Back from VWL and got the famous "Dumpster view" room!


DIS Veteran
May 11, 2001
Just returned from VWL trip over new year's. Made the ressie 11 months our and got studio #4360 - the dumpster view! Not only is it the longest walk from the elevator but the room is smaller too! It isn't set up like the others with the slight entry way. It is probably a matter of inches - but it makes everything askew - such as the toilet roll is in a bad place which requires yoga moves to get at and the lamp near the couch is crammed against the wall. Everything in the room was fine - I just thought the view was funny - they must reserve it for disboard regulars! The one good thing I will say is - we ended up staying in on NYE after spending the day at Animal Kingdom (which was not bad at all crowd-wise), It started raining buckets around 7pm and did not stop until the middle of the night. We watched many drenched unhappy folks making there way back to the rooms throughout the night... But the view of the MK fireworks was great from our balcony. I didn't think we were facing the right way but they were so high, the view was great.

The trip was great as usual. We used busses the whole time and except for my in-laws having to wait 30 min for an Epcot bus our last day - they worked fine. We avoided the MK boat and took the bus to the TTC and the monorail over and I think that was a better route as I have not had good luck in the mornings using the boat. The boat ride back in the afternoon worked out fine.

The crowds were more manageable than I thought they would be. We were able to hit everything we wanted in each park using fastpasses. We had PS for each dinner and never waited more than 10 minutes for our table.

The only change I noticed from past trips were the conditions of the bathrooms at Epcot. They were disgusting. Very dirty with many broken stalls - over flowing waste baskets... the other parks were fine and the restaurants and hotels were fine too - just Epcot.

We ate at California Grill for the first time and got a perfect window view of the fireworks in the MK. Artist Point was out best meal, followed closely by California Grill.

The weather - except for NYE - was really nice too. We even swam one day.

I realized today I lost my wallet yesterday at some point during our return home. The last place I remembered seeing it was at the arcade at the Contemporary so I called their lost and found and they had it! $25 and all my many charge cards included. An honest guest or CM deserves my thanks!

Already trying to figure out when to make it back before our AP's expire in Oct!

Nice to hear about your trip. I'll have to remember to request "anything but the dumpster view" on my next trip home! Ha, Ha. I also rate Artist Point #1 with California Grill right behind. Glad you had a nice trip.
Wow! I'm glad you got your wallet back...with all your stuff in it:D
I'm curious to see what studio we get at VWL next week. I don't mind a dumpster view if I could see the fireworks:D

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