Beauty & The Beast show at DHS going bye bye

Mad Hattered

I had a stick of CareFree gum, but it didn't work.
Nov 11, 2008
I didn't see this posted here so I thought I would share a story that was given by a very trusted and accurate source over at WDWMagic. Also, American Idol will be saying Adios as well.

Look for the ridiculously long-running Beauty and the Beast stage show to end its run at the Studios following the holiday season. Right now, with no replacement as no show has gotten budget approval and likely won't until the entire Studios Extreme (or Less) Makeover gets decided on.

Also, the fanboi reviled American Idol Experience will be closing down by the end of second quarter 2014 as well with the space repurposed with a new attraction.

These decisions are made and will happen regardless of exactly how much $$$ the BoD gives The Weatherman to fix the Studios park.

He also states that The Osbourne Lights will be discontinued at DHS in another thread.
Everything remains a rumor until it isn't.

This said, I don't like the BATB show at DHS. There is one interesting moment when the Prince transforms into the Beast, but apart from that it is a tragically edited rendition of the movie/show. If they repurpose a show for this stage, I hope they take some notes from DAK. Their shows are second to none. I have similar feelings about the Little Mermaid show.

I have never set foot in the American Idol experience. Given the age of the television show and it's recent experiences, I can see why Disney might want to step away from the property and repurpose that space.

I would be very sad if Osborne were to go away. I'd hope that if it did, it would be a less of a cancellation and more of a relocation.
I have heard from various sources that the theatre might be leaving and a new E-ticket would go there, as well as another behind that, where the David Copperfield restaurant would have been.

I would love to see Sunset Blvd even slightly resemble what it initially was supposed to be: E-Ticket after E-Ticket about the highlights of Hollywood History.
I have heard from various sources that the theatre might be leaving and a new E-ticket would go there, as well as another behind that, where the David Copperfield restaurant would have been.

I would love to see Sunset Blvd even slightly resemble what it initially was supposed to be: E-Ticket after E-Ticket about the highlights of Hollywood History.

I'm kinda sad to hear that the Beauty and the Beast show is leaving but I'm looking forward to seeing something new. It's the kind of show that you only really need to see once.
I'm 100% behind this. In fact, and I know this won't be a popular opinion. . .I think that DHS should be completely re-imagined to be the park that is all about Disney's acquisitions. Get rid of BATB and LM. Expand the Disney Junior area and then really get moving on expansion. . .

They've already got Pixar Place, Star Tours and Muppetvision. I would love to see them expand on those. Indy is Lucasfilm, but that attraction could change. Expand the Star Wars Universe and Pixar Place in their current locations (with would require bulldozing Backstage tour for Pixar Place, but ok.

My final Coups De Etat would be to turn Streets of America into a Marvel themed area, like it used to be for the Power Rangers. They need to get the lawyers involved and get back their property. All contracts have backdoors out of them. It might cost some money, but the amount would be recouped easily.
I think some changes would be great. I have never gone to BaTB or the American Idol shows. Some rides would be great. Clearly they need to do more to make DHS an all-day experience. I usually book dinner at the HBD and end up just walking in circles until my ADR time. There is so much potential for this park, so I can't wait to see what they come up with.
Why does the thought of the loss of American Idol and the (slight) possibility of something Star Wars maybe filling it make me absolutely giddy?

As for Beauty & the Beast, oh well.
So, does that mean we now can spend the morning at studios, afternoon at animal and the extra day at universal?

Throw out American Idol, please. I don't mind BATB but I wouldn't mind that show being gone either, especially if this were to go along with the rumoured Cars Land/Star Wars expansions.
Well, we will be sad if the beauty and beast goes away. My toddler son loves all the shows, so dhs is actually now his favorite park - disney junior, mermaid show, and batb show, combined with some "honey I shrunk the kids" playground, is now probably my son's "perfect" day. And my wife loves music and basically hates all rides with any even moderately extreme movement, so it is nice when we can do things together. (And batb may be her favorite thing at all of disney, along with fotlk and maybe safari and pagnani walking trails)
Listen to the Unofficial Guide's podcast about the final 3 ideas for Star Wars land. Pretty sure they mention BaB and AI.
There is so little to do in DHS. I feel much hasn't changed since I visited in 1996 (from what I've read). The only things we were really looking forward to doing as a family were riding the few new rides plus ToT, seeing LM, IJ, and BATD. Not really an all-day park. I laughed aloud at the fact that they have AIE...I really hope that goes away. I agree with PP, expansion of the Pixar universe and the Star Wars franchise would be fantastic. I know my daughter would be bummed if BATD were gone - princess phase and we all know that lasts for a long time! - but I'm sure there is a reason for removing it.
I'm 100% behind this. In fact, and I know this won't be a popular opinion. . .I think that DHS should be completely re-imagined to be the park that is all about Disney's acquisitions. Get rid of BATB and LM. Expand the Disney Junior area and then really get moving on expansion. . .

They've already got Pixar Place, Star Tours and Muppetvision. I would love to see them expand on those. Indy is Lucasfilm, but that attraction could change. Expand the Star Wars Universe and Pixar Place in their current locations (with would require bulldozing Backstage tour for Pixar Place, but ok.

My final Coups De Etat would be to turn Streets of America into a Marvel themed area, like it used to be for the Power Rangers. They need to get the lawyers involved and get back their property. All contracts have backdoors out of them. It might cost some money, but the amount would be recouped easily.

It'll likely cost more than "some money", and I'm not so sure that the amount would be recouped easily.

First off, The contract with Universal is pretty straight forward and Universal has most of the leverage. Pretty much the only ways Disney can revoke the rights would consist of (A.) Universal failing to pay the relatively small annual licensing fees, or (B.) Universal neglecting to upkeep the Marvel section of their park to the point that it hurts the brand.....AND then failed to address the issues once Disney/Marvel formally gave Universal notice. Even if Disney decided to manufacture something with their team of lawyers, You gotta remember that Universal/Comcast have their own team of lawyers. Even bigger, Comcast would be much more likely to be up for a big fight than GE would've.

This means that the most likely way Disney will end up getting the rights back is that they convince Universal to willingly give them up. Considering they have most of the leverage, It's likely this would reqiure a nice sized check from Disney to convince Universal to return them (not unheard of since Disney has admittedly bought back rights for Marvel properties from other companies). Of course, This would then mean Universal would need to pay to retheme their existing Marvel section.... And I don't think it would be out of the realm of realistic possibilities that Universal's "nice size check" requirement included whatever the costs would be to retheme Marvel out of the park. So this means that Disney would be paying a large amount to buy back the rights from Universal, and another large sum to basically fund the "re-imagineering" of a competing park's land.

So let's say that they did this, for arguements sake. This brings us to the "easily recoup the cost" section. This is actually the part that I'm finding hardest to find a way that it would be realistic. The problem is that Disney wouldn't just be laying out a large sum of money to Universal up front, But that they would then need to spend a large sum of money to develop and build whatever attractions or themeatic elements they have planned for the Licenses they just bought back. On top of that, They would also be losing the money Universal was paying them for the use of the properties. So in order to "recoup the cost", FIRST they would need to bring in enough profit from JUST the Marvel section of the park to counter the lost pure profit they were getting from Universal. THEN any additional profit could be applied to recouping the money spent on aquiring and utilizing the properties.

New Fantasyland estimates have them spending at least $400mil on that land, with the entire DCA project costing about $1bil. So $400mil doesn't sound that far fetched as a realistic "new land" cost figure. So Figure $400mil for Disney to build out and use the Marvel properties for a land in Florida. But to aquire the properties, They'd probably be charged the cost of developing the replacement for Marvel Superhero Island at Universal.... so that's another land.... $400mil to Universal for their new land. OH! and we can't forget the cost to Universal to convince them to give it up and go thru the trouble of rebuilding/rethemeing their park section. Let's say they are feeling generous and only charging Disney $200mil. Those 3 items alone add up to the $1bil cost of completely reworking DCA. the Disneyland Resort saw prices jump DRAMATICALLY when the new DCA was opening. We've seen a huge jump of prices in Florida (specifically MK) as a result of New Fantasyland.

The big different here on the accounting side between DCA's cost and the cost to add Marvel to Florida? DCA can logically claim that each park entry, especcially those above the dismal numbers it was pulling in for years, can be directly attributed to the $1bil investment. As such, they can say that all income generated in the park could be directly tied to recouping the investment cost. In Florida however, They can't use that logic. You (and others who bring up the idea of Disney buying the rights back) tend to assume that whatever disney does, it's just a bigger retheme, or just a small land or attraction added to an existing park. As such, You can't make the same logical jump for your park admission being because of the investment. You might be able to apply a small percentage of the admission cost, But you would mostly be stuck using just the income generated within the land itself as your Marvel induced profit towards recouping the investment.

I have a very hard time seeing a single land, by itself, having the ability to generate that kind of profit to "quickly recoup" the cost.

At least with New Fantasyland, they introduced a bunch of new merchandise that ties directly into the new areas and attractions. You also gained a new restaurant that is generating a ton of money in a park that desperately needed more good food options.

With Marvel in the studios, You don't really have either. Disney already sells some Marvel merchandise, and gets a cut of all marvel merch sold at Universal, so the potential for new merchandise which can generate the massive profits is much smaller. The Studios park also already has plenty of food options, so a new restaurant is going to have a much smaller impact on the bottom line than one in the Magic Kingdom did.

I just don't think the beancounters are ever going to greenlight such ideas anytime in the near future. I'm also not sure if Disney would be wanting to set themselves up either for a potential direct comparison between what they do with the Marvel properties in their Florida parks, and What Universal has successfully done with it for over a decade now.
I'm not going to quote your entire diatribe. I'm just going to say that you have a very short sighted view of the profits to be earned from bring Marvel completely into the fold.

First of all, the expansion would be very costly, as would buying Comcast out of the contract. But those cost could be recouped over time. Remember, to make an omelet, you have to break some eggs.

An expenditure of $1Billion which would make up for the buyout and the park expansion, would hurt the shareholders for a year, but between merchandising, and increased revenue at the park, they would break even within 5 years, I guarantee. And a 5 year turn around for that kind of outlay is amazing. They just spent $4B for Lucasfilm. They won't make a profit until after Episode VII comes out, but it will be worth it in the long run. A Dow Component like Disney isn't concerned with short term losses.

And honestly, paying US to re-image their Marvel area wouldn't cost that much. The only ride that would really need much changing is Spider-Man. The rest of the are is pretty low rent anyway, one step above cardboard cutouts glued to buildings. And it could be argued that US is damaging the image anyway, have you seen how half. . . butted, their M&G's with the Marvel characters are currently? Even the costumes suck.

Imagine. . .an expansion plan at DHS starts. . .there are blocked out areas. . . the internet is full of speculation. . . then one day, park goers enter the park to see webs strung across the New York skyline.

Disney is currently happy to sit back and collect royalties from Comcast. But eventually, the Marvel Characters WILL show up at DHS.
My family always enjoys seeing BATB every year (often more than once!) While new rides are always popular, I enjoy a lot of the non-ride options as I have severe motion sickness. What I like about Disney when compared to Universal is that there are more things which I can do - like shows. I always thought DHS (and MGM studios before they changed the name) were designed to focus more on the shows than the other parks. I fondly remember the Hunchback show from years ago. Anyway, I'd be sad to see another show go...
I must point out that both park (Hollywood Studios and Universal Studios Florida) are in a much better place now with the retheming, than when they first opened in 1989 and 1990. As you may notice, both have been rethemed so there is no direct competition between the two anymore. Yes, when they opened, they were both studio theme parks. Now, Universal Studios Florida is a movie theme park, putting you into the movies. Meanwhile, Disney's Hollywood Studios puts you in 1930s Hollywood. Neither are working studios anymore, and neither have the working studio/soundstage theme anymore. Disney Parks and Resorts competes with Universal Parks and Resorts, but Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando are in no direct competition as far as being comparable anymore. They are simply the top two theme park companies with properties in Orlando.
It'll likely cost more than "some money", and I'm not so sure that the amount would be recouped easily.

First off, The contract with Universal is pretty straight forward and Universal has most of the leverage. Pretty much the only ways Disney can revoke the rights would consist of (A.) Universal failing to pay the relatively small annual licensing fees, or (B.) Universal neglecting to upkeep the Marvel section of their park to the point that it hurts the brand.....AND then failed to address the issues once Disney/Marvel formally gave Universal notice. Even if Disney decided to manufacture something with their team of lawyers, You gotta remember that Universal/Comcast have their own team of lawyers. Even bigger, Comcast would be much more likely to be up for a big fight than GE would've.

This means that the most likely way Disney will end up getting the rights back is that they convince Universal to willingly give them up. Considering they have most of the leverage, It's likely this would reqiure a nice sized check from Disney to convince Universal to return them (not unheard of since Disney has admittedly bought back rights for Marvel properties from other companies). Of course, This would then mean Universal would need to pay to retheme their existing Marvel section.... And I don't think it would be out of the realm of realistic possibilities that Universal's "nice size check" requirement included whatever the costs would be to retheme Marvel out of the park. So this means that Disney would be paying a large amount to buy back the rights from Universal, and another large sum to basically fund the "re-imagineering" of a competing park's land.

So let's say that they did this, for arguements sake. This brings us to the "easily recoup the cost" section. This is actually the part that I'm finding hardest to find a way that it would be realistic. The problem is that Disney wouldn't just be laying out a large sum of money to Universal up front, But that they would then need to spend a large sum of money to develop and build whatever attractions or themeatic elements they have planned for the Licenses they just bought back. On top of that, They would also be losing the money Universal was paying them for the use of the properties. So in order to "recoup the cost", FIRST they would need to bring in enough profit from JUST the Marvel section of the park to counter the lost pure profit they were getting from Universal. THEN any additional profit could be applied to recouping the money spent on aquiring and utilizing the properties.

New Fantasyland estimates have them spending at least $400mil on that land, with the entire DCA project costing about $1bil. So $400mil doesn't sound that far fetched as a realistic "new land" cost figure. So Figure $400mil for Disney to build out and use the Marvel properties for a land in Florida. But to aquire the properties, They'd probably be charged the cost of developing the replacement for Marvel Superhero Island at Universal.... so that's another land.... $400mil to Universal for their new land. OH! and we can't forget the cost to Universal to convince them to give it up and go thru the trouble of rebuilding/rethemeing their park section. Let's say they are feeling generous and only charging Disney $200mil. Those 3 items alone add up to the $1bil cost of completely reworking DCA. the Disneyland Resort saw prices jump DRAMATICALLY when the new DCA was opening. We've seen a huge jump of prices in Florida (specifically MK) as a result of New Fantasyland.

The big different here on the accounting side between DCA's cost and the cost to add Marvel to Florida? DCA can logically claim that each park entry, especcially those above the dismal numbers it was pulling in for years, can be directly attributed to the $1bil investment. As such, they can say that all income generated in the park could be directly tied to recouping the investment cost. In Florida however, They can't use that logic. You (and others who bring up the idea of Disney buying the rights back) tend to assume that whatever disney does, it's just a bigger retheme, or just a small land or attraction added to an existing park. As such, You can't make the same logical jump for your park admission being because of the investment. You might be able to apply a small percentage of the admission cost, But you would mostly be stuck using just the income generated within the land itself as your Marvel induced profit towards recouping the investment.

I have a very hard time seeing a single land, by itself, having the ability to generate that kind of profit to "quickly recoup" the cost.

At least with New Fantasyland, they introduced a bunch of new merchandise that ties directly into the new areas and attractions. You also gained a new restaurant that is generating a ton of money in a park that desperately needed more good food options.

With Marvel in the studios, You don't really have either. Disney already sells some Marvel merchandise, and gets a cut of all marvel merch sold at Universal, so the potential for new merchandise which can generate the massive profits is much smaller. The Studios park also already has plenty of food options, so a new restaurant is going to have a much smaller impact on the bottom line than one in the Magic Kingdom did.

I just don't think the beancounters are ever going to greenlight such ideas anytime in the near future. I'm also not sure if Disney would be wanting to set themselves up either for a potential direct comparison between what they do with the Marvel properties in their Florida parks, and What Universal has successfully done with it for over a decade now.

I'm with tootall here...

As some know... I trust no rumors... However, I wouldn't doubt that significant time and energy has been spent on a new master plan for studios.

But just accept that no marvel will be part if it. The current deal makes all the sense in the world for Disney... They want money for nothing... That's what they're getting. They also only want to spend what they have too...which means taking titles away from a competitor who is advertising there stuff FOR FREE and then spending capital to build new stuff is the talk on donkeys. A complete disregard for the realities of the amusement business, media, and Disney itself.

The problem with any grand scale rumors is that the FUNDING has to be spent and the goofy imagineers and contractors have to not beat the budget into oblivion.
Have you seen the "new" fantasyland? It's nice...but really only the equivalent of what the Card Walker regime would have built over one or two years back in the late 1970's. it's almost a testament to how we should expect NO improvements going forward. Five years and half a bil?
Anything truly amazing would apparently cost the federal budget and take 20 years...
Two more adults here who adore BATB show and would be sad to see it go. We see it every time we go to DHS. I even have the music for it on my ipod. :sad1:


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