best pain reliever for young dd - question for the ladies

i've only ever used advil when i had cramps. i swear the stuff is the only stuff that works for me. i've tried aleve (does nothing) and midol (nothing as well). it doesn't get rid of the bloating, but it keeps me from keeling over and spending all day in bed in pain. i usually take it at first symptoms. it seems to work better that way and i only take it on a full stomach (or you'll just make the pain worse).

i'm on bcp now and i can't even tell you what that has done for the cramping. i don't even get it anymore (maybe once every 3 months and it's so easy to take care of). i can tell you times where i literally did not want to get out of bed and times when i would wake up at 3 am sick to my stomach hunched in the fetal position.
Our dr. has told me they are recommending half of a midol to young girls. It also helps with their moodiness. I haven't had to do this yet. DD is 8, will turn 9 in June and her moodiness is horrible. In fact, our dr. got to witness this in her office just the other day. We are the same age and she has a 14 year old son - she said as we walked out the door "I feel for you girlfriend."

Good Luck - We'll be joining you soon:scared1:
Our pediatrician prefers Tylenol to Motrin but either way be careful not to overdose - either one causes liver damage if taken too much or too frequently.

Nope not true.

Only Tylenol causes liver damage because it goes through, or is excreted, through the liver. Even a little extra Tylenol is TOO much and causes damage.

Motrin, or Ibuprofen, does not cause liver damage because it goes through, or is excreted, through the kidneys.

Ask any doctor or health care professional.

Hope this helps.
Our pediatrician prefers Tylenol to Motrin but either way be careful not to overdose - either one causes liver damage if taken too much or too frequently.

Most Drs will recommend Ibuprofen for cramps, since they work a different way then Tylenol. DD takes one Motrin and it helps her. If they get too bad you may have to get a rx...I take Naproxen (it's like 4 Motrin basically). It's best to get it before the pain gets too bad. Those ThermaCare heat wraps as well as a heating pad will also help and of course hot baths. DD was young too and it's really not fair.
Both of my daughters used tampons immediately - with their first periods. They were 12 and 13. There should be no medical reason why your daughter shouldn't use a tampon to swim or regularly if that's her preference.

DD14 tried out all the kinds of "junior" tampons and much prefers Playtex "Sport" Regular. They are the most comfortable for her.

We have always used Motrin for cramps - it works beautifully for all of us. My older daughter has a prescription for Motrin and my younger DD takes an OTC dose.
If you know its coming (or during the first few days) up her calcium and potassium intake. It's a HUGE help.

I am 24 5'2 and 90lbs, at the advice of my peditrician (yep I'm 24 and see a pedi) I take childrens motrin starting with the smallest possible dose, and if it doesn't help at all within 20mins take the rest of the dose (by weight obviously) and ALWAYS take it with a meal. I have a super sensitive stomach and this works well for me. I can take midol (watch what is in it, some have caffiene which helps with bloating but this may not be a problem for your DD so best to avoid the extra ingredients)

That said before that time of month I eat more dairy, bananas, leafy greens and even beef, I find this helps with cramps and from me getting as exhausted as I normally do!
Thank you everyone. I really like to be more informed when I talked to the Dr. so I wanted to see what everyone else did so Thanks!:)

Iggbee I had cramps like that for so many years, I was so happy when they came out with Advil all that was out at the time was Motrin. But for me too advil was the only thing that worked and I had to take them as soon as I felt the ache coming on or else they didn't work.
Between her hormones, and recently moving then moving again in July dd is one moody child. My DH and her are butting heads constantly, whereas I tell her "don't talk to me when your like this go in your room and when your ready to apologize and talk come out." She always calms down comes out apologizing.
But Phew Dh battles head on, it's been noisy here for a few months.:rolleyes:
I'll keep in mind the calcium and leafy veg. and beef.
My DD also likes those heating pad things - Therma Care (?). They seem to soothe her pain a little too.

One thing I learned post-teen was that one of my prescriptions was causing my severe monthly pain. I had horrible, lie in bed and cry pain all through high school. Turns out, the Allegra allergy medicine I was taking was the root of the pain! (this was before all the side effects were published) I suffered for 6 years. Changed to Claritin and the pain was totally manageable. So if any of you, or your teen DDs are taking a prescription and experience severe menstrual pain, check what the side effects of the meds are!

As for swimming, (this could be false, so someone can correct me if I'm wrong) I was told that the water equalizes things so one doesn't need protection when swimming. I wouldn't spend the day lounging, but for a dip, you're probably fine. They do make so many versions of protection for teens now; your daughter can probably find something that's comfortable. OP, you can sign up for free samples of feminine products (check the freebie thread) for your daughter to try. The teen/slim ones tend to be popular with the teen girls I know.
One more question. I guess swimming is out, right? We were in Florida when she got it and couldn't use the great pool at the hotel. That didn't go over great. When do girls where tampons?

Girls can use tampons as soon as they feel comfortable using them.

I don't have any advice because I take prescription painkillers for my cramps but I hope she finds something that offers relief. Also, make a mental note to yourself what works and what doesn't and also the severity, this can help you out later if it turns out to be more than just "normal" cramping. I know I suffered for a long time before finding out that the level of pain was not normal, and I hate to think of anyone else having to go through that, especially at such a young age.
Advil and Aleve are wonderful for cramps. I don't know about giving children Aleve, I know Advil is fine. They are both NSAIDS and both can be hard on the stomache. Make sure you give food with the meds and never lay down right afterward it can damage the lining of your stomache.
Im glad Im not the only mother that is careful with advil, motrin, etc.. It rips up my stomach when I do not take it with food. why are kids any different?? sorry to vent but just came back from the doctor's with dd that has had abdominal pain & a high fever and he was scolding me on not giving her children's advil. I told him she hasnt been able to eat anything all day and I have been treating it with children's tylenol - He said it doesnt make a difference.. :sad2: dont get me wrong I think its great for fevers in kids, etc but there is also a risk just like it is with adults..
I use Advil liquid gels.

My DD13.5 got hers about 10 months ago, not long before her thirteenth birthday (by the way, she doesn't use tampons yet). She's tall, so I was expecting her to get it around ten (I got mine right after I turned eleven). It's proof your DD doesn't always get it after you, I think sometimes these genetics can even come from the father's side. My MIL got hers at fourteen, and the rest of her family got it late (they are all short though), while everyone in my side of the family was young (both of my sisters were nine).

Differences between my DD and I:

She hardly ever gtes cramps, while I constantly do
She's usually early, while I'm late
She's heaviest the second day, while I am typically the first
Again, she's a lot taller than me and got it over a year and a half later

This is getting off topic, but it's something to consider when your DD seems very different from you.
WOW...8 and 10...Poor kids!
I was 14 and that was early enough for me!

I would of been MORTIFIED at 8!
Check with your ped before using Aleve--I'm not sure it's recommended for children under 12. Motrin or Advil will likely provide good pain relief for cramps. My DD started having periods at age 10 also, and she really love "The Care & Keeping of You". We had some very eye-opening conversations over that book:goodvibes BTW, DD start using tampons right from the beginning. It was June and NO WAY was she gonna sit out pool season.:rotfl:
Thanks everyone.
We have only used Childrens Motrin or Childrens Tylenol for fevers and such never needed it otherwise. I'll keep using the childrens stuff. If it doesn't work I'll try midol. It used to work for me.

Dyna-I know being fat doesn't have to do with it (although she's not fat), I only added her weight thinking she is ready weight wise for motrin, midol, etc. LOL Geeze eight is young. :eek:

I was nine when I got mine, my dh's sisters also developed very young. So I guess it's in the genes on both sides. The problem is she's also very immature. She's just not ready for this. Although I try to make it a very exciting experience. But once you get it it doesn't seem so exciting.

One more question. I guess swimming is out, right? We were in Florida when she got it and couldn't use the great pool at the hotel. That didn't go over great. When do girls where tampons?

I'll have to remember the water and ice cream. One thing I've learned mine are much worse when I eat fried foods.
Thanks again ladies

SWIMMING: Have her try a bath during her period. Flow should stop when in water. As long as she is confident her flow is stopped, she should be able to swim fine, she will just have to stay in the water, no in and out all day. I hope there are no flames for this advice- I can't do tampons, but love to swim.

Also, I did not put "check with doctor" next to my recommendation for Naproxen, because in your OP, you said you were going to check with your doctor, so I figured that base was covered.
I feel for all you moms! :hug: I still can't believe my "baby" (just turned 12) started her period. I do have a question though - My dd started for the first time right at the beginning of January and hasn't had a period since. Did you find your dds being irregular like that at first also?
If you want something to help explain things to your DD a really good age appropriate book is "The Care and Keeping of You". It's an American Girl book, I bought it for my DD when she was 10. I know you didn't ask, but I thought I'd throw that out there in case it was useful.

I second this book. My DD started at age 11, same as me. I bought the book for her when she was 10, she read it then, we discussed, etc... then on the "big day" she ran upstairs and reread the book..

I give my DD pamprin, just 1 tablet. She's 100 lbs. It really seems to work for her. I use it too. I tried Midol and it really made me feel woozie (sp?) :faint: I didn't like it at all
My DD started at 14 and it was at the begining of summer. Later that summer we were going to be taking a vacation with the grandparents to spend 10 days at the beach in Florida and I just KNEW she was going to be on it then and she was embarrassed that her grandpa would know something was up if she was refusing to swim for 5-6 days of the trip! She's usually a fish on these trips!
So I went out and bought those teen sized tampons that I describe as looking similar to a cigarette!! LOL!! So we are talking very small. She did NOT want to use it but she also didn't want to sit out of the vacation that was all based around the beach and pool so she tried it and actually has ended up prefering those over pads. She thinks it seems less "gross" and believe it or not I had a few moms whose girls played sports call me and ask what ones we bought because that would be easier for the sports games and practices.
i think that since she only had her 1st month and then by the 2nd month I had her trying the tampons she didn't really have a chance to get used to it one way or another.


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