Are the Illumination Cuises just for large groups?


<font color=purple>I want the Swiss Family Treehou
Feb 4, 2001
I'm going down to the World in August, and I was wondering. Can a single person do the Illumination Cuise, or are they only for large groups of people? Thanks for the help.

There doesn't seem to be a way to get a price for a single. The price is per boat and the boat, I believe, holds about 12 people. Keep an eye out over on the Theme Park board (see the link below) and look for postings like "Illuminations Cruise Central---July" posted by nativetxn.

Theme Park Board

These seem to be threads where people wanting to do this can get together and share costs to fill a boat. Some people already have a reservation but don't have a boat full and others, like you or I, are singles and are just looking for a chance to do this cruise but don't want to pay for the whole boat. Good luck.

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Hi...last year we secured a cruise and then I posted on here that we would like to share our boat..we met up with the nicest family and our kids had a blast. Maybe you could find some other singles to go with you! Fun!


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