Anyone request table for 4 & not gotten it?

We have requested this too and would like to know. My DH works retail six days a week and just wants to spend his vacation with the family.
We requested a private table for 4 for our May 18th cruise. After checking in we went right to Parrot Cay to check out the assigned table. It was a table for 6. Went up to Wave Bands on RT66 where they were taking dinning changes, they changed out table right then and there NO PROBLEMS!

We really enjoyed our dinners alone.
Samsma-Last year we had a Cat3 and requested dining alone. It didn't happen. We had a separate table in only one restaurant even though they were the same table number. Trust me we tried everything before dining and it wasn't changed. The truth is though it was a waste of time because I found the tables to be quite large and we really felt like we were dining alone. I actually felt sorry for the other table because my son speaks SOOOO loud. I don't think it's a big deal so don't worry. You are so busy looking at the rooom, menus, and the shows that you won't care about anything but DESSERT! ;)
We requested a server Roger C (Brazil) last cruise and not only were fortunate to get him, but a marvelous assistant server named Giorgio (Brazil) and the head server of all Head Servers, Maclean (India) - we ended up having a table for 6 but the other 3 didn't make it to the ship - wow!

It was sure different dining alone after always having table mates!

we are a party of 3. The week before Easter, we requested, and received, a table by ourselves. DS was dissappointed, we bore him, I guess!:rolleyes: We weren't sure if our request was a good idea at first because we met so many nice people on board. But after a very uncomfortable lunch, when we were seated with another family who clearly wanted to be alone, I was glad we did. Some times you get lucky, sometimes... ;)
We requested a table for 3 and we got it...I did check right when we bgot onboard to double check because I really have no desire to share a table with anyone during meals...I will share tables by a pool, in a bar or anywhere else, just not dinner time. I never ate breakfast or lunch in any of the restaurants because I know they seat you with others at times so we made due with a buffet breakfast and brought it back and ate on our verandah and lunch we really were never on the ship at lunchtime to eat it!
It does take all kinds - we have only had one family that wasn't a pleasure to dine with in all our cruises and meals.
The parents were a little inebriated (DRUNK) each night and the little boy (about 7) was acting out to get their or our attention. It made for 3 very long, very tense dinners but we managed -

Other times we have met strangers who became friends and DISBoard members who became friends when we arranged dining together!

I was thinking maybe I should talk one of my fellow Dis'ers into eating with us, if we were going to share a table no matter what we had requested. My DH is very shy, and he'd rather eat with just family, but I think my kids would actually act better among people they aren't used to. DH would eventually loosen up and have a good time I'm sure. The only problem is that the Dis'ers I'm cruising with already know too much about me to want me around!!!
Not true!!!!

Would that I could - I'd be your table mate!

We are all the same in this world - some are just quieter or shier than others! My Mom is quite shy but she is a very educated and articulate conversationalist when she overcomes the shy part - DH is quiet also, so DS (8) and I definitely make up for them.

Bless you Rae! May you have a great cruise and wrestle all the shrimp you can eat away from Andy. Hey, we should start a poll on that subject. Winner take all!
Originally posted by aprilgail2
I never ate breakfast or lunch in any of the restaurants because I know they seat you with others at times so we made due with a buffet breakfast and brought it back and ate on our verandah and lunch we really were never on the ship at lunchtime to eat it!

We didn't know this. We were VERY surprised when they sat us with another family in a half empty dining room! We were open to it, but as I said, the other family was definately not! The DH warmed up, but "wifey-poo" was not a warm-blooded creature! We looked at it as a learning experience, but DS wanted to know why the other family wasn't very friendly:p
On our fist cruise we were a little disappointed( well I was dh was thrilled) to have our own table. Our second cruise because it seemed easier we requested and got a 4 top.On our third cruise we requested a 5 top(our new addition needed a high chair). We went to dinner the first night to find out we were at a HUGE table of 11 seatings. I was disappointed but we didn't make a big deal of it. I did mention it to our servers. Well wouldn't you know 6 out 7 nights our tablemates did not show up. THe one night 3 of the other 6 came because tehy thought it was AP show but it was actually formal night. THey promptly sat at the opposite end of us ate their dinner and left. We later found out that they were in CAT 3 or higher so they received dinner in their room.
All worked out for the best.
I would request it again but would not be upset if I didn't get it. The table was arranged so that we sat with our family so we could easily carry on a conversation amongst ourselves. I would have loved to meet lifelong friends like so many of you have.
Is it possible to make a table seating request before the cruise? I would like a 4 top also....last cruise we were a party of 8 and we were just our family.
Originally posted by tbuot
Is it possible to make a table seating request before the cruise? I would like a 4 top also....last cruise we were a party of 8 and we were just our family.

We made the request when we made the reservations.
Originally posted by Samsma
Bless you Rae! May you have a great cruise and wrestle all the shrimp you can eat away from Andy. Hey, we should start a poll on that subject. Winner take all!

Now that would be funny - maybe Hazel could be our judge - even though she's married to Andy - she's still a woman!

Yeah, that's one heck of a good idea!!! A shrimp eating contest between me and verandahman!

I'm willing to bet that Tony could eat both of you under the table. At the embarkation buffet, I have taken to wearing a brown paper bag over my head ala the Unknown Comic so no one will know that I'm with him as he plows through his vat of tiny crustaceans. If shrimp ever get on the endangered list, I think it will be due to him singlehandedly.
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Originally posted by inkkognito
At the embarkation buffet, I have taken to wearing a brown paper bag over my head ala the Unknown Comic so no one will know that I'm with him as he plows through his vat of tiny crustaceans.

You guys better watch out. That's how flamingos get their pink color. You might get barred from sea food buffets all over the US if you become so obvious.

Don't know what's funnier - Tony with the bag or we shrimp eaters turning pink like flamingos -----do you think we'd sprout webbed feet and wings?!

Ohhh, my, I really need to get some bladder control here!!



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