Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Cow part 2

I like to make a smoothie some mornings. 1 banana, some berries, yogurt and some milk to thin it down. It is better if the berries are frozen so you don't need to add ice.

Sometimes if I am making an omelet I will add some tomatoes, onions and peppers.

I love to roast veggies. I will cut up eggplant, zucchini, onion, peppers, spray them and roast. I cut them small enough so that you can put them in a pita or a wrap. You eat it cold or heat them up. If you want some protein put in some string cheese.

I am hoping for cool weather on Thursday. I plan to go pick my annual supply of blueberries. I usually put away about 25 pounds into the freezer. I have a fairly new freezer and I don't think it is as good as the old one so I may only get 15 pounds so I could us them up faster.
We are SO glad you are back. Sorry you are feeling bloated, but hopefully it will pass soon.You look FABULOUS and AMAZING and SO MUCH YOUNGER!!! Be PROUD of those pictures... especially the one of you standing in front of the TOL. You look like a TEEN! Thanks for sharing.... I know it is tough to put out those BEFORE pictures. The trip sounds wonderful. I hope to find the time to read your TR later today. Coffee usually works like that for me too, but not this week and I definitely NEED it! Any other ideas??

Thanks! I will admit that I am not pleased with they way the "after" pictures look, I think I'll call them "during". :) My mom came over today for a bit, and made the comment that the camera really does add weight, b/c I am really smaller than I look in them. I had to hug her!

My stomach still feels like someone blew up a balloon and filled it with cement for extra fun. Mom brought over some corn on the cob and cantaloupe for lunch, it was good, and helped a small bit, but I am about to decide I need to fast just fruit, or something to get back to feeling better. I am just miserable. I did lose 1.5 yesterday, but still a looonng way to go to get anywhere to close to where I was when I left. I have been putting benefiber in my water, coffee, and tea, also.

Welcome back Taryn! I am so glad to hear that you had a great time and I bet all those "bad" feelings about weight/food will pass quickly as you get right back on track.

I was excited to read about your watch! I had been thinking about that and was pleased that you posted about finding the perfect one.

I so want to hear about your BLT stay. We are Poly lovers here and have thought about trying BLT but are scared to try it out. If we did BLT, it would be a studio with a MK view. My fear is that we would not have the view of the castle and then I would be so sad. It takes me FOREVER to tutor enough and do other odd jobs to save up for the deluxe resort and I expect a lot. :goodvibes

Your photos...INCREDIBLE! It is funny but I was just looking at my before pictures with a friend and was so surprised at how I looked and now to look at the after pictures made me really smile and feel good. I am not always happy with where I am at and know I have a ways to go but the photos do tell a good story.
I have literally seen his life flash before my eyes many times (sick kid - many surgeries and several times he has coded at the hospital). I swear the child will continue to scare me to death for years to come! :rotfl:
I could not make it to the start of most things I have tried since January without all the support I have found but I have also worked so hard. I am so proud of the the weight I have lost, how strong I feel (most days :goodvibes)

I posted some pictures of our view in my TR I am working on. Basically, we weren't thrilled with the MK view - it was a Grand Floridian view straight on, but a great MK view from the corner of the balcony. We did decide we would not be using points for MK view again, we're just not in the room enough to chance a less than dead on view. Plus, there are only about 24 MK view studios, and only 12 of those will be the dead on view. Don't like the chances!

Your DS - how very, very, very scary! My heart dropped reading about it him coding????

7.3 miles? You rock. You are so strong, and so inspiring. I need to get my running shoes back on, I hope in the morning. The 2am coffee buzz did not leave me with a lot of sleep, and I didn't have time this am.

COW part2--Most days I don't have trouble getting in my fruits and veggies (I'm a vegetarian :goodvibes), but lately I've been trying to work on quality of my choices. I have been putting baby spinach on everything--pizza, lasagna, with eggs. Tonight we are having a veggie sandwich with spinach, red peppers and artichoke hearts. I'm enjoying reading everyone's responses.

That sounds really good! I need to vary my veggies, instead of the usual baby spinach, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. That would help a lot, I think.

I have been opening a can of cut green beans and putting them in a tupperware container for work. I eat them like finger food like you would eat carrots, before I eat my lunch. They really help me feel satisfied.

That sounds interesting. Hmmm... wonder if I would like that. Do you heat them or anything?

Having real self-esteem issues today, dealing w/ the weight gain and yuckiness. I can't even take any satisfaction in the way I look in my pictures. I'm sure some of it is the post-Disney blues, too.

Going to make some ground chicken tacos, going to cut up some onion and green pepper to go in the meat. Definitely not going to partake in the cheese! But I will drown it in salsa!
Me at Disney last summer:


Me at Hilton Head, New Year's Eve this year, about 20 lbs heavier than summer, and 2 weeks before I started my weight loss journey:


Me at Disney this year!



Hopefully by NYE at Hilton Head this year, I'll have met goal and that midsection will look better!!! :lmao:

I just finished uploading pics to photobucket. I'd rather do that than unpack!

You look great! :banana::banana::banana:
What hard workbut the pay off is worth it all.
I'm spending the week at the cottage (no scale and lots of food).....weigh in won't be 'til I get home......anything can happen! I am tryinng to eat healthy but it's holidays.
Every morning we (my husband, my two teenage boys and their two friends......isn't sounding much like a vavation anymore. :laughing:so much testosterone)!go in to the small town for breakfast, I've been having the vegetarian omelette, no homefries and 1 slice of whole wheat toast.......bbq with salad for supper, it's just all the food in between :confused3.
Welcome, Tricia! You are among lots of friends who are always here to help and support!

Sorry I've been MIA today. Had a wicked headache all day, even called in sick tonight. It's mostly gone now but I'm really tired too! Worked, went shopping with the kids, went to the transfer station, laid down for a short time. made supper and now looking forward to playing Lego Harry Potter! DD1 loves the DSi version. She's played it most of the afternoon. Had another Bud Light Lime tonight but I deserved it!

COW Part 2: I've been adding yogurt, strawberries, milk into my Magic Bullet. DD1 has been having blueberries in hers which has shocked me! I have it at least 5 times a week.

Hoping to get to bed somewhat early tonight. I plan on watching Jillian and then going to bed. Walking at 5:30 tomorrow and then probably taking another walk with Mom and DD1.

Parents will be here an extra week. Dad has to have 7 teeth pulled plus follow up appointments. Guess DH and I will try to get out a few extra times. Can't wait until Friday night when we get to go to the Red Sox game. May have to work tomorrow if my client I canceled tonight can come. He works in the offices behind the spa.

I'll post tomorrow's QOTD later and also let you know how the Harry Potter game is!
For COW part 2, I sneak fruit in as my breakfast. I have it on My Fitness Pal as "Fruity Breakfast". I am a cereal lover, but have been trying to get in more fruit. This started as a dessert for me, but has switched over to my breakfast.

1 Large Banana - Sliced
3-4 Large Strawberries - Sliced
1 c Skim Milk
1t Splenda

I used to have 1/2 c Honey Nut Cheerios as part of this, but have been skipping that lately.

It feels decadent, but according to Fitness Pal this delicious treat is only 165 calories. (34 carbs and 9g protein)

That sounds really good - I'll have to try it!

Speaking of fruits and veggies. I cleaned out the frig and went shopping yesterday,. Ds1 came home and asked "What is all this fruit and veggies doing here?" Dh told me I should have said "If you don't like it MOVE"


Taryn - all will even out over the next week. :dance3: Don't stress over it, just get back on track with your eating and exercising.

Rose glad you got a lot done - I ended up getting most of my list done too. woo hoo!:cheer2:

Thanks Lisa! :hug:
Taryn - It's the blasted DxDDP and not you. There is so much sodium hiding in even the 'good' stuff that water weight gets you. (We also chatted privately about the perceived 'exercise' that youget from the Disney Shuffle ;)) And quite frankly, even with the water weight gain, you look awesome!!

Feel better tigger813 :hug:
Taryn - It's the blasted DxDDP and not you. There is so much sodium hiding in even the 'good' stuff that water weight gets you. (We also chatted privately about the perceived 'exercise' that youget from the Disney Shuffle ;)) And quite frankly, even with the water weight gain, you look awesome!!

Feel better tigger813 :hug:

So true about the sodium Tricia! I didn't even think about that. And you've been eating healthy so the sodium is really messing with you.
Popping in from Disneyworld, it's hot!!
I'm sweating, a lot!!!
Eating a lot of food, NOT!!!!
I ran out of rhymes, that's all I got.

Just wanted to say hey before heading out to dinner. I've been drinking about 8 - 10 bottles of water a day so I'm getting that in. Eating a lot of light weight vegetarian meals, just can't do meat and starches in this weather.
Popping in from Disneyworld, it's hot!!
I'm sweating, a lot!!!
Eating a lot of food, NOT!!!!
I ran out of rhymes, that's all I got.

Just wanted to say hey before heading out to dinner. I've been drinking about 8 - 10 bottles of water a day so I'm getting that in. Eating a lot of light weight vegetarian meals, just can't do meat and starches in this weather.

:lmao: Love it!
I am actually having trouble some days with this. I have been trying to have fruit with dessert and at least 1 choice of veggie with lunch and dinner. Nothing really creative other than trying to choose the fruit and veggies that I really love so I am more eager to eating it.:)

I have to always be sure I have as many fruits and veggies as possible in my house that I LOVE! If I run out before my shopping day, I will generally skip it. It's good to identify the ones you love. :thumbsup2

Thanks for the COW Part 2 reminder -- I make sure I get lots of veggies in every day by having them with my hummus lunch -- I always have grape tomatoes, baby carrots, and red, orange and yellow peppers. I also have a fruit snack in the morning (orange and 2 tbsp. of cashews), and another fruit with breakfast (this morning was a peach). This ensure I will get a minimum of 5 a day, and I usually have more with a salad and often another cooked vegetable with dinner. I love most fruits and veggies raw, so I'm fortunate in that!

Maria :upsidedow

Maria, :worship: Sounds like you do a great job with your fruits and veggies. Keep it up!

I'm not participating in the COW these days.... too much to keep track of. But I did want to talk about creative ideas for fruits and veggies.

I have gotten in the habit of serving at least TWO servings of fruits and/or veggies at each family meal. If it is there, we will eat it. I've also tried lots of newer ways of prepping my veggies. We are oven roasting almost anything these days (except when it is hot in the house)... cauliflower, asparagus, carrots, onions, leeks, peppers... anything goes!

I grill veggies when I can also... onions, mushroooms, zucchini and summer squash grill really nicely.

I add veggies to lots of meals and I try to serve at least one vegetarian meal per week... usually a pasta with some veggies and cheese. And if I am following a recipe, I frequently add more veggies than the recipe calls for, just to get in some extra. I've got a great LIGHT fettucini alfredo recipe that calls for lots of veggies. I made it again a few weeks ago after not making it for a long time.... glad I revived it!

When I make pasta with marinara sauce for my family, I will often make myself plain steamed cauliflower and/or summer squash and serve my sauce over the veggies instead of pasta.... or in addition to the pasta, to bulk up my meal.

We have a friend who is an organic farmer and he brought me four beautiful organic hothouse tomatoes this morning ... I had an entire one for breakfast! I sliced it and broiled two pieces on the Sandwich thin for my egg sandwich... and then I just ate the rest of the tomato. I also put baby spinach on my breakfast sandwich. So I probably had two servings of veggies before 9 am!

I buy the small bags of prepped veggies to have on hand when things are busy. I can steam a few serving in the microwave quickly for breakfast or a snack or for an extra veggie with dinner. Sure, it costs more (and I am notoriously cheap), but I am also WORTH IT! And so are YOU!

Fruit is not difficult to get in... it is actually harder to keep it from getting eaten TOO QUICKLY!! ..........P

Pamela - I know how the COW can sometimes get to be a lot to keep track of. I am encouraging people to just keep track of what they want but to at least give part 2 a thanks for sharing on this part!

I love all your ideas and I need to follow your example with several of them. I think it it would be great if you posted your great LIGHT fettucini alfredo recipe.

For COW part 2, I sneak fruit in as my breakfast. I have it on My Fitness Pal as "Fruity Breakfast". I am a cereal lover, but have been trying to get in more fruit. This started as a dessert for me, but has switched over to my breakfast.

1 Large Banana - Sliced
3-4 Large Strawberries - Sliced
1 c Skim Milk
1t Splenda

I used to have 1/2 c Honey Nut Cheerios as part of this, but have been skipping that lately.

It feels decadent, but according to Fitness Pal this delicious treat is only 165 calories. (34 carbs and 9g protein)

This sounds GREAT! I love the idea of having it with some cereal in the morning.

Speaking of fruits and veggies. I cleaned out the frig and went shopping yesterday,. Ds1 came home and asked "What is all this fruit and veggies doing here?" Dh told me I should have said "If you don't like it MOVE"

:rotfl2: Too funny! My kids are no longer asking when they see all the healthy foods and are getting used to the meals.

I have been opening a can of cut green beans and putting them in a tupperware container for work. I eat them like finger food like you would eat carrots, before I eat my lunch. They really help me feel satisfied.

LOVE this idea! :lovestruc

COW part2--Most days I don't have trouble getting in my fruits and veggies (I'm a vegetarian :goodvibes), but lately I've been trying to work on quality of my choices. I have been putting baby spinach on everything--pizza, lasagna, with eggs. Tonight we are having a veggie sandwich with spinach, red peppers and artichoke hearts. I'm enjoying reading everyone's responses.

Your sandwich sounds really good. I like the idea of adding quality choices.

Cow part 2 - I like to make a smoothie some mornings. 1 banana, some berries, yogurt and some milk to thin it down. It is better if the berries are frozen so you don't need to add ice.

I love to make smoothies. Just got some bananas tonight and plan on making one after my run tomorrow. It is a great way to get in the fruits!

My stomach still feels like someone blew up a balloon and filled it with cement for extra fun. Mom brought over some corn on the cob and cantaloupe for lunch, it was good, and helped a small bit, but I am about to decide I need to fast just fruit, or something to get back to feeling better. I am just miserable. I did lose 1.5 yesterday, but still a looonng way to go to get anywhere to close to where I was when I left. I have been putting benefiber in my water, coffee, and tea, also.

7.3 miles? You rock. You are so strong, and so inspiring. I need to get my running shoes back on, I hope in the morning. The 2am coffee buzz did not leave me with a lot of sleep, and I didn't have time this am.

Having real self-esteem issues today, dealing w/ the weight gain and yuckiness. I can't even take any satisfaction in the way I look in my pictures. I'm sure some of it is the post-Disney blues, too.

Taryn - Sorry that you are still not feeling the best after eating at WDW. It is so hard when you feel that way. I think you are going great though since you have already started to lose the weight again. Just keep drinking the water and I am sure it will go away QUICKLY!

I just want you to know this - you may view me as strong and inspiring but I am constantly still struggling with the self-esteem issues. I need to come here every day and at least read what people are saying so that I can find my strength from all of you. We all give each other a nudge in the right direction and there are many days where you have inspired me to keep on going. You CAN do this! I know it feels a bit cruddy (and a bit sad because you are home from Disney) but I KNOW you be feeling strong again soon.

BTW - thanks for sharing about BLT and your view. This is what I had heard which makes me know that we will be staying with the Poly next August.

You look great! :banana::banana::banana:
What hard workbut the pay off is worth it all.
I'm spending the week at the cottage (no scale and lots of food).....weigh in won't be 'til I get home......anything can happen! I am tryinng to eat healthy but it's holidays.
Every morning we (my husband, my two teenage boys and their two friends......isn't sounding much like a vavation anymore. :laughing:so much testosterone)!go in to the small town for breakfast, I've been having the vegetarian omelette, no homefries and 1 slice of whole wheat toast.......bbq with salad for supper, it's just all the food in between :confused3.

I hope you are enjoying your time at the cottage. Great job on selecting healthy things for breakfast! :thumbsup2

Sorry I've been MIA today. Had a wicked headache all day, even called in sick tonight. It's mostly gone now but I'm really tired too! Worked, went shopping with the kids, went to the transfer station, laid down for a short time. made supper and now looking forward to playing Lego Harry Potter! DD1 loves the DSi version. She's played it most of the afternoon. Had another Bud Light Lime tonight but I deserved it!

COW Part 2: I've been adding yogurt, strawberries, milk into my Magic Bullet. DD1 has been having blueberries in hers which has shocked me! I have it at least 5 times a week.

Hope you are feeling better! Have to do you like the Magic Bullet? I always wonder about things like that and I hate how huge my blender is when I want to make a smoothie.

Home from Toy Story 3 and I just have to share two things...
1 - LOVED it! Cried and that is all I will say. :goodvibes
2 - Had my heart set on popcorn with butter, planned on eating it and then did eat it. In the end, I felt horrible after eating it. My stomach actually felt horrible. I don't know if it was even worth eating it. I have decided that in the future, I may have a couple of pieces from the kids but I don't think I will eat it any more. As much as I loved it...I did not love how it made me feel.

Have a great night everyone!
Taryn - Sorry that you are still not feeling the best after eating at WDW. It is so hard when you feel that way. I think you are going great though since you have already started to lose the weight again. Just keep drinking the water and I am sure it will go away QUICKLY!

I just want you to know this - you may view me as strong and inspiring but I am constantly still struggling with the self-esteem issues. I need to come here every day and at least read what people are saying so that I can find my strength from all of you. We all give each other a nudge in the right direction and there are many days where you have inspired me to keep on going. You CAN do this! I know it feels a bit cruddy (and a bit sad because you are home from Disney) but I KNOW you be feeling strong again soon.

BTW - thanks for sharing about BLT and your view. This is what I had heard which makes me know that we will be staying with the Poly next August.

Home from Toy Story 3 and I just have to share two things...
1 - LOVED it! Cried and that is all I will say. :goodvibes
2 - Had my heart set on popcorn with butter, planned on eating it and then did eat it. In the end, I felt horrible after eating it. My stomach actually felt horrible. I don't know if it was even worth eating it. I have decided that in the future, I may have a couple of pieces from the kids but I don't think I will eat it any more. As much as I loved it...I did not love how it made me feel.

Have a great night everyone!

Thanks for sharing ALL of the above Jen.

DH is off Friday, and we are taking the girls to see TS3. I will not eat the popcorn. ;)

Tomorrow is a new day.
Hope you are feeling better! Have to do you like the Magic Bullet? I always wonder about things like that and I hate how huge my blender is when I want to make a smoothie.

Home from Toy Story 3 and I just have to share two things...
1 - LOVED it! Cried and that is all I will say. :goodvibes
2 - Had my heart set on popcorn with butter, planned on eating it and then did eat it. In the end, I felt horrible after eating it. My stomach actually felt horrible. I don't know if it was even worth eating it. I have decided that in the future, I may have a couple of pieces from the kids but I don't think I will eat it any more. As much as I loved it...I did not love how it made me feel.

Have a great night everyone!

At this point I couldn't get through the day without my Magic Bullet! I see them now down to like $40! I've had mine a few years and for the past 6 months it has been used daily! My mom is using it everyday as well as DD1.

Totally agree with you on TS3! I also ate the popcorn but hadn't had much for b'fast! Hoping to get in 2 walks tomorrow: one at 5:30 and another at 6:30!

QOTD: Wednesday: What is your current favorite tv show?

Besides BL, I love Big Bang Theory! DH is a geek and we laugh so hard watching it! We also love the BBC's new Dr. Who! Matt Smith is hysterical! DD2 asks DH every Saturday if it's time to watch it! I'm a Gray's and Private Practice fan as well! We also love most everything on Food Network!

Hope everyone has a good night! Hoping I sleep until 5:15! TTFN!
I'm behind in the QOTDs, but just had to jump in.
A huge congrats to Taryn! You look amazing! What a difference, and like others have said, you also look so much younger. It's like we can see how much happier and confident you are in the new photos. :thumbsup2

Creative ways to get in our fruits and veggies...
For fruits - we like to make ice pops. Mostly we eat fresh.
For veggies - homemade pizza loaded with broccoli, tomatoes and peppers. I like just flavoring some raw veg (tomatoes or peppers) with a little olive oil and garlic.
This is certainly creative, but not exactly the most positive way to think about healthy eating: guilt. :laughing: I try to stock us up on fruits and veg. I hate to let my produce go to waste, so if a bell pepper is reaching it's end point, I'll just eat the whole thing in one sitting. Same with fruit. I ate most of a container of strawberries tonight.

I'm excited to report that DD loves almost any raw/fresh fruit or vegetable. I turned away for a few minutes this weekend, and she'd eaten an entire container of blackberries! Yesterday she wanted to eat the entire nectarine so she could see the pit in the middle. And today, she started whining before dinner that she was too hungry and couldn't wait for her food. So I asked what she wanted, and she asked for a banana. She also eats tomatoes out of hand like they were apples. DH won't eat fruit and barely tolerates vegetables, so it's nice to have someone else in the house to prepare and eat produce with.
I'm a little late to the party, but signing on for the summer challenge! In May 2009 I weighed 137. In May of 2010 I weighed 200. It's time to make a change in my life!!!


Thanks! I will admit that I am not pleased with they way the "after" pictures look, I think I'll call them "during". :) My mom came over today for a bit, and made the comment that the camera really does add weight, b/c I am really smaller than I look in them. I had to hug her!

great pictures! big changes and you look great. :cool1:

QOTD: Wednesday: What is your current favorite tv show?

GLEE! Love that show!:happytv::banana::thumbsup2
Also get lots of laughs watching Big Bang Theory with DH.

its been a crazy couple of nights getting set for our mini-vacation. Thursday is a stat for me (CANADA DAY!), and I added Fri & Mon to make an extra long weekend. We'll be heading out a road trip through Jasper & Banff National parks, and then over to Alberta to visit the Calgary Zoo, and then up a little north to see DH's grandparents (their 60th anniversary is next week) and take in a CFL football game:thumbsup2 It'll be a fun, jam-packed weekend.
Still have to finish packing everything up though:scared1:
Here we celebrate our progress and recognize our superstars.

-after 3 weeks of no reporting, you are dropped from the challenged – can re-start at any time, though :goodvibes
-if anybody knows they will miss weighing in, just PM and let me know and you’ll be marked excused :goodvibes

First some stats

(staying within 2 lbs of their maintain weight is successfully maintaining!)
# of Maintainers Reporting In & Successfully Maintaining: 2
(congrats PrincessBride6205 & Corrinak)

Current Participants-------------90!
not reporting in for 1 week------ 16
not reporting in for 2 weeks------ 7
not reporting in for 3 weeks------ 9
Excused------------------------- 4
weigh ins----------------------- 54
gains---------------------------- 15
maintains------------------------ 7
losses-------------------------- 31
new members --------------- 2

Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Week 4!
This week’s group loss = 35.5 pounds!
Average percentage of weight lost 0.31 %
Total group weight loss so far 290.4 pounds!
Let’s see how fast we can reach 500 pounds!
:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: AWESOME!

Retention Rate (compared to the 78 weighins for our start weigh-in on May 28th)
(54+2+4)/ 78 = 72% :goodvibes (this includes the Losers and Maintainer and Excused people!)

Before the weekly superstar list comes the disclaimer. I am human and I make mistakes. If you have any questions please contact me. For your reference this is the magic percentage of weight lost formula - weight loss for the week divided by weight for last week times 100, that gives us the percentage. Now let me test that with my numbers for week 1, click, click, click goes the calculator. Yes, that agrees with the percentage on the magic spreadsheet. (btw if its been more than 1 week between weigh-ins, then the % loss is divided by the number of weeks, to keep everybody on the same basis)

Now let's get to the good stuff. Who were our superstars of week 3? This time I’ve done a TOP 11 LIST which includes one tie, so there’s 12 names! That criteria may change from week to week. Hey I'm in charge here and I get paid nothin' to do this so you better take what you can get!;);):rotfl: (and if there’s something you want to know, just ask me!)

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Week 4 Superstars!!
#11- 0.88% - Rose&Mike
#10- 0.89% - MushyMushy
#9- 0.93% - lovedvc
#8- TIE at 1.21% - A.Mickey & LMDisneygirl
#7- 1.24% - jenanderson
#6- 1.29% - Connie96
#5- 1.35% - Dahly
#4- 1.46% - JOANNEL
#3- 2.05% - tiki23
#2- 2.15% - disneymom2one

and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge
Week 4 Biggest Loser!!

#1- 2.33% - cclovesdis

Quote from Dare2Dream: How is your week going? Are you OP (on program)? Are you exercising? Drinking that water? You know what to do to make the magic happen. Get on the wagon. We are all here to help you on the journey. We can do this one day at a time. One bite at a time.

Have a healthy day!

Congratulations cclovesdis!!!
What a great week you had. Keep up the good work. We have a very special clippie reserved for our weekly Biggest Loser. Wear it with pride this week! :goodvibes:

This is our weekly reigning Biggest Loser clippie. We have the large version


or use this
followed by

or we have a medium version


or use this
followed by

and we have a small version


or use
followed by

Thanks to ohMom-Molli for these clippies. They were used for a previous BL but we can recycle. Don't they look great! ::yes::

NOTE: this list includes participants who have reported in within the last 3weeks, once someone misses 3 weigh-ins they are dropped from this report.
How this works: you set your goal for what to lose in the challenge. Then I calculate your weight loss in the challenge divided by your goal to get a % to goal.
Anybody can change their goal at anytime (or add a goal) – all you have to do is send me a PM.
Since the goals are an individual thing, the list is just in alphabetical order to make it easier for everybody to find their own name. If there are any questions or suggestions please let me know. :goodvibes

We have done 4 out of 13 weeks, so the challenge is 31% complete.
aamomma 17
acename 10
bellaphia 15
BernardandMissBianca 19
bouldertcr 15
brinalyn530 1
buzz5985 12
carmiedog 22
cclovesdis 5
Connie96 62
Dahly 33
disneymom2one 64
flipflopmom 60
Graciesmom77 -23
happysmyly -4
hmonkeyruns 22
Illini Disney Girl -13
Illini Disney Guy 14
jbm02 10
jenanderson 25
jennz 10
keenercam 50
Kimkimba 3
Leleluvsdis 12
lisah0711 18
LMDisneygirl 25
lovedvc 71
LuvBaloo 11
maiziezoe 6
MinnieMouseMom 24
mommyof2Pirates 34
N&B'smom 10
NCRedding 0
njcarita 32
nunzia 0
OctoberBride03 13
Piglet18 11
planaholic -5
redwalker 17
RENThead09 -5
Rose&Mike 36
sahbushka 15
sherry 24
tigger813 -8
tiki23 38
Tinker'n'Fun 17
Worfiedoodles 84
wtpclc 25

This is not an easy journey that we are on. We are the only ones who can make this dream happen for ourselves. Ask yourself what is really important to you? What will make you and your families happier at the end of the day? Will taking care of yourself and being healthy help you with your goals? What can you do each and every day to get yourself where you want to be?
Shared by Tigger813 who got it from somewhere :goodvibes
Popping in from Disneyworld, it's hot!!
I'm sweating, a lot!!!
Eating a lot of food, NOT!!!!
I ran out of rhymes, that's all I got.

Good for you!!! You'll feel better when you get home! And yeah, 10 water bottles a day is about right, have a great, great, great trip!!!

you also look so much younger. It's like we can see how much happier and confident you are in the new photos. :thumbsup2

This is certainly creative, but not exactly the most positive way to think about healthy eating: guilt. :laughing: I try to stock us up on fruits and veg. I hate to let my produce go to waste, so if a bell pepper is reaching it's end point, I'll just eat the whole thing in one sitting. Same with fruit. I ate most of a container of strawberries tonight.

I'm excited to report that DD loves almost any raw/fresh fruit or vegetable. I turned away for a few minutes this weekend, and she'd eaten an entire container of blackberries! Yesterday she wanted to eat the entire nectarine so she could see the pit in the middle. And today, she started whining before dinner that she was too hungry and couldn't wait for her food. So I asked what she wanted, and she asked for a banana. She also eats tomatoes out of hand like they were apples. DH won't eat fruit and barely tolerates vegetables, so it's nice to have someone else in the house to prepare and eat produce with.

Thank you!!! I am the same way. The veggies/fruits that I eat that day is the one closest to mold! :laughing: And my DD2 ate an entire container of blackberries last week, too! All the girls, including me, in this house have an aversion to tomatoes, so that one isn't happening here! I think she ate 3 slices of cantalope yesterday! DD1 isn't as good, but she loves apples, grapes, and watermelon.

great pictures! big changes and you look great. :cool1:

its been a crazy couple of nights getting set for our mini-vacation. Thursday is a stat for me (CANADA DAY!), and I added Fri & Mon to make an extra long weekend. We'll be heading out a road trip through Jasper & Banff National parks, and then over to Alberta to visit the Calgary Zoo, and then up a little north to see DH's grandparents (their 60th anniversary is next week) and take in a CFL football game:thumbsup2 It'll be a fun, jam-packed weekend.
Still have to finish packing everything up though:scared1:

Sounds like a very wonderful weekend! Enjoy!!! And thanks again for being weight keeper. We really appreciate it!

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Week 4 Superstars!!
#11- 0.88% - Rose&Mike
#10- 0.89% - MushyMushy
#9- 0.93% - lovedvc
#8- TIE at 1.21% - A.Mickey & LMDisneygirl
#7- 1.24% - jenanderson
#6- 1.29% - Connie96
#5- 1.35% - Dahly
#4- 1.46% - JOANNEL
#3- 2.05% - tiki23
#2- 2.15% - disneymom2one
and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge
Week 4 Biggest Loser!!
#1- 2.33% - cclovesdis

:cool1::banana: to you 12!!!! Way to go ladies!!!!!!!!!! Seems as is I remember most all of you mentioning slowing weight loss, etc. at some point. You ROCKED IT while I was gone!!!!

Sorry I've been MIA today. Had a wicked headache all day, even called in sick tonight. Parents will be here an extra week. Dad has to have 7 teeth pulled plus follow up appointments. Guess DH and I will try to get out a few extra times. Can't wait until Friday night when we get to go to the Red Sox game. May have to work tomorrow if my client I canceled tonight can come. He works in the offices behind the spa.

Hope your headache is better. Make sure your Dad has good pain meds! And get some yogurt, pudding, etc. to keep in the house for afterwards, and lots of ice! Keeping ice packs on your face, and staying doped up for a few days makes all the difference in the world. Hope he does okay. BTDT! I wish I could become your client! ;) I think a massage right now would be just :cloud9: And I love to hear all of you sports fans talk about your teams. I am strictly a college football girl!

QOTD: Right now, we are into Top Chef and the next Food Network Star. I love losing it with Jillian, but the weight loss these people put up is unreal 40-60 pounds in 2 months. But watching the workouts motivates me. DH likes America's Got Talent,too.

Well, woke up to black skies and thunderstorms forecast. No running again this am. I'll run in the rain, but not a storm! I am going to do some Jillian - not sure what.

I am going to put this out there for the first time, which is very, very, very hard for me to do. When I weighed Monday morning, my weight was up 12 pounds from Friday's weigh in of the previous week. 12. That's almost 2 pounds a day gain. 2 pounds of that is now gone. I have to do some serious exercise in the next 3 days to even have a remote chance of getting back my 50 pound clippie, which is 4 pounds away. That's my goal, 2 pounds a day.

I have a new mindset though. Instead of someone that had lost 56, gained 12, all that is in the past. I can't rest on what I have done any longer. I have coasted for the last month, and I am sick and tired of it. I am making myself clippie-less for a while. I am now someone that weighs 172 pounds. Gosh, that's hard to say. goal is to lose 22 pounds by September 5. My wii says it will be too hard to do. I want to prove it wrong. I am going to get back to journaling THIS MORNING. I am going to the grocery store, and stocking up on fruits and veggies. I do not want any salt to enter my body, and I am going to continue to drink a gallon of water a day.

Have a great day all!
I think the quote was from my massage school's FB page about a month ago! Not sure where he got it from but I liked the message.

Congrats to all the losers and especially to cclovesdis! Hoping to join the losers this week and not be in the hole for the challenge anymore.

Just back from my walk with the neighbor. Hoping to walk to DD1 to Dunkin' but she wouldn't get up so no donuts for her. I just wanted to walk somewhere. Going to run to WalMart with my mother after dropping the girls off and then do some WATP. I really am missing LS! Definitely today! Probably do the 4 mile to boost the weight loss. Going to have burgers on the grill for supper. Some will be turkey burgers made with salsa. Didn't watch Jillian last night though my mom did and said it was really good. Hopefully it will be available on demand and I can do the elliptical and watch it today or tomorrow.

I am trying to catch up on Glee as I plan on watching it next season when John Stamos joins the cast! Always been a big fan of his from when he was on GH and then his short-lived show Dreams with Jack Klugman to Full House and ER! I hope he gets to sing a lot too! Seems like such a nice guy!

Time to get up and get moving again! Enjoy your HUMP day! The weekend is fast approaching!
Hi everyone!! It's been a busy week here, and I've missed you all. :flower3:
Getting adjusted to the camp routine before work has really interfered with my dis time. We have a busy week with fourth of july coming up. It's family festival in our town for 2 weeks before with lots of activities. Tonight is oldies night and they close off the town square and a band plays oldies songs and the kids and some adults dance in the streets. We invited friend for supper first so I've been trying to get my yard in order. THe 3rd we have a huge fireworks display at the park near us, so our neighbor hood is crazy and we have a big cookout that night too. I've been trying to get organized and didn't turn the computer on the last two nights so I'd be more productive.

I hope to read back later today. Hope you're all having a good week.
At this point I couldn't get through the day without my Magic Bullet! I see them now down to like $40! I've had mine a few years and for the past 6 months it has been used daily! My mom is using it everyday as well as DD1.

Totally agree with you on TS3! I also ate the popcorn but hadn't had much for b'fast! Hoping to get in 2 walks tomorrow: one at 5:30 and another at 6:30!

QOTD: Wednesday: What is your current favorite tv show?

Besides BL, I love Big Bang Theory! DH is a geek and we laugh so hard watching it! We also love the BBC's new Dr. Who! Matt Smith is hysterical! DD2 asks DH every Saturday if it's time to watch it! I'm a Gray's and Private Practice fan as well! We also love most everything on Food Network!

Hope everyone has a good night! Hoping I sleep until 5:15! TTFN!

SInce both my dh and I are math teachers and both my boys are into math and science Big Bang Theory is the one to watch in my house. Dh is probably the least geekiest of all of us. So that one is big with us. We also love the Food Network. I love Top Chef but really enjoy TOp Chef Masters. THey are all so nice and supportive of each other.

GLEE! Love that show!:happytv::banana::thumbsup2
Also get lots of laughs watching Big Bang Theory with DH.

its been a crazy couple of nights getting set for our mini-vacation. Thursday is a stat for me (CANADA DAY!), and I added Fri & Mon to make an extra long weekend. We'll be heading out a road trip through Jasper & Banff National parks, and then over to Alberta to visit the Calgary Zoo, and then up a little north to see DH's grandparents (their 60th anniversary is next week) and take in a CFL football game:thumbsup2 It'll be a fun, jam-packed weekend.
Still have to finish packing everything up though:scared1:

Enjoy your mini vacation. Banff is on my list of places to see when we retire. My friend went there and loved it. I have seen pictures and I could just imagine how great it is.

My in laws celebrated 60 years last year. It is quite an accomplishment.

Have fun

Hi everyone!! It's been a busy week here, and I've missed you all. :flower3:
Getting adjusted to the camp routine before work has really interfered with my dis time. We have a busy week with fourth of july coming up. It's family festival in our town for 2 weeks before with lots of activities. Tonight is oldies night and they close off the town square and a band plays oldies songs and the kids and some adults dance in the streets. We invited friend for supper first so I've been trying to get my yard in order. THe 3rd we have a huge fireworks display at the park near us, so our neighbor hood is crazy and we have a big cookout that night too. I've been trying to get organized and didn't turn the computer on the last two nights so I'd be more productive.

I hope to read back later today. Hope you're all having a good week.

Sounds like you have quite a neighborhood. We don't have anything like that around here. I can see most of the fireworks from my front porch so for the past 20 years that is where I have watched them.

I know it is 20 years since ds was born 20 years ago today ( I no longer have any teenagers) and came home just in time for the 4th of July. He slept through the fireworks that night.

We are going out to his college to take him out to dinner tonight to celebrate his birthday. He has gotten most of his presents from us so the only thing I will bring him is the meatloafs I made him for his freezer. He will also get all the cards that have been collecting on the table for him. That will be enough presents for him.

It is a beautiful day here in jersey. Cool and sunny. It was so nice I slept till 6 am. I went for some blood work this morning. I plan on getting some sewing done this morning and maybe some laundry before we leave.

Tomorrow morning I am thinking about picking blueberries for my freezer.

Have a great day everyone. Congrats to all the big winners this week.
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