AP info


DIS Veteran
Nov 13, 2000
I caught the tail end of a commercial that described a "Power Pass" and a "Prefferred Pass". Anybody know the details? Benefits, price, etc...............
the power pass is 99 bucks doesn't include free parking or discounts and has blackout dates (weekends June - mid August, x-mas - new years and easter, maybe)

It's an AMAZING deal : especially if you're staying on site & don't need the free parking.

It wasn't advertised at the gate when I got mine (a few days ago) but when I asked for it, they sold it to me no problem.
Could you explain just what the power pass is.
How long is it good for, is it like the 7 day pass where you have to use it up within 7 days, or could I get it and use it 2 or 3 times throughout the year?
Is there a number to call to order these or is this a florida only pass?
thanks for the info, I appreciate it!
It's like an annual pass in that it's good for one year from the day you buy it. And the blackout dates are days I would never venture near a theme park anyway!

I bought mine right at the gate, although I had to go to Vacation services to have my picture taken (That 20 minutes was the longest line I stood on last week ;) )

I'm not a Florida resident, I think it's open to anyone.



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