Anyone traveled by Greyhound bus before?...Please I need some info.


I'm ready for the World!
Jun 4, 2000
We thought maybe this time we would take the bus to save a little bit of money and less stress for me to drive all the way from Detroit to Orlando. Can anyone tell me your experience taking this bus? What was the cost? You are welcome to share any info on greyhound bus, thank you!


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<font color=red> ASMovies 9/00</font>
<font color=blue>ASMovies 9/01</font>
I have never taken the bus, but I would encourage you to call your local Greyhound and inquire as to the cost and length of the trip. I think you will find that it will take 2-3 days to get from Detroit to Orlando. You will be exhausted after stopping dozens of times along the way and will certainly not be able to get any quality rest.

I think you will find that you can purchase an airline ticket through Priceline for less than the cost of a bus ticket, and your travel time will be hours rather than days.
Thanks for your reply. If I could I!
Our kids and I can husband can't. He panics! He can't drive on the freeway either!! We tried it last year, but I ended up driving from Ohio to Disney last year!! And of course the same on the way back! I know you guys probably think my husband is odd...and he is! But I can't blame him if he has fear of flying and driving on the freeway cause I have fear of lightning. Oh well...


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<font color=red> ASMovies 9/00</font>
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I have never taken a greyhound bus...but they do have a website you can price a trip and see the travel time and transfers. I do not think that this type of travel is in my future, but a hardier soul may do well with it.
Is it possible for your husband to be medicated prior to air travel? My teenage daughter is also very afraid to fly, so I called our family psychiatrist :) the day before our trip, and explained our situation and he phoned in a great antianxiety med to our pharmacy. Our daughter did well on our flight and I do not believe that she needed to take the medication on the return trip. It worked for us anyway.
Did you consider Amtrak? You might be more comfortable on a train than a bus. I think Amtrak also regularly has sales and family discounts. And I know there's an Amtrak station in Orlando.

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Just a note Greyhound is having a companion fare sale where you buy one ticket and the second is free. That makes it really affordable, my parents may use it in March to go to a wedding. The details are on thier site you might want to check it out. They have used the busses occasionally to supplement Amtrack and their only comment was that they are crowded. Travel probably isn't real comfortable but sometimes price can make up for part of that.


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Just couldn't wait trip - Feb 2001 OKW
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Thanks guys for everyone's help. :) I gave my husband an advice "Drink and get drunk!" He won't know he is up in the air or not. All he does is goes to a deep long sleep...and snores too! :D He said nope! Oh well. I told him he should see a doctor for his phobia, he is not sure about that.

I have priced the Amtrak and it is going to cost us a about $900! I think we will do this maybe next year or two when we go to California. This is the only way to get there!

Yes, my husband mentioned something about paying one full adult price and bring someone to ride for free. He said that kids can ride for half off. I am going to check out their website.

Thanks guys!


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<font color=red> ASMovies 9/00</font>
<font color=blue>ASMovies 9/01</font>
If you want less stress I wouldn't look to Greyhound....check out the train..from Michigan it should be possible without too many complications....
The worst thing in the world to combat fear of flying is to get drunk. Ask anyone in flight operations. And if any crew member notices how drunk you are, you will be denied boarding.
When my son was 7 I took him to GA to see his family. It took us 24hours from WI and we traveled during the night. He slept through most of it. We also went during the Spring Break season and it was crowded. But we met a lot of great people from great places. He got to see cities he might not have. We brought food with us and the bus made a lunch and/or dinner stop at some fastfood place. Yes some of the stations are seedy but you don't have to go in them. Call greyhound they will tell you where they stop along the way. The only bad part was I could not get out of Chicago to get to Milwaukee for 4 hours. But once again we met a lot of great people.
Totallyluvtigger, I'm glad it worked out for you.
This is the only option we have! I suppose I could drive, but I hate to drive all the way from Michigan to Florida! Bus would be the answer for us. Then from the terminal, we would take a cab to our resort. And the same on the way back.


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<font color=red> ASMovies 9/00</font>
<font color=blue>ASMovies 9/01</font>
When I said I could not get out of Chicago. It was coming home. There were just to many people trying to come back to Milwaukee. But we did get home and we were fine. Do remember to get your kids or hubby on while you check luggage to get seats together. My son go on the bus and held 2 seats and it was fine. I really don't think it is a bad way to travel. It was a little over 200 for bus and like 500 something for air. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Hmm maybe I will look into that for my trip to Port Canverial. The train will take much longer to Orlando and will really cost a small fortune. Good luck. If you need anymore info please email me at
Hi Fantasia! I think your ride on the way down will be okay, but if you are going through Illinois on the way back home, beware that all of the Illinois Correctional Centers send their released inmates home to Chicago on the bus. I don't mean to scare you, but I just thought you would like to know this. I used to work in the business office of a correctional center in Southern Illinois. While I have never heard of an incident on the bus with any of them, I just know there are lots of them that I would prefer not to be around.
Thanks guys for the help! I will see where the bus will stop for changing bus or filling up the tank or whatever it may be. I hope it will not be Illinois, but I will pray regardless where the bus may stop, we hope for a comfort safe ride.
We never rode any bus to go out of town, so this is a new experience for us.

I'll have my husband call sometime this week to snag their specials. Buy one adult ticket and your companion ride for free. Kids are half off I believe. I doubt if the bus will be packed, we are going at the end of Sept.


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<font color=red> ASMovies 9/00</font>
<font color=blue>ASMovies 9/01</font>
I can't imagine spending 48 hours on a bus to Florida! I also can't imagine a guy who won't drive on the freeway. I don't suppose you'd consider flying with the kids and leaving your husband home? Or having him get a head start on the bus, and you and the kids fly?

If the only option is you driving or taking the bus, I'd go with driving. At least you can control when and where you stop.
Yeah, leave the husband at home and fly with the kids. If he really wants to go, he will go to a Dr. and get some anti-anxiety meds to take in order to fly.
We Rode greyhound last August from Arkansas to florida. Basically because of the budget plus my fear of flying we done the greyhound. The trip was right over 26 hours which really wasn't that bad. You can sleep on the bus, we did. Yes the people that ride sometimes can seem creepy, so don't carry nothing in sight worth a lot. Put camcorder camera that type of stuff in a backpack that you carry on. Make sure you carry a pillow and blanket for each person cause sometimes those buses get cold. The main complaint we had was our lugguge didn't arrive with us. they told us we should have traced our lugguge. Everytime you switch buses grab the lugguge and make sure it gets to the right bus. Another thought would be to carry on at least one change of clothes and personal items you need for that first night.
Which we done so we were ok. But our lugguge came in within that evening and they send a taxi at their expense to the resort. Don't use a cab. Use Tiffany towncar. They were excellent. Our bus arrived 45 minutes late and they were still waiting on us.We would go greyhound again anytime wasn't as bad as we thought.
have fun if you need more information please email me


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