Bad News about recent purchase.... totally depressed


DIS Veteran
Sep 17, 1999
I just purchased and now I think I am going to have to back out!!


I was supposed to recieve a company bonus February and was going to use that to pay for the DVC. Found out on Friday, right after making my first reservations, that company bonuses are going to be delayed for an unspecified period of time while we are setting up a new company under the parent. GREAT :(

I think I may have to cancel until I know for sure we are actually getting them!!! I am completely adverse to taking on debt so I don't want to finance it and *hope* that bonuses are paid. Gosh, I am so depressed :(
So sorry to hear that you may not be able to join! Hopefully everything will work out for you. I agree with you about taking on extra debt. I never "count my chickens" until I know they've all hatched! Annmarie
I totally sympathize with you Dagny:( If that is the worst thing going on in your life right now,things ain't that bad.Be patient,it will happen when it's the right time.Good luck:)
or you can close on the contract, rent points out for this year, and, if the bonus comes thru great if not, then turn around and sell it. Just a thought.

Joe in CT
I know that if I was not willing to finance, I would never have been able to afford DVC. I suspect that most people who purchase have to finance. Sounds like you could purchase if you want to do what most people do (finance) but that you are electing not to...Rich
Even though it's a tough decision, it sounds like it's the right one for you. It's very nice to be debt free. I kind of remember that! :) We also would like to buy DVC, but won't because we don't have the cash, or at least a large part of it. We have a lot of friends who don't finance much of anything.

I hope those bonuses come through soon for you & the rest of your company!
Yes this would BUM me out too. Could you swing part of it in cash and the other part with tax returns? I don't encourage taking on debt either - but if you truly think the bonus will come with in a year - then perhaps a 0% interest for 1 yr on new purchases credit card - thats how we swung our purchases. I hope you get your bonus and we can welcome you home soon :D
OK. I must be missing something here. How will you back out? Are you still within your two week window? Sorry to be nosy, but I am curious.
I would go ahead with purchase and rent out the points to help pay as long as I needed to. Knowing how badly you wish to own, I think you would be sorry to let go of the purchase you have made at this point.

Good luck with your decision.

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