Baloo is finding his Bare Necessities of life (Comments Welcome)

Hi @michigandergirl! Nice to hear from you. Are you running Groundhog this year? I was seriously considering it. It was your recommendation of it that got me to try it two years ago, really fun race! I can't this year unfortunately, having surgery Jan 16 to deal with a hernia issue that will not get better on it's own. Not a big deal but I have to stop running right after Dopey until thumbs up from doctor, likely early February. But going to start slow and then go to Spring Surprise. Looking at a few races in Michigan this summer though.
I am signed up for the Groundhog Half, but I'm not exactly in half shape yet. I thought about switching to the Friday night race (1 loop), but it will be my 8th consecutive Groundhog half and that's a streak I just can't let die, so I'll walk some of it if I have to.

Have fun running Dopey and hope all goes well with the surgery.
Just getting ready to call it a night and remembered that I failed to enter last week’s training recap, So this is the expedited version…

Completed the week hitting all five runs. I fit in two harder paced runs but continued to reduce mileage in preparation for Dopey. Finished the week with about 20 miles. This morning I got up and got in my last shake out run before heading to the airport, The run went well, 4,02 miles under marathon pace and feeling strong,

So it is time to focus on Dopey, I am going to take it easy in the first 3 races, and then put some energy into the marathon, I really want to see a finish time that starts with a 4. Outside that stay healthy and enjoy the race,

Good luck to everyone who is running! It is finally time!
Fair warning - this will be long! In case you don’t want to read - here is short version = It was a really good day!!!

It has been a whirlwind of a week. The family got back from DW last night and I have been, very slowly, unpacking. Waiting for my dog to wake up so I can take him on a walk before I need to head out to the hospital - I have to have blood drawn and an EKG as part of the prep for next week’s surgery for an abdominal hernia. Luckily it has really not limited me at all and MW went very well. The surgery sounds pretty low key and I will be out of the hospital the same day. The only real bummer is I have to take at least 2 weeks off from running post surgery which means I will miss the beginning of my training plan for Spring Surprise and transition to the Fargo Marathon in May.

But the good news, most of January was already planned as recovery with minimal mileage anyway, so I will not miss a lot.

Dopey 2023 ended up being a great weekend! My goals were in short: enjoy the weekend, stay injury free and post a sub 5 marathon time. I was able to make this happen on all accounts! Here were my times:
- 5K: 29:44
- 10K: 1:01.55
- Half: 2:27.24
- Full: 4:40.46!!!!

I am very happy with this outcome. I was running pretty hard in both the 5K and 10K, but not all out, I had much more I could have given in both of those races. In the Half I went very easy. Ran it with my daughter, we made several stops and simply took in the environment, so even though that time is my second slowest Half I still would not trade it for anything. Bottom line it was time with my daughter that I will cherish!

Then the Full. To be honest I was VERY nervous about this race. Not the distance, I know I can run a marathon. But since 2018 I have really struggled to put a solid marathon race together. In 2018 I seriously injured my perineal tendon; the term the doctor used was splayed. It had ruptured and “splayed out like strings of angel hair pasta” - that quote has always stuck with me. Prior to the injury I had been building speed and distance, closing in on a sub 4 marathon at 4:04.35 and running multiple ultras 50 milers and one 100K.

It took me two years to be able to really run again. I gained weight, got a little older and I got slower. So I have really struggled to stay positive. When I started this journal it was to hopefully create more accountability to complete my workouts and I hoped end in better race results. When the NYCM did not go well I was really shook. So you can imagine how anxious I was Sunday morning!

However I am very happy with my results. I stayed true to my training plan, I stayed true to the run/walk/run method and I showed real improvement and came out injury free! It was a really good day. My basic goal was 10:45/Mile, these are my splits.

Mile 1 - 10:46
Mile 2 - 10:46
Mile 3 - 11:13
Mile 4 - 10:07
Mile 5 - 10:26
Mile 6 - 10:34
Mile 7 - 10:44
Mile 8 - 10:21
Mile 9 - 10:31
Mile 10 - 10:24
Mile 11 - 10:14
Mile 12 - 10:31
Mile 13 - 11:37 (stopped for Dopey)
Mile 14 - 10:24
Mile 15 - 10:31
Mile 16 - 10:17
Mile 17 - 10:26
Mile 18 - 10:34
Mile 19 - 10:17
Mile 20 - 10:34
Mile 21 - 10:29
Mile 22 - 10:29
Mile 23 - 10:44 (starting to hurt, shifted from 4:00/:30 to 2:00/:30)
Mile 24 - 10:52
Mile 25 - 10:39
Mile 26 - 10:12

I stayed pretty consistent and actually had a negative split! I finished around 9:45am and the weather had not turned yet. I held my intervals until btwn mile 23/24. But in shifting to a reduced run time I was able to keep pace up. I finished with my strongest mile of the day. Certainly I was feeling it at the end, but I know I have more in me. I need to continue to build fitness, shed a few pounds and I think I can get under 4:30.

It was a great weekend and I am looking forward to 2024.
I did not share a weekly recap. Not running for a few weeks. Today I had surgery for my abdominal hernia. I am not allowed to do much of anything for a week, and just easy walking. Going to be a few more weeks until I can run unfortunately. I have to share that I was not ready for the pain after surgery - it SUCKS! Anfd it is hard to balance that a week ago I ran Dopey and right now i can barely get to the bathroom.

Thinking about Spring Surprise, and hoping I do not lose too much time. Anyway, sorry got the self pity, I just hate feeling like this. A positive is that I can catch up on all your training journals, got the week off.
Sorry you're feeling so terrible, but follow your doc's orders and take it easy! You have a great excuse.
Thank you. I am; I’ve never been good at sitting around so going a little stir crazy. But I keep telling myself that resting note will lead to a faster recovery. An opportunity to wish on patience…
Hope your recovery is speedy.
Thank you! Feeling a little better today than yesterday. Thank goodness!
So, no running to report…. But the recovery from the surgery continues to get better. Minus the coughing which hurts lke hell! Trying to be patient, and tired of movies…. But, am enjoying the break from life and the chance I have had to have time with wife and daughters where normally I would be at work, etc.

And the bonus - my dog Kai and cat Toby have both been hanging out with me. Honestly it is like they knew I was injured. Animals are cool!
So tomorrow will mark two weeks since the abdominal surgery. Week one was really bad, hurt to move, to cough; it sucked a lot! But week two has been better, began moving around the house a lot, then walking in place. This weekend I began walking the dog outside - fresh air was fantastic! I see the doctor in the morning and am hoping to get a clean bill of health - so to speak. I am still not running but with Spring Surprise not to far away I would really like to get that going as soon as I can. Of course I will base it on the recommendations of the doctor.

My training plan for SS & the Fargo Marathon were set before surgery was even a thought, so it was serendipitous that it lined up with recovery time from Dopey. But now I am getting anxious and hopeful that I will only miss the first few weeks of the intended plan. Week 1 was set to begin next week, but I will stick with walking. Weeks 2 & 3 (when I am hoping I get to run) I am reducing mileage and will go with easy pace runs only. My hope is that by week 4 I can step back into the plan with a reintroduction of tempo work. But ultimately, this depends on what the doctor has to say! So fingers crossed.

Anyway here is my current plan for next week.

Week 1 - Spring Surprise/Fargo Marathon
1/30: Walk
1/31: Walk
2/1: Walk
2/2: Walk
2/3: Walk
2/4: WalK
2/5: 3 miles - easy


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