gained 80 pounds while married to him, was left to raise a newborn baby girl on my own as well as another child who had only a part-time dad. The part-time dad passed away a couple of months ago and the devil dad has never been heard from. I am tired of sitting around feeling sorry for my "pooh sized" self and ready to get my life back on track! I think having to confess my weight each week and having a group of determined women hold me accountable may be just what I need!

A heartfelt HUG to everyone and Prayers for each of us to find strength, motivation and encouragement we all need! I hope I will be a blessing in each of your lives as I am sure you will all be in mine!

♥ Theresa
Welcome BL 9 participants!

I thought I would do a warm up QOTD (Question of the Day) for the next couple of days while we wait for our challenge to officially start. As you chime in on our new thread -- so we know we didn't lose you -- please introduce yourself.

I found you.

My name is Shirley and I hopefully will do much better at losing this time than I did the last. I am 57 years old with one daugher and twin grandkids (boy and girl) and never had a weight problem until I hit 50 and then I gained 60 lbs. Doctor's ran all kind of test and no idea why I gained. I am 5'2" tall and any little weight gain looks horrible on me. Even though I don't want to get back to 99 lbs because being older now I think it would make me look a little sickly, I would like to get down to around 110

I am doing this in memory of my dh of 30 years who passed away in Aug 09. One of the things that he wanted me to do was to take better care of myself. Since all the emotions of the holidays will be over when this starts I am hoping to really do some good things.

Of course it doesn't help that I am watching a show about a six layer coconut cake, yum and I don't really eat sweets. I could work on this. :laughing:

So good luck everyone.
I got finished reading all the pages of the thread and realized it was time for me to stand up and introduce myself. It was as though I was at one of the AA meetings you see on TV. I would have to say my name and admit I had a problem. It almost brings tears to my eyes.

My name is Lynne (and I am an aunt). I'm 48 years old. Single, never married. Never dated much, either. Realized the other day that the last date I had was 11 years ago. Not much before that, either.

I am a stay-at-home daughter to an 80 yo dad. Mother passed away this spring after several years of early Alzheimer's; her death was actually a surprise. Never thought she would go first. For her last six months, we got pretty house-bound and sedentary. Amazing how 20 pounds just crept on. And dad has a clear mind but an arthritic body with an S-shaped spine, so movement is difficult and painful. So, here we go again with sedentary. The difference is that I can leave him to go to the gym. But I don't. And the Y is 5 minutes down the hill. Need that nudge - mother and I used to go together; maybe that's part of the problem.

I have been on an uphill weight gain all my life, with only 2 times of significant/noticeable loss: high school freshman, didn't eat lunch (not the healthy way - but it was less calories - and not intentionally for weight loss) and mid-20s by walking at lunch (and probably hormone-related nausea). And I was the skinny child in the family until I was 7. All I wanted to eat was half a grilled cheese sandwich. Now I'll eat my sandwich and half of yours, too, if you are not going to finish that.

Someone else was feeling bad for not losing weight in a prior session and was reminded that they could be heavier? It's true. Over the past 6 years while living with/taking care of my parents, I realized I could have lost one pound per month and be at least 72 pounds lighter, rather than the 40 pounds heavier that I am now.

You know the question people always ask, "How did they get so heavy?" Yep, one pound at a time. It goes off the same way, just seems a lot slower.

Eventually, I'll have to go back work - uggh! Never wanted to work; find it to be a rat race in every job I've had - why can't people play together nicely? The last job I had was hard because I was carrying so much extra weight - and now, at 280, I am basically the healthy weight of 2 women my height (5'9"). People don't believe me when I tell them that; but I see it in photos (not in the mirror).

Anyway, positive side - I am going on a bunch of Disney cruises over the next year and a half - DCL April 2010 EB Transatlantic (14 nights) back-to-back with an 11- night Med; Jan 2011 Panama Canal 15-night repo to LA; Disney Dream and then Jun 2011 Alaska for my 50th b'day. I want to be healthier by that mid-century mark. Slow and steady. Time to change my life to what I want it to be, not the routine I've fallen into - I am still breathing.

Years (years!) ago I attended an Outward Bound course, where we stated five things we "couldn't" do. Then we replaced "couldn't" with "wouldn't" and found that was truly the case for most; we are our own self-limitations.

...Was there someone who said she would share so much? I think I have found a soulmate. :goodvibes
I also have a quick question. I do not have a high posting count and tried to send a pm to join and received a message that I can only pm certain people because my count is only at 4. How should I send my weight since I can't PM?

Hi Lori,

I'm in the same boat- I just joined and don't have enough postings, I have less than you even:goodvibes I guess we will have to get busy posting


As soon as you hit 10 posts (which you both did) you can PM anyone.

Am picturing the Pretty Woman scene with that saying "mistake. BIG mistake." :)

Something like that! :rotfl2: Oh course she's in for a rude awakening when DS8 gets switched to private school after Xmas break, and I don't fight to keep her Teachers Aide's job like I did last year. She has no idea who she messed with. LOL

Hi y'all! My name is Brooke,

Brookie Baby!!!!! I'm so happy to see you here! Pjlla was in the last challenge too so the scrap girls are on board!! Maybe we can scrap our journeys together as motivation! I don't know about you but I hate putting pics of me in our Disney albums! BLECH!
The thought of eating frosting makes me cringe! I was one of those people that could eat a whole tub in one sitting.
Never again!!!!!
I could have sworn I posted on this thread earlier today but now I can't find it. Oh well.


My name is Jessi and I am 25. I am a special education teacher with a very tough classroom. I have some very aggressive kids including one tha bites, claws, and spits on me. I have another that throws furniture like chairs and desks. I have had to chase down multiple students, it's always an adventure.

During the spring and summer I am an attractions lead at Worlds of Fun- a theme park in Kansas City owned by the Cedar Fair company. I am a former character performer for Walt Disney World. I gained about 30 lbs after I moved back to Missouri to get my teaching Master's. It's harder to maintain your weight when you are no longer dancing 5x a day! I was not overweight when I left, but about 20 lbs heavier than where I wanted to be. I want to eventually get down to 100- and before you freak out- that's okay because I am only 4'10"!

I have a wonderful boyfriend named Aaron who is also a teacher. We plan to get married within the next couple of years. He is waiting to propose until he has a full time teaching job. Sadly, he does not play sports (despite the fact that he is 6'4") and secondary social studies has become a dumping ground for coaches. He has been subbing full time. He has done a lot of time in sped so I am helping him practice for his sped certification test in January. I think he will do a great job!

I am losing weight for several reasons. I know that I will be getting married within the next couple of years and do not want to have to worry about the stress of trying to lose weight and plan a wedding at the same time. Plus, when it does come time to do engagement photos I want to like what I see. I pretty much hate the way I look and do not like having photos taken. I am tired all the time. I have diabetes, asthma, and IBS. I don't think losing weight will necessarily cure any of these, but I do think it will help. I used to be a competitive dancer and want to dance again, but I will not wear a leotard at the weight I am at now. I also want to one day go back to Disney and perform- something that will not be possible at my current weight.
Well, I talked to my trainer. I was hoping he would say "come in" and we would just do something different. He said that I should rest my hand so I wasn't able to work out today. I will call him back when my hand is better.
Hi, I am another first timer here, here is my QOTD answer

I'm Kerry, I am 36 and a single mom to two girls ages 20 and 14. My oldest is married and I will be a Grandma in March, and my youngest is in her challenging years, further complicated with health problems.

My family is full of auto immune disorders, mine began as a teenager with chronic tendonitis and got pretty severe in my mid 20's, I spent about 5 years being told the pain was in my head, or caused by depression and began gaining weight since it hurt to walk, and I did end up rather depressed about the fact that no one believed me. When I was 30 I went for a regular check up and mention to the PA I was seeing at the time that my hip joint wouldn't flex beyond a certain point. She sent me for an MRI and within a month I was having hip replacement surgery, followed a few months later by an actual diagnosis of Inflammatory Arthritis and finally a little bit of relief through medication.

I actually lost some weight following surgery, apparently trying to walk in that condition burns alot of calories! But sadly I gained it all back and then some. I like food. And I have portion control issues big time. Like if there is some food left on the table I must not be done eating. And I have all kinds of excuses about excercise, but I know if I lose some weight it will be easier on my joints and the main excuse, pain, will go away.

About 2 1/2 years ago I got serious and lost about 50 pounds, and maintained it until the past 6 months or so and half of it is back. My daughter took pictures Christmas morning and I wanted to cry when I saw how bad I look. So its time to buckle down and stop with the excuses!
Happy NYE everyone! I want to hug every single one of you! I love the honest answers and the personal experiences and quotes.:grouphug:

Bernard & MissBianca - I new I recognized your name, a few years ago I think I did some swaps with you and pjilla. I have sadly fallen off of the scrapwagon and am chasing it down trying to get back on! (burning some calories lol) DH even got me a cricut!! Which I have yet to use! WDW pictures - I want to be in ALL of them next time!

Auntlynne - I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom. :hug: A few of us on here have lost our parents over the past few months and it's so hard. :hug: I would say you're right about your not wanting to go back to the Y b/c you went there with her...maybe you can start walking outside? (I didn't see where you live)

I also love the change "couldn't" to "wouldn't" that's an eye opener isn't it? I'm stealing it! Changing my can'ts to won'ts and see what happens..

Ziggy - YES I'm excited!! Can I get a woot woot?! :woohoo:
I am so excited about this. Of course the first day of the challenge and I am taking my mom to lunch at a buffet. I am sure there will be lots of veggies and probably grilled chicken. I hope to do a couple of miles on the tm. Last year I had knee surgery for a torn meniscus and it still tends to bother me.
I did not go into great detail when I introduced myself because I was posting from work and trying to hurry. I have never been skinny except in my kindergarden school picture. I don't ever remember being thin. I did lose about 60 pounds about 15 years ago and then I met my husband and got married. Over the years I have gained it back. My husband is thin and probably eats more than anyone I know. His metabolism is amazing and annoys me to I really need new clothes because my work clothes are getting tight but I absolutely refuse to go up a size becuase that will be the biggest size I have ever been in.
So that's my story. I will be 39 next month. Married with no kids but I have a fur baby named Beaux who I adore. I am soooo excited to join this group.
I am off to work for a few hours. Have a great day everyone.
Ok, hi, here's my QOTD response:
I'm Michele, on Disboards for about 3 yrs, Podcast fan too. Age 41 next month (hanging on to 40, lol), married nearly 15 yrs and have DS8 & DS4 and teach school FT.
C25K grad 3 yrs ago worked up to completing a HM...and then both parents' got sick with cancer--lost one to that disease and lost a big part of the other to dementia, so I've been basically consumed the last two years. Exercise (and a good attitude) fell by the wayside with pounds creeping back.

I just need to clean up my act, lose the 10+ ish lbs that have crept on, and get the heck out of my rut--I have a great DH and two great DS's to get healthy and present for! :thumbsup2 So this challenge is hopefully just what I need!

I cut off my hair today, super super short, so I am ready for 2010!:woohoo:
GL to us:cool2:

Where in Jersey do you live. Ds1's gf is a senior at Rutger's and will graduate in May.

I have lived in jersey all my life. I lived outside of the meadowlands before it was the meadowlands. Now I live at exit 105 on the parkway. I teach in Middletown.

It is nice to have another jersey girl on this thread.

Hello everyone my name is denise...I know I really picked an original name for the boards...
I am, that's not right...I'm 58, ouch that was hard to say even in print. I want to be 29 or at least weigh what I did then. I have been married to the man of my dreams for 28 years now. We have one DD that is almost 20. (Feb) I work for the telephone company as a technician (inside, no poles) I will have 30 years of service next month. I took 8 years off to be a stay at home mom. I can see the light at the end of the retirement tunnel, but if I retire I will not have as much money to vacation with! :rotfl:
My job is active, when there is work to do. Lately it has been very slow. More people have cell phones then land lines, so I just sit. I don't really over eat, I just don't exercise. I don't eat red meat and haven't for over 20 years. About 3 years ago I lost over 10 pounds just by not going to Starbucks daily. It was a hard habit to stop. First went to nonfat milk and no whip cream and then to only on Fridays. I don't go at all now and haven't for 2+ years now. I have kept the weight off but really want to get rid of 25-30 pounds to be at my weight when I was 29. I have good health but want to be able to move better and not be so tired. I fell in Oct on vacation (DL really sucked in a wheelchair) and hurt my ankle and foot and was off work for 2 months in a cast. Didn't gain a pound either! Want to start walking slowly again. I always wanted to walk a 1/2 marathon but nobody would go with me.
I need to be pushed off the sofa and forced to exercise. I really hope my DH joins me. He needs to drop 50 pounds. I want to retire and enjoy the rest of my life with him...I want to be around for grand kids (not soon, but someday)

I willl be 55 in May so I know how you feel. I have gone to DW several times with foot issues. This pas AUg I went 7 weeks after bunion surgery. Dh said we could get a wheelchair and he would push. Never happened. I even had my knee go out on me one afternoon. I spent the rest of the day at the hotel. Even though it was a short trip we had done a lot of what we wanted to do. THe one morning I wanted a wheelchair dh said "we are going right up to the train. Maybe later." NEVER happpened but I was pretty proud that I did make the 4 days without one. It also made it easier to go back to school the next week.

I found you.

My name is Shirley and I hopefully will do much better at losing this time than I did the last. I am 57 years old with one daugher and twin grandkids (boy and girl) and never had a weight problem until I hit 50 and then I gained 60 lbs. Doctor's ran all kind of test and no idea why I gained. I am 5'2" tall and any little weight gain looks horrible on me. Even though I don't want to get back to 99 lbs because being older now I think it would make me look a little sickly, I would like to get down to around 110

I am doing this in memory of my dh of 30 years who passed away in Aug 09. One of the things that he wanted me to do was to take better care of myself. Since all the emotions of the holidays will be over when this starts I am hoping to really do some good things.

Of course it doesn't help that I am watching a show about a six layer coconut cake, yum and I don't really eat sweets. I could work on this. :laughing:

So good luck everyone.

welcome back. I remember you from the last challenge and was wondering how you were doing. DH and I have been married for 31 years so I know it must still be hard on you. I was also watching the show about the coconut cake. It looked great.

Thanks for all the pixie dust about ds's visa. It was shipped from Washington last night. Ds came down this morning and told me that according to the tracking site it is in the next town over. Should be here by 3 this afternoon. Africa here he comes:banana::banana::scared1:(me)

Dh gave me a Cooking Light cookbook for Christmas along with a Prevention Slow Cooker Cookbook. I can't wait to try out some of the recipes.

Welcome all the new comers. There have been a lot of posts since I did yesterday. I won't be able to keep up once we go back to school but I will try.

The first COW (challenge of the week) will be coming up later today so look for it.

HAve a great day.
Yeah, jennz, I never had the time or energy to workout when I was teaching full time. Now, I can't imagine my life without it, though it has been lacking BIG TIME the last two weeks! I'm heading into the bedroom in a few minutes to do the 2 mile WATP so at least I will get that in today. My mom wants to try her DVD as well so I will do another one later plus I need to take Mom to the spa and give her a massage today so there's another 60 minutes of exercise.

I really hope I get in two workouts today since I will be eating Chinese food tonight and enjoying some drinks! Also we will be taking lots of yummy stuff with us that is here so I will have to try and control myself in that area!

For the newbies, I have found that it I post what I plan on doing for the day exercise and eating wise that I tend to do it! I have lots of people to answer to if I don't! Especially myself! Yes, I am a fanatic when it comes to working out during the challenge. I tend to do 6-8 miles a day using my elliptical, WATP and the Wii Fit PLUS. I do have bad weeks (especially PMS weeks)!

The one thing to remember is DON'T GET FRUSTRATED! I used to do that and finally realized that if I do that I am only defeating myself! Push the failures aside and move forward! Usually the weeks that are bad for me are followed by great weeks because I get my focus back and push myself a little harder. My DH was shocked at some of my losses and didn't realize how far I had come. Of course, he also jokes that me losing weight is costing money in new clothes! But, he likes my new body!

Gotta get moving as Mom's back and shoulder are killing her so I will be taking her to the spa for her massage when she gets back from Trader Joe's. Day not starting off well! I NEED A HUG!

Happy New Year to all!
Gonna try and do more of the COWs this challenge! I will need to write them down each week. There are some activities that I can stick with better than the others like the water and the flossing.

Thanks, Donac!
I am so glad that it is time for the challenge. I didn't participate in the last one but was doing well with maintaining where I was at until probably Thanksgiving. With a Disney trip and the holidays, I'm feeling heavier and know I need to get back to my healthier habits. I need to start focusing on getting my water in and we need to get back to our daily walks.

I have to say that I haven't stepped on the scale for a while now so I am pretty sure I won't be a happy camper in the morning with the number but will use it as motivation to get moving.

QOTD:As you chime in on our new thread -- so we know we didn't lose you -- please introduce yourself.

I turned 40 this year, DH & I will be married 20 years this coming May. We have two children (DD-17, DS-15) and are in our eighth year of homeschooling. My weight has been on a yo-yo ride for a good number of years now and I'm more determined than ever to reach my goal and maintain it within a range from here on out once I reach it.

Have a great day everyone!!
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