BCv incentive ???'s

princess angel

**If You Can Dream It, You can Do It**
Jun 28, 2000
few questions,
can you stay at CR Tower w/the incentive??
and if you do a 200 pt add on, is it still only 5 free nights? it has to be 210 pts to get 7 nights?
and can you break up the nights to two long weekends, or does it have to be consecutive??

also, if we buy in May, an add-on for Dec use yr, we would have the pts as of Dec 2002? correct???


Laura :)
All of the deluxe and moderate hotels are included in the incentive except GF. However, they are for standard rooms only, no upgrades available. I have never been interested in staying at the CR so I don't know if there are any standard tower rooms available.

As for the points breakdown, you must buy 210 points to get 7 nights free. If you buy 150-209 points, you will only get 5 nights free.

You cannot break up the nights. If you get a 5 night free stay, you must use those 5 nights consecutively.

I'm not sure about the use year for an add-on as we just bought at BCV for the first time.
Correct about the add-on year. We added on yesterday with Sept Points. We will get our first points in Sept 2002. That is part of the reason for the incentive. We have to buy before the points are available to us except to borrow from the next year. We start paying dues in July.

The free nights also have to be used by July, 2003. Take the cash, it's like reducing the cost of the points to $70/point.

we might take the $5 off a pt, but we do pay $$ a lot for trips also, in addition to using our pts, cause although we love the villas, we also love staying at disneys deluxe resorts too! so, we may actually save more $$ by taking the free nights!

for those who only go to wdw on dvc pts, then it makes complete sense to take the $5 off.

can anyone answer about CR Tower?? if you stay at CR, will they give you a wing room or can you stay in the Tower???


Laura :)

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