April 29, 2012 ~ Aloha! ~ Inagural Wonder to Hawaii-Part 4

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GOOD Morning, Happy Cruisers!

Started The renovation on Dh's Shirt yesteday. I was trying to keep the two front plackets intact so I wouldn't need to do buttons or button holes. THAT didn't exactly work out, lol. I basted together the large and had him try it on. STILL too big. So I took it all apart, shortened the pattern 2 inches, repinned the pattern to meet the bottom edge, recut the top to a medium (which destroyed the tops of the front) and basted it up again. PERFECT fit. So now, all I have to do is assemble it and figure out how to repair the button hole and button strips. Glad I have three weeks. I don't like to sew any better than I like to photoshop!

I would urge anyone with any medical concerns to bring copies of whatever records would be useful in an emergency, and, if it was me, I'd make sure I have trip insurance that covers med-evac. I have had super interactions with the health staff (asthma attack in St. Maarten, controlled quickly and efficiently) but I'm sure something serious, they'd want to get the patient off the ship and into a proper hospital.

Happy Day, all!
My UCONN women lost last night in overtime. They kind of blew it in overtime but for a team that only has one senior and was not supposed to do well they proved themselves by making it to the final four.There is always next year.

We too are taking all medical infro with us. John had afib twice and we always take the last EKG with us. He has not had a problem for a couple of years now . I will also take my paper work on my myasthenia gravis with me. have two dr app; before the cruise- hope nothing prevents us from coming. please keep us in your prayers.

Jan did you get the material from me? It wasnt't much I know. Big Goofy is so excited he can't stop talking
OMG, Jan, you are describing our situation! It's so scary, he is feeling so confused, angry and scared and he has every right to feel that way. :sad1:

I am so happy that your husband is doing better and that his operation worked out! :flower3:

Heart problems are all so different. And they are a lot more common than we realize because a lot of people don't talk about it and a lot are in denial that it can happen to them.

While I can say "why me?" about needing blood pressure medication since I have no family history of blood pressure problems, at the same time I say "why not me?" because silent killers like heart disease are called silent because they do not only stay in families with a history of them.

So I take my medicine and thank God for another day to plan for visits to my granddaughter, her parents and her uncle, cruises and even the paperwork I must do today as well as the researchers and doctors who discovered and prescribed the medication that lets me do it.

I think we all benefit when we talk about our experiences and coping strategies as we learn that we are not the only one and we get new ideas of how to function day to day.



I thought Desperate Housewives series end before we leave????

:sad: nope--the next show is April 29 then one more episode before the finale. I figure that will be the three Sundays we are on the cruise. :sad2:
I'm SO glad there are other Once Upon a Time fans here! I love the memories I am making with my son every Sunday night as we watch the show as a family. There are very few shows on TV these days that are fun to watch for kids AND adults!
:sad: nope--the next show is April 29 then one more episode before the finale. I figure that will be the three Sundays we are on the cruise. :sad2:

ooopppsss...then I need to make sure I record them. I though I saw 4 more episodes a week or two ago...but seems there will be a Sunday or two without DH on TV.
No, VAl. I don't have a copy but now that you mention it, I am def. going to try to get it. You never know and I think I should actually try to take it with me, just in case, you never know. If something happens the info on that report can make things easier for the crew.

Yes, I am hoping that he gets to open up and speak to others (particularly men) who have gone through this. Will give him a better understanding of what to expect based on other experiences.

Poolside or on an excursion might be a good time to talk as the surgery veterans will be obvious by their "war paint" (scars). DH had a man walk up and ask how recent his surgery was (1 1/2 months) on a beach on Tortola. Then he shared that his was 3 years. If DH had wanted to talk he easily could have.

I have to remind myself that women process life experiences by talking and men by thinking and reading though. At least that is what happens in my family. However, DH has gotten more open since his summer of surgery.



I really need to learn how to multi-reply :confused3

You are fine--separate quotes makes it easier to follow the responses I think ::yes::


If you click the button with " instead of the button that says QUOTE in the lower right you can collect several entries before you click the QUOTE button and comment.

(. :rotfl: when I do that I tend to forget what I wanted to say about each post though. :lmao: )

GOOD Morning, Happy Cruisers!

Started The renovation on Dh's Shirt yesteday. I was trying to keep the two front plackets intact so I wouldn't need to do buttons or button holes. THAT didn't exactly work out, lol. I basted together the large and had him try it on. STILL too big. So I took it all apart, shortened the pattern 2 inches, repinned the pattern to meet the bottom edge, recut the top to a medium (which destroyed the tops of the front) and basted it up again. PERFECT fit. So now, all I have to do is assemble it and figure out how to repair the button hole and button strips. Glad I have three weeks. I don't like to sew any better than I like to photoshop!

I would urge anyone with any medical concerns to bring copies of whatever records would be useful in an emergency, and, if it was me, I'd make sure I have trip insurance that covers med-evac. I have had super interactions with the health staff (asthma attack in St. Maarten, controlled quickly and efficiently) but I'm sure something serious, they'd want to get the patient off the ship and into a proper hospital.

Happy Day, all!

Best wishes on the shirt. :thumbsup2
Sounds like you will have enough scraps for a tote bag or another shirt.

My UCONN women lost last night in overtime. They kind of blew it in overtime but for a team that only has one senior and was not supposed to do well they proved themselves by making it to the final four.There is always next year.

We too are taking all medical infro with us. John had afib twice and we always take the last EKG with us. He has not had a problem for a couple of years now . I will also take my paper work on my myasthenia gravis with me. have two dr app; before the cruise- hope nothing prevents us from coming. please keep us in your prayers.

Jan did you get the material from me? It wasnt't much I know. Big Goofy is so excited he can't stop talking

:sad2: Not yet. Maybe today. I did get some from chip&dale&fun and as I mesh hers, yours and mine I think we will all be happy with the projects. :thumbsup2

Is anyone else a NASCAR fan?
Wondering if there is anyplace that will be showing it? Would anyone want to join us in watching?
As long as you dont root for Kyle Busch We will be great friends! hahaha :)



We're huge NASCAR fans (#11 for me & #99 for dw). Had not planned to go but received a couple free tickets and heading to Texas Motor Speedway in two weeks for the Cup race.

Was aware Talledega was on one of our shore days but an afternoon spent watching Darlington on our last sea day could be fun if available somewhere.

Posted from the FB page


LOVE. IT. !! :thumbsup2

This is all so true. My Dh was a perfectly healthy (or so we thought) newly turned 32 year old who left for work one Tuesday morning and collapsed and died instantly at his desk. Turns out he had a genetic heart disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which we had no clue about! He had absolutely so symptoms. Silent killer is a perfect name for it.

I wish insurance companies handle getting echocardiograms better. Getting an EKG just isn't enough for a lot of heart diseases. An ECHO really needs to be done to look closely at the heart. Yet insurance companies are not going to pay for ECHOs with no family history. My kids each have a 50% chance of having the gene that caused Dh's HCM. So yearly ECHOs and EKGs are just the norm for them now. Should they start to show signs of the disease (which would start to manifest itself closer to puberty,) then they will have defibrilators inserted. Things just become so scary when the heart is involved!

Heart problems are all so different. And they are a lot more common than we realize because a lot of people don't talk about it and a lot are in denial that it can happen to them.

While I can say "why me?" about needing blood pressure medication since I have no family history of blood pressure problems, at the same time I say "why not me?" because silent killers like heart disease are called silent because they do not only stay in families with a history of them.

So I take my medicine and thank God for another day to plan for visits to my granddaughter, her parents and her uncle, cruises and even the paperwork I must do today as well as the researchers and doctors who discovered and prescribed the medication that lets me do it.

I think we all benefit when we talk about our experiences and coping strategies as we learn that we are not the only one and we get new ideas of how to function day to day.



My UCONN women lost last night in overtime. They kind of blew it in overtime but for a team that only has one senior and was not supposed to do well they proved themselves by making it to the final four.There is always next year.

We too are taking all medical infro with us. John had afib twice and we always take the last EKG with us. He has not had a problem for a couple of years now . I will also take my paper work on my myasthenia gravis with me. have two dr app; before the cruise- hope nothing prevents us from coming. please keep us in your prayers.

Jan did you get the material from me? It wasnt't much I know. Big Goofy is so excited he can't stop talking

Good morning All...I am reading backwards -- so please consider this a note for good wishes and prayers for all who are having health issues and check-ups before the cruise.

And if you can spare some, send them down our way for best friend's father. I will not go into details but it is very serious. Thank you.
:sad2: Not yet. Maybe today. I did get some from chip&dale&fun and as I mesh hers, yours and mine I think we will all be happy with the projects. :thumbsup2


Hey, that's me.....

This is all so true. My Dh was a perfectly healthy (or so we thought) newly turned 32 year old who left for work one Tuesday morning and collapsed and died instantly at his desk. Turns out he had a genetic heart disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which we had no clue about! He had absolutely so symptoms. Silent killer is a perfect name for it.
Things just become so scary when the heart is involved!

Oh my.......

Poolside or on an excursion might be a good time to talk as the surgery veterans will be obvious by their "war paint" (scars). DH had a man walk up and ask how recent his surgery was (1 1/2 months) on a beach on Tortola. Then he shared that his was 3 years. If DH had wanted to talk he easily could have.

I have to remind myself that women process life experiences by talking and men by thinking and reading though. At least that is what happens in my family. However, DH has gotten more open since his summer of surgery.



My DH had a "kid" razz him about not continuing to participate until I said that he had been in significant surgery and was only 6 weeks out. (This was 3 years ago). He has the scar to prove it. "Kid" was appropriately huhmbled and then impressed that DH was participaitng at all.

So what time is the scar meet and greet????:lmao:
You are fine--separate quotes makes it easier to follow the responses I think ::yes::


If you click the button with " instead of the button that says QUOTE in the lower right you can collect several entries before you click the QUOTE button and comment.

(. :rotfl: when I do that I tend to forget what I wanted to say about each post though. :lmao: )


So this is how you do it....:rotfl: I never knew...old dog, new tricks, milky bone :dogdance:
This is all so true. My Dh was a perfectly healthy (or so we thought) newly turned 32 year old who left for work one Tuesday morning and collapsed and died instantly at his desk. Turns out he had a genetic heart disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which we had no clue about! He had absolutely so symptoms. Silent killer is a perfect name for it.

I wish insurance companies handle getting echocardiograms better. Getting an EKG just isn't enough for a lot of heart diseases. An ECHO really needs to be done to look closely at the heart. Yet insurance companies are not going to pay for ECHOs with no family history. My kids each have a 50% chance of having the gene that caused Dh's HCM. So yearly ECHOs and EKGs are just the norm for them now. Should they start to show signs of the disease (which would start to manifest itself closer to puberty,) then they will have defibrilators inserted. Things just become so scary when the heart is involved!

:hug: so very sorry !! :hug:

Well....since I am only 59 I guess I don't qualify as an old geezer yet...turn 60 on December 2nd on the Disney Fantasy.....but it is funny since I am so gray everyone always gives me the senior citizen discount....

We are with you as well.....GITs....:thumbsup2

Oh wait,, I get it....to become a Geezer you have to keep cruising.....:lmao:

History of DIS Geezers: in planning the 2008 WBPC some of the youngsters suggested a shots around the ship night. A few of us Geezers agreed that we would not likely survive that,:sad2: but that the group might find us at Cove Cafe having warm milk and cookies when they finished their trip around the ship. :idea: You know how things grow on the DIS....we had our Geezer meet, met again each night and laughed ourselves silly! :rotfl2: Some of the Founding Geezers cruised again on the WBTA 2010 and continued the tradition, adding more members. Again this cruise, several Founding Members and several added on the TA are cruising and we hope to add more members and have even more fun! :woohoo:

You are more than welcome to join us and get your GIT pin. :dance3: We had a pin ceremony on the WBTA when one member had her 60th birthday on the cruise and moved from a GIT to a Geezer. :goodvibes

Maybe we should as well......and what about Benita with the Geezer present!!!! She is soooo coool.
Hey, that's me.....

Oh my.......

My DH had a "kid" razz him about not continuing to participate until I said that he had been in significant surgery and was only 6 weeks out. (This was 3 years ago). He has the scar to prove it. "Kid" was appropriately huhmbled and then impressed that DH was participaitng at all.

So what time is the scar meet and greet????:lmao:

So this is how you do it....:rotfl: I never knew...old dog, new tricks, milky bone :dogdance:

I sent you a PM. Did you get it?

What was DH not participating in?

The best Meet and Greets for Scar Veterans are the "unscheduled" ones. (Or at least unscheduled as far as they know .....:rolleyes1 ......) Loving partners can plan "spontaneous" encounters...... :thumbsup2


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