Atlantis questions


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Oct 29, 2000
Where do you keep your stuff (wallets, keys, credit cards, etc.), when you are using the pool areas at Atlantis? Do they have a locker rental closes to the pools? Thanks.
I dont remember seeing any lockers but I'm sure they must have some.
We just returned last night from our Disney vacation. On 9-1-06 we were at the Atlantis resort. There are no lockers to put your things in. Upon arrival we were lucky enough to be given our room, so storage for us wasn't a concern. I wish I was back on that beach! :sunny:
Hi, We stayed at Atlantis last year and ran into the same problem. In the end, we left our bags with our lounge chairs. I take it you are not getting a room??? You will not be able to use the pools unless you are checked into the hotel. They check for a room key before you are able to enter the pool areas. Good luck.
Just got back from a 4 night stay at Atlantis and they do not have lockers....we left our most valuable stuff obviously in our room safe but I still had to leave our camera in our beach bag when we were riding the slides and in the pools....I kept my eye on the chair as much as I could and left it up to fate when we went down the slides....I did have the camera buried in the beach bag and had the beach bag covered up with a ton of towels. All was OK but I was still nervous about it.
Thanks for your replies everyone! We will be getting a room at Comfort Suites that day. How do you think wrapping up money, camera, etc., in two or three ziplock bags and putting them in a fanny pack and wearing the fanny pack down the slides, pools, etc., will work? I know they don't allow metal, but how about a plastic fanny pack? Thanks!
We were at Atlantis during our Nassau day on the Wonder a week or so ago -- we had a reservation for one night at the Atlantis, were lucky enough to get our room at 10 AM when we checked in, and left our things there (except for room keys which I had in a small plastic waterproof box on a lanyard). They really don't want you to have things on you as you go down the slide -- they even made me put my little waterproof box and my sunglasses down the front of my swimsuit to do the bigger slides.

I'm not sure how I would handle things if I didn't have the room at Atlantis -- maybe just hide them under towels on a chair as others have mentioned. You could also take turns doing the slides while one person stays at a chair with the valuables.
I stayed at Atlantis for a week in 2000. I would go to the pools with my beach bag and leave it under my lounge when in the pools and on the slides. Nobody ever bothered my things. Ever. And the place was pretty crowded.
I don't think a ziplock, camera, water slides and pool go together at all... Just my thought but I wouldn't want to risk my camera getting wet or damaged. We did Atlantis (dayroom) a couple years ago...and let me tell you from experience....those water slides can be rough. You get going SOOOO fast down them and bang from one side to the other all the way down.

Anyhow this is what we did.

1. We packed knowing we were going to be at the beach, near/in water...there for we didn't feel we needed to take a whole lot.

2. The nice thing about the keys (from the ship and from the hotel) is they are the credit card sized plastic a waterproof box on a lanyard works perfect for keeping them safe and dry.

3. Cash...we never plan on taking ALOT of cash off the ship...but did have some and our credit card...which also fits nicely in the waterproof box on a lanyard. (they come a various sizes...a small one that'll hold 3 or so cards..and a larger one...big enough to hold a pack of cigs..or alot more cards and some cash ;) )

4. We purchased a waterproof camera case for our camera (planning on taking it snorkeling)....but turned out it worked wonderful at Atlantis. I kept it around my arm the whole time (except for the time DH left it laying out on our loung chair :confused3). I was suprised that none of the lifeguards or pool attendants said a thing about having it with me while doing the slides.

5. As for everything else....we took one of the DCL stollers with us (not knowing how much walking we'd be doing)....and just packed/piled the rest of our things in it...which was really only the clothes we had on.

Atlantis has towels that they give you to use for the day (if you keep them your charged)....and like many others have already said there are no lockers...after all this is a resort...and they don't figure any of the guests need to "store" their things for the day when they have a room to keep it in.

Hopefully your room will be ready when you arrive so you can leave what ever you wish in there for the day....but on the off chance it's not...I'd just go prepaired with a plan on what you'll do with what ever you decide to bring. Our room (at Atlantis) wasn't ready until the we didn't have the chance to really even use it....we actually just stopped by the room to check it out as we were getting ready to head back to the ship.

Another item....FYI.....the food at Atlantis is SPENDY!!! We ordered two kids chicken nuggets and four bottles of water...and were charged over $25. Now for that I would have expected those kids nuggets to be darn good...but to our suprise they were JUST like McD's :confused3 and the water bottles...they were SMALL 6oz bottles :confused3 . So go prepaired to either spend ALOT....bring your own....or just eat a big breakfast before leaving the ship and waiting for dinner on the ship later that day....
Great idea. Where can you purchase a lanyard with a waterproof box on it? I don't think I've ever seen those? Thanks!
We got our waterproof boxes on the Wonder -- they have the DCL logo on them and were $5 apiece. I also saw them on Castaway Cay with the CC logo on them.

Previously I've seen them at the Disney water parks, and several people have posted that they have found them at large stores like Walmart.
We got some at REI (if there's not one in your can look online at around $5. BUT.....the DO have them on the ship (small and large) for around the same price. So if you looking at getting one or could wait and get the ones on the ship....then they'd also double as a souviner :thumbsup2
scrapperjill said:
I don't think a ziplock, camera, water slides and pool go together at all....

They don't...but the below (which uses the same basic idea) does. I've taken one of these down the biggest waterslides at WDW with my camcorder inside with no issues whatsoever. And that's no surprise, for these waterproof, hermetically sealed bags are used by U.S. Navy Seals to carry their communications equipment:


They are called SplashCaddys, and I don't get off any cruise anywhere in the Carribbean without my camera, camcorder, wallet and passports loaded in it, and that bag never leaves my person. A Splash Caddy can take the ocean, waterslides - you name it (Navy tests showed these things don't leak even when left 200 feet underwater for months). And I'd NEVER leave valuables in a bag sitting on the beach or by a pool at a crowded resort full of strangers; that's just asking for trouble.

Splash Caddy
Not quite the same as a ziplock :goodvibes ....but what a GREAT product. I've never heard of these..but then again I haven't looked either. They seem like a perfect cruise item to pack :)

I too wouldn't leave anything of any value sitting on a crowded beach or at any resort....So what ever you can find to help with that is super. Myself...I don't think I'd want to pack such a large bag...but then again..I don't have a camcorder I'm packing either....the waterproof boxes on a lanyard works just fine with me....that and my digi camera in it's hard H2o proof case. ;) However...if I do ended up getting something that I'd need a larger case/pack/bag for...I'm for sure going to look into theses :thumbsup2
Is a room included in the price for the day use of the resort
for the add-on of the Atlantis Beach Day?
I'm not really sure of what your asking....But if it's do you get a room when you do the Atlantis Beach Day "excrusion" with DCL...the answer would be no...I don't know about any "add-ons"....I do know .....You have to book a room with the hotel or with Comfort Suites (next door) in order to get a room...And you can NOT use the pools/slides and just about anything else without a room. When you do the excrusion....Atlantis Beach get to use the beach behind Atlantis (which is the Atlantis beach)...I think you also get lunch of some sort.....and with one of the excrusions offered by Disney you get a tour through The Dig.
In response to the original post, when I have stayed at the Atlantis, I've seen lockers in the "transportation lounge" it is a locker room with showers. I think it is on the first floor of the Royal Towers or in between the Coral Towers and the Royal Towers. It is where guests can leave a change of clothes and come back and shower after their last day at the resort, because presumably they would have checked out of their room that morning but still need a place to shower before heading to the airport. There is also a locker room where the spa is in the Royal Towers. I never used the spa, but I just used the locker room to nurse my baby in private-- I just walked in and went to the locker room and no one asked me if I was a spa guest. I don't know if you have to bring your own locks or what because I never used the lockers.


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