autograph book


<font color=blue>just a shallow excuse to subscrib
May 6, 2001
Hi all....due to the new system I've not been able to get "beginners" instructions on making the autograph book. Could anyone help. Have no idea where to start. DD is almost 4 and although this will be her fourth trip down she's never had an autograph book and I thought it would be great now that she is older to have her get the autographs but I would like to be able to put pics next to the autograph. Thanks for the help.
Here's a link that might help. :)

Autograph books.

I think I posted this on the thread, but I took a CM sentiments album. The characters could sign on any page. When I got home, I added blank pages between each page, and was able to put a picture of my kids with the character opposite each autograph. :)
Thanks so much Lisa...I had seen your "frozen" post above and tried to get into that link but I couldn't :( .... thanks for posting the link worked this time. I'm looking forward to actually reading it .... Thanks again
I didn't take the time to read through all of the suggestions on the link Lisa posted, but remember a suggestion I read before we went in May. Take an I-Zone camera (like polaroids - sticker style) specifically for taking pix of DD & the characters. That way you can put the pix on the page opposite the autograph & even non-readers can tell which autograph they're looking at.

One suggestion, though. Make sure you try the camera BEFORE leaving - or at least before going to the park/restaurant/whatever. We just grabbed the camera & ran to our breakfast with Cindy. The directions were in the room & we had some difficulty with the camera as no one had looked at it first. I don't know whether we were all brain dead or the camera simply wasn't intuitive. . . but once we looked at the directions it was simple. We just didn't have any small, instant pix of Cindy & the princesses. :(

Have fun! :D



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