Ashley and Jeff's Wishes Wedding WP & ADH~12-2-2011~TR Day 6 Reception/Photo gallery

OMG OMG OMG. Just loving everything. With the exception of nasty Jennifer who I would have punched in the face (you are much nicer than me). But you know what, the cake color isn't really a huge deal, although it is aggravating. I bet it was till beautiful and I bet it was tasty. AND you got married so all is right with the world at that point. I love your pictures and I looooooove the story. I seriously got teary-eyed reading your update. I am happy for you girl! What a special day. Can't wait to see ADH and all the planning put together. Go YOU!
Just finished reading all the way through and love it! Everything looks and sounds amazing. We are getting married 12/10/12 at the WP and having the reception at ADH so it's been great reading your experiences and LOVE your pictures. :yay:
Thank you!!! You are going to have such an amazing time. Your lucky you didnt get stuck with all the construction mess that a lot of brides had to deal with when the project first began. ADH is so much fun, you will be very happy with it:) our guests thought it was the coolest location! Let me know if you have any questions, would be glad to help out. I learned a lot from these boards. You can usually get answers faster from here than the planners :confused3.

OMG OMG OMG. Just loving everything. With the exception of nasty Jennifer who I would have punched in the face (you are much nicer than me). But you know what, the cake color isn't really a huge deal, although it is aggravating. I bet it was till beautiful and I bet it was tasty. AND you got married so all is right with the world at that point. I love your pictures and I looooooove the story. I seriously got teary-eyed reading your update. I am happy for you girl! What a special day. Can't wait to see ADH and all the planning put together. Go YOU!
Haha your are too much. Trust me if this is was in person I probably would have punched her!!! I flipped out on her on the phone and then my mom took the phone and flipped again. So don't worry we were not nice in the least bit. I'm pretty sure my mom even told her as an owner of a travel agency she would never book a disney trip again lol. We were furious. I think what really makes the cake seem worse is the money we spent on. If Disney has to charge such crazy prices at least get it right:mad: It was tasty though! So glad your are enjoying reading! Btw I just found these Disney smilies so I had to put a few in

I really love your flowers. Sorry about your cake. Looking forward to hearing more.
Your pictures are gorgeous! Your wedding looks fabulous. I am sorry about the cake being the wrong color and it is even more frustrating that Disney doesn't seem to care about it.
I really love your flowers. Sorry about your cake. Looking forward to hearing more.

Thank you!! I was so happy with the flowers, they were exactly what I wanted! I couldn't have pictured them any better :)

Your pictures are gorgeous! Your wedding looks fabulous. I am sorry about the cake being the wrong color and it is even more frustrating that Disney doesn't seem to care about it.

Thanks! The day turned out amazing especially after everything we had to deal with up to that point. I guess I should have known Disney wouldn't care about the cake they didn't care about the construction issues either!
We just got our gallery with our wedding photos!! They came out awesome, there are about 1200 photos on there plus we will be getting cds with all the pictures taken in a few more months. The photographers did an awesome job capturing everything. The photos we did in EPCOT came out awesome too. I think I am going to make an album of that shoot as well. The only thing I was a little disappointed with was the fireworks pictures. I don't think they came out great and I am mad that I didn't have dh take off his sweatshirt. It doesn't look good in the photos :sad1:

I have no idea where to begin for our wedding album!! There are too many photos to choose from! I think it is going to take a long time to get this album done!

Here's the link...

event key: scavotto-cabrera
Finally some time to continue the wedding day!! I have been busy and kind of lazy lol.

Here's a few detail photos that we have, the rest on our gallery. I can't post them :sad2:





Finally on to the reception. By this time I was so ready for some food and to party! It had been a long day and I was ready to have some fun with everyone. Everybody was introduced down the staircase in ADH which was an awesome entrance. ADH is so perfect for a reception!! DH and I were introduced to It's all about tonight by Blake Shelton. We are big country fans!


DH and I went right into our first dance from the introduction. We danced to Me and You by Kenny Chesney. It was perfect. I was a little nervous about this at the beginning because I hated everyone staring at me but I got over it pretty quickly. I tried to just take in the moment with my husband. It was so nice to have a few quiet moments with him. We talked a little bit about everything that had just happened and how happy we were to finally be at this moment. For a while it didn't seem like we would ever get there with all the issues we were having with DFTW. The moment couldn't have been more perfect though, I wish I could go back there right now :) It is so depressing to talk about the wedding, it went by too fast. :sad2: We got the first part of our wedding video to edit and I can't stop watching it! I have probably watched it 30 times already.




After the first dance went and sat down at our beautiful head table! The best man and maid of honor did their speeches and then it was finally time to eat!
I was starving at this point, I hadn't really eaten anything other than a little snack from cocktail hour. Our chef brought DH and I up to the food before everyone else. There was one chef for myself and one for Dh. They brought us around to the stations and put all the food we wanted on our plates. It was one of those great added Disney touches! I always hear from other brides how they never got to eat at their wedding. This made my day, we felt so special once again! The food looked amazing and tasted even better. They really know how to setup a food display. There were chefs standing behind the stations carving food and helping serve people. This was a nice touch especially since my parents were afraid of the stations being too much like a buffet. The stations were really classy. We got a million compliments on the food especially the "martini action station." Of course that was the only thing I didn't try. I do wish I went up for more food. I didn't eat a whole lot because I was so excited and the photographer wanted to do a few more photos after I finished eating. Oh and so kind of an inside joke from our planning session the chef had a turkey club sitting at my plate when we came back from getting food. I didn't eat much of the food at the tasting because I am a really picky eater and my parents picked some weird stuff to try. The chef asked me what I usually eat so I told him turkey clubs!! He had a great personality and found it really funny. He told me he could make one for me for the wedding. I thought he was joking, apparently not. We got a lot of questions from people about that sandwich!! It really showed how much he was paying attention though. We all got a laugh out of it :)


I love the turkey club story. This is one of the many reasons I want to get married at Disney, they go out of their way for you.

Can't wait to hear the rest of your day.
Still loving everything. The turkey club is so sweet...they really do try so hard. And this is why we LOVE Disney! Can't wait for more.
These pictures are gorgeous!!! :goodvibes

I've loved looking through all of them, thank you so much for sharing.

You were a beautiful bride and everything looks simply magical! :wizard:
I love the turkey club story. This is one of the many reasons I want to get married at Disney, they go out of their way for you.

Can't wait to hear the rest of your day.

The little things like that are definitely what makes it Disney! It was pretty funny, our guests were a little confused lol.

Still loving everything. The turkey club is so sweet...they really do try so hard. And this is why we LOVE Disney! Can't wait for more.

Thanks Courtenay!

These pictures are gorgeous!!! :goodvibes

I've loved looking through all of them, thank you so much for sharing.

You were a beautiful bride and everything looks simply magical! :wizard:

Thank you!! It was a dream come true!
Hi Ashley!

I don't know how you will pick out photos! You have SO many amazing ones. I have to say, I absolutely love the picture of you coming into the WP with your dad. I love that you have a big smile on your face and he is looking at you so sweetly!

Everything about your day was beautiful! I loved that the chef made you a turkey club! Thanks for sharing so many wonderful pictures!!

I've of them doing nice things for brides like that before where they've mentioned fav foods at the tasting, its a lovely touch.
Hi Ashley!

I don't know how you will pick out photos! You have SO many amazing ones. I have to say, I absolutely love the picture of you coming into the WP with your dad. I love that you have a big smile on your face and he is looking at you so sweetly!

Everything about your day was beautiful! I loved that the chef made you a turkey club! Thanks for sharing so many wonderful pictures!!

Thanks Lisa!!! I love that photo too, one of my favorites. :)

I've of them doing nice things for brides like that before where they've mentioned fav foods at the tasting, its a lovely touch.

It's touches like that that say Disney lol.
I am really awful at keeping up with this now that the wedding is over and especially with the dis facebook group now!!!

The rest of the evening was just wonderful! After dinner we had the father daughter dance and mother son dance. I was really nervous about this but it was great. It turned out to be kind of relaxing. I never even noticed all the people staring at us. My Dad and I just took in the moment reminiscing about the ceremony.


After this Jeff and I attempted to make it around to all the tables but so many people were up walking around and hanging out else where in ADH that it was hard. I still feel awful because I don't think I talked to everyone. Everything went by so fast and I got caught up totally enjoying myself instead of thinkng about my guests! Oops. DH says we talked to everyone and that I need to stop worrying so hopefully he was right. After this we danced for hours and I don't ever dance!! I was just so caught up in the moment that I didn't care what anyone else thought. I was having the time of my life. The DJ was doing an awesome job mixing in some country music for all us country lovers. We of coursed did the cotton eye joe which was so funny especially in a wedding gown! I wasn't sure how many people would actually be dancing since we didn't have a lot of friends there but we couldn't get people off the dance floor. Aunts and Uncles I would never have expected where out there enjoying themselves. It was so great to see everyone having such a good time. I remember thinking several times throughout the night how I didn't want the night to end.




Then there was the cake cutting some time in between all the dancing. Another perfect moment :lovestruc We cut the cake to the Wishes exit song at Magic Kingdom. I had to get that song in the wedding somewhere! I really wanted to smash cake in DH's face but Disney gives you these tiny pieces to feed each other so I had to be nice :) We both were just lost in the moment. It was such an amazing feeling to be looking at my husband as we cut our wedding cake in Disney. Cake was then served to our guests. DH and I never ate a piece, I guess we were too busy!

The night was quickly coming to an end. Dh and I were called out onto the dance floor for the final song of the night. We danced to Promises from EPCOT. It was a perfect song to end a perfect night. All of our guests circled around us as we danced our last dance. I had tears in my eyes, I felt so emotional. I couldn't believe the day I had dreamed about for so long was over. It was truly the best day of my life. It was such a bittersweet moment; enjoying an amazing last dance with my husband but knowing that the day I had planning for so long was now over.

We said goodbye to each of our guests as they left and then talked to our planner and photographers for a few and thanked them tremendously for everything! They were truly amazing. We then met some people at the brewery for drinks. I had been drinking throughout the day but never felt drunk until we got there. People we didnt even know where buying DH and I shots. Our wedding group pretty much took over the place. It was fun but we decided it was time to go back and change and I was a feeling quite tipsy. We needed to get some food before doing anything else since we didn't eat much throughout the day. The plan was to meet everyone at Jelly Rolls later. That didn't quite happen. We walked the Boardwalk in our wedding attire and got a hotdog and then went to our room where we realized we didn't have keys to get in!! We trudged back down the long hallway to the lobby in my wedding gear! It was pretty funny, the lady behind the counter was laughing at us but was awesome and printed us new cards and even put my new last name on mine!! Finally about 11pm after being up for almost 24 hours we were back in our room. I really had high hopes of going back out but I was just so exhausted. It was like all of a sudden not sleeping just hit me. We decided to just go to bed and call it night. I was pretty disappointed the next morning that we didn't go out and I still kind of am but nothing I can do now:sad2:
Say it ain't so!!! It can't be over...this makes me very sad. But OMG what a beautiful, wonderful, amazing, fun, magical experience. And you get to have that memory for the rest of your life.
Big bump... just read your PJ and TR in it's entirety! Loved your wedding, so beautiful and incorporating many of the things I want in my wedding!

A few questions...

How did you do seating in ADH? How many tables did you add to the dance floor? Were your guests split up between those and the existing tables? Did you assign seats, or did you do more of an open seating concept?

Also, maybe I'm missing something, but looking at your BEO, I didn't see the DJ on there- how much did that cost?

Thank you!!! It was such an amazing day, you are going to have a wonderful day. It is so exciting to go through the planning process but can get a little stressful with all the decisions. I have so many more pictures I could show you. I didn't have all my professional wedding photos when did my report and I didn't do a good job finishing it up!!! You will absolutely love ADH! It was the best decision. You are basically renting a night club. Our guests were amazed.

So we had 6 round tables of 8-10 people on the dance floor plus a head table of 11. We had to use 3 of the smaller round tables on the outside of the dance floor as well. I was not to pleased with this idea and neither was my parents. We debated on paying the $2500 removal fee of all the tables and putting everyone off the dance floor but our planner told us they have never had anyone do that so we decided it wasn't worth the money. It actually turned out fine and would not worry about this! We put my friends at these tables since they are young and I knew wouldn't care. We did assign seats. I wasn't a big fan of open seating I wanted to make sure everyone who knew each other were put together.

Sorry about the DJ not sure why it wasn't on there. It was $2800 but thats because it was december and they charge double I believe for that month.

Please feel free me to ask me any questions you have! I would love to help out. I miss all the wedding planning :)

Here's a few pictures of our tables and the dancing so you can sort of see the space. If you do a sight visit or see pictures with all the tables it makes the dance space seem really small but there was plenty of space!





I somehow missed your last update. I was the same on my wedding day. We had our DP and then hoped to go and see the midnight firework rehearsal for NY but I was just too tired. When I saw them the next night I kicked myself as they were so good I wanted to see them again.


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