Best resort w/ 4 and 6 year old??


Earning My Ears
Jan 29, 2002
We are going in 6 days, and have reservations at AllStar Movies. I just found out that I can get a good rate at the Dolphin (gov discount). I know that is a luxury resort, but which would my boys like better? At ASM they can get a wake up call from Mickey and see the character caravan our last, plus the cool decor. I don't want to switch resorts if the boys would have enjoyed ASM more.

Also, I know Dolphin is very close to Epcot and MGM, but we aren't going to MGM and Epcot this trip, just AK and MK.

Thanks alot!

We just returned from a visit to ASMo and enjoyed it very much.However, if you can get a good rate and can afford to upgrade to a Delux, I would go for it. The travel time difference will be minimal, and we found the character caravan arrived just as we needed to be leaving for the parks to get there by opening. The rooms will be much bigger at the dolphin.That was the biggest draw back to the value.Children love motel rooms and will just as happy at the dolphin, and there will be more perks for the adults. We won't upgrade from a value to a moderate for the price difference but will for a good rate at a delux. We plan to do this next trip. BTW, don't know the ages of the boys but we found that my DS now9 loves epcot.It is not always peged as a park for kids and we have heard other say their children, more often girls, did not like it but our DS put it right up there with MK.

HAve fun where ever you stay!!!

Jordan's mom
In all honesty, they will probably like AS better, but you will probably like the Dolphin better.
My sister and I stayed at the Movies last year when she was 5 and are doing so again next month. I think for now she would be a little upset if we DIDN'T stay at the Movies as she loves it so much! From what I have heard the Dolphin is nice but also a lot like any other hotel. At ASMo it is like no other hotel you've ever been too. I will agree that the rooms are smaller than you will get at the Dolphin, but what's outside the rooms is so much better. I love the Movies and would stay there myself anytime. I think at that age, the Movies is a must!!!

However, whatever you decide, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.
The kids will be happy either place, but I'd go for the Dolphin. It's right next to the Boardwalk area which could provide an evening's worth of entertainment itself. Also, from the Dolphin you can walk or take a boat to both MGM and EPCOT (in addition to the bus options provided at all the resorts.) (The novel transportation options seem to be an attraction by themselves for young boys.) Additionally, you can walk to Fantasia Mini-Golf area. I know the theming at the All-Stars is really attractive to kids, but the rooms are very small. I think one advantage to the All-Stars though is the Food Court.....there really isn't a Food Court-type option in the Dolphin/Boardwalk/Yacht & Beach Club area, so that might be something a family with young kids would miss. Either way, you'll be at Disney and having a great time though, so have a great trip whatever you decide.


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