Back to School during the pandemic ...a discussion thread

It's almost 9:30pm.... is there any parent that is still nervous like me, doing last-minute packing for the kids for tomorrow? I don't think I can sleep well tonight. Gosh... This is affecting the parents more than the kids.
I think there is an element of knowing you’ve done all that you can do and you can then either
It's almost 9:30pm.... is there any parent that is still nervous like me, doing last-minute packing for the kids for tomorrow? I don't think I can sleep well tonight. Gosh... This is affecting the parents more than the kids.

For my own peace of mind, I drafted safety protocols that govern the kids’ activities at school, as well as at home. Things like wiping down phones and showering upon arriving at home, taking personal items to bedrooms so they aren’t scattered around the house, hygiene protocols at school, etc. This was my way of knowing we’ve done what we can (within reason) as a family to still feel reasonably secure while returning to campus.
My younger one starts tomorrow, full time at school (grade 6).
My older one starts online tomorrow but Monday he'll start every other morning at school, rest online.

For those in the classroom for the day, how many masks are you sending? Are you sending a "clean" bag and a "dirty" bag? Such a strange thing....pencils - check, binder - check, erasers - check, masks - check.....
My younger one starts tomorrow, full time at school (grade 6).
My older one starts online tomorrow but Monday he'll start every other morning at school, rest online.

For those in the classroom for the day, how many masks are you sending? Are you sending a "clean" bag and a "dirty" bag? Such a strange thing....pencils - check, binder - check, erasers - check, masks - check.....

I sent 4 masks of different styles because I wasn't sure which one he'd prefer. We'll see once he's home what he prefers I guess. I sent them all in a plastic bag with a smaller one inside it for the dirty ones.. we'll see if he does that. And they will all go into the wash. We are lucky to have a fair number of them, and it's only 3 days this week. I have a couple disposable ones if he wants to take those instead, but everything that goes to school comes home. They aren't doing any recycling or anything in school this year, even food garbage, if it does there it comes home. So they don't congregate around the garbage cans.
My younger one starts tomorrow, full time at school (grade 6).
My older one starts online tomorrow but Monday he'll start every other morning at school, rest online.

For those in the classroom for the day, how many masks are you sending? Are you sending a "clean" bag and a "dirty" bag? Such a strange thing....pencils - check, binder - check, erasers - check, masks - check.....

I told DS that his mask is like his cell phone, don't leave home without it!
I’m getting really annoyed at our school and school board. Not only did they decide to delay the start until next week (was supposed to be back yesterday). But the school won’t give out much information. They tell us last week that classes are set and list should be up online by yesterday. Well it wasn’t. And now we get an email giving us no information except our kids teacher will call us “sometime” before the end of the day on Friday and to answer if we see an “unknown” number. Still zero about what classes they are in. And it actually really pisses me off that they think we can drop whatever we are doing to answer a phone call that could come at any time 😡.

I’m getting really tired of the lack of information and time wasted on BS emails to us that tell us nothing. And this constant assumption that parents have no lives. In the same amount of time they spent sending the email with no info they could have given us the class information.
What a PITA, our year started without a hitch and is going well enough. I couldn't imagine just sitting there knowing nothing.
What a PITA, our year started without a hitch and is going well enough. I couldn't imagine just sitting there knowing nothing.

Yep it’s starting to really get me mad. Especially when the school tells you last week they were all set. I’m tired of them telling us they are going to do something and then it either doesn’t happen or they do something different.
We made lanyards for my DD to wear so that she has a place to attach her mask at recess as they're allowed to take masks off at recess while outdoors but need to wear it until she gets outside. Also sending both cloth and disposable masks plus a bag to put dirty masks in if needed.

Add us to the group who will require a shower and changing clothes as soon as she gets home. Going to be a lot of laundry being done around here!!
I’m getting really annoyed at our school and school board. Not only did they decide to delay the start until next week (was supposed to be back yesterday). But the school won’t give out much information. They tell us last week that classes are set and list should be up online by yesterday. Well it wasn’t. And now we get an email giving us no information except our kids teacher will call us “sometime” before the end of the day on Friday and to answer if we see an “unknown” number. Still zero about what classes they are in. And it actually really pisses me off that they think we can drop whatever we are doing to answer a phone call that could come at any time 😡.

I’m getting really tired of the lack of information and time wasted on BS emails to us that tell us nothing. And this constant assumption that parents have no lives. In the same amount of time they spent sending the email with no info they could have given us the class information.

You must be with the same garbage school board as I am (WRDSB). I agree with what you say about their emails containing no actual information. All I know so far is that DD's backpack should contain only lunch and 2 water bottles. Not much reason to inspire confidence in parents.
Ds16 goes in person tomorrow and Friday. He’s been online yesterday and today. In one of the communications I read we were asked to send a paper bag for dirty masks to be placed in , and more than one mask per day. He’s there for four hours so I will send two. We are using cloth wherever possible because I am seriously concerned about how much waste is being created by this pandemic and needing to go to one use items. So we can do our small part by cloth masks I guess. He has four, so I can do laundry every other day.
I don’t know about the rest of you but I’ve hit information overload. There’s sooo much to keep up with. Guides from the board with multiple pages of new practices and protocol , guides for the actual school with multiple pages of new practices and protocol , emails, different online portals for this and that, forms to be sent in, new things we have to do that nobody can find or don’t work ( I have no idea where the self declaration form is) , new bus procedures , new bus start times, new bus stop. New bell times ..
To those of you with multiple kids in multiple grades .. you have my sympathy and admiration !
I think there is an element of knowing you’ve done all that you can do and you can then either

For my own peace of mind, I drafted safety protocols that govern the kids’ activities at school, as well as at home. Things like wiping down phones and showering upon arriving at home, taking personal items to bedrooms so they aren’t scattered around the house, hygiene protocols at school, etc. This was my way of knowing we’ve done what we can (within reason) as a family to still feel reasonably secure while returning to campus.
That is a good idea to have some safety protocols. I’m wondering since we are wiping phones, should binders brought home from school, etc need to be wiped too. What about loose pages or handouts they are given. I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole...
That is a good idea to have some safety protocols. I’m wondering since we are wiping phones, should binders brought home from school, etc need to be wiped too. What about loose pages or handouts they are given. I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole...
Each of us will choose what is best for our family but personally I don't plan on wiping down her binder each night as she will be the only one touching it. But, that's just me.
That is a good idea to have some safety protocols. I’m wondering since we are wiping phones, should binders brought home from school, etc need to be wiped too. What about loose pages or handouts they are given. I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole...

Medical experts are now saying that the risk of transmission through surfaces is actually very low. Because your child should be the only one touching their binders it shouldn’t be an issue.

Also I know everyone I has to do what makes them comfy, but I heard an interesting interview yesterday. It had to do around kids being anxious about going back to school. And it was mentioned that yes it’s a good idea to have them remove their shoes and wash their hands as soon as they get home. But they brought up about how we should be careful about doing things like having a child have a shower as soon as they get home. For a lot of kids it could lead to more anxiety because it would be like telling them everyday that they are in an unsafe place full of germs that need to be washed away as soon as they get home. It could cause more anxiety about spending time in the class room. I had not thought of this before. But it makes sense. Even if we are nervous about how safe it is for our kids, we need to be careful with what we share with our kids. If we tell them school will be safe they will be more relaxed. If we talk about how unsafe it is, it could stress them out.
Well I'm not sure. He's home, he said he "kind of" had fun, is happy they will have gym outside 3 times a week, and he gets to play with his friends at recess. Problems, his friends all appear to be in the other class, he has a couple in his class but not the ones he is closest to, or the ones he has been playing with throughout the summer. And one of those children told him he could drink his water through his mask... so he used 3 today and one came home very wet. Kids? He is very tired, I think mentally more than anything, and is in his room with his favourite cat cuddling and decompressing. I am trying to be hopeful but I am not sure how this is going to end up, he said he wishes he had chosen the online classes. He hasn't done any french in 6 months so he is not enjoying that at all. Man this 2020 year is not my fav...
Well I'm not sure. He's home, he said he "kind of" had fun, is happy they will have gym outside 3 times a week, and he gets to play with his friends at recess. Problems, his friends all appear to be in the other class, he has a couple in his class but not the ones he is closest to, or the ones he has been playing with throughout the summer. And one of those children told him he could drink his water through his mask... so he used 3 today and one came home very wet. Kids? He is very tired, I think mentally more than anything, and is in his room with his favourite cat cuddling and decompressing. I am trying to be hopeful but I am not sure how this is going to end up, he said he wishes he had chosen the online classes. He hasn't done any french in 6 months so he is not enjoying that at all. Man this 2020 year is not my fav...

Sorry it wasn't a great day. My DD hasn't started yet but I've had half my class for the last few days. They seem to be quite happy so far. For recess they can only play with their own class which I worry is going to be problematic eventually but so far they are just so happy to be hanging with other kids and seem to be including everyone. Have a repeat of first day again today with group 2. So strange. So normal but not. I have to say that I find it much harder to follow the safety protocols in reality than in theory. E.g., kids were using their chromebooks yesterday. Some are very independent (depending upon class they were in, may have used a lot last year) but others were struggling (lower literacy levels and lack of experience) and the easiest thing is to just type in the website for them BUT I really shouldn't be touching their devices....
is water through his mask... so he used 3 today and one came home very wet. Kids? He is very tired, I think mentally more than anything, and is in his room with his favourite cat cuddlin
This is what is frustrating/upsetting. When creating these cohorts, they should have accounted for friends. I know it's all complicated but they could have reached out (or previous teachers know) and ensured close friends are together. This is especially important as they have these cohorts and they are the only ones they can/should be handing out with. I'm sorry for your son. I hope things improve.

So far so good for my DD. She started today. Felt strange dropping her off with everyone wearing masks. I am impressed with the school and her teacher. She called every parent beforehand and was patient with questions on the phone, etc. We can't control if someone gets covid, but the school is doing what they can to limit things. Scary times.
My DD is with one very good friend. I had assumed her other very good friend won't be in her class as they split the first days up alphabetically, but found out this morning that is not how they arranged the classes (i.e. only half the kids are there today, and other half tomorrow) this other friend could be in her class. Really hope so as this is the child she was going to walk to school and from school with.
This is what is frustrating/upsetting. When creating these cohorts, they should have accounted for friends. I know it's all complicated but they could have reached out (or previous teachers know) and ensured close friends are together. This is especially important as they have these cohorts and they are the only ones they can/should be handing out with. I'm sorry for your son. I hope things improve.

I know that sounds good on paper...but it's basically impossible to please everyone. There was literally no way for a school to manage trying to place kids in cohorts, ensure families stayed on the same cohort schedule, AND manage their friend circles. Nevermind the fact that friend connections can change on a dime (especially at the lower levels) - what happens if you set up a cohort of friends and then suddenly one or more aren't getting along anymore? Heck, sometimes kids can't even agree on how close friendships are, my son had a friend last year who latched onto him hard - the other kid viewed my son as his best friend, but my son would consider our neighbor's son his bestie. Can you imagine parents trying to negotiate that, or schools trying to accommodate that? No thanks.
I know that sounds good on paper...but it's basically impossible to please everyone. There was literally no way for a school to manage trying to place kids in cohorts, ensure families stayed on the same cohort schedule, AND manage their friend circles. Nevermind the fact that friend connections can change on a dime (especially at the lower levels) - what happens if you set up a cohort of friends and then suddenly one or more aren't getting along anymore? Heck, sometimes kids can't even agree on how close friendships are, my son had a friend last year who latched onto him hard - the other kid viewed my son as his best friend, but my son would consider our neighbor's son his bestie. Can you imagine parents trying to negotiate that, or schools trying to accommodate that? No thanks.
Yeah ok...good point.
I know that sounds good on paper...but it's basically impossible to please everyone. There was literally no way for a school to manage trying to place kids in cohorts, ensure families stayed on the same cohort schedule, AND manage their friend circles. Nevermind the fact that friend connections can change on a dime (especially at the lower levels) - what happens if you set up a cohort of friends and then suddenly one or more aren't getting along anymore? Heck, sometimes kids can't even agree on how close friendships are, my son had a friend last year who latched onto him hard - the other kid viewed my son as his best friend, but my son would consider our neighbor's son his bestie. Can you imagine parents trying to negotiate that, or schools trying to accommodate that? No thanks.

I agree, it totally sucks to be stuck in a class without your friends but I don‘t think it’s the schools job in any way to manage children’s social lives. That’s a parent job. I would hope that if there was a bullying situation they would change cohorts or groups but they are there to educate our kids and navigate this nightmare of a pandemic, I think that’s more than enough .


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