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DIS Veteran
Aug 9, 2006
So, I just added the castle and Ohana's for last week in Feb. I was nervous about calling cause when I called to ty and rebook earlier in the month all hotels were at capacity. SO, I was thinking everything was going to be booked. Nope. For both ressies she said starting at 4 for castle until close or Ohana's 5-to close was aval. Is that great or what?:woohoo:

I hope this means the parks won't be too busy:rolleyes1
Congratulations- It sounds like you're going at a good time. If only we could manage to plan around the crowds instead of adding to them at the worst times of year...
I hope your dates fall somewhere between the 19th and the 25th. That's when we'll be there! I have moved a few things around as well and not had any problems so far!

Congrats on getting what you want and have a great trip!:)


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