Anyone not use a hoop when cross stitching?


Really,Really Cute!
May 17, 2001
I always thought you had to use a hoop, but when I started stitching, my co worker, who does beautiful embroidery, told me I didn't have to. If you learn to hold the material right, it isn't necessary. Well I practiced, and found out I like working without a hoop better. You can move and turn the projects so much quicker and easier!

Any other oddballs like me out there? :D :D :D
I don't use a hoop and neither does my daughter....but we know we are oddballs :jester:
Most of the time I use either a hoop or (my preference) a Q-snap, but sometimes I don't. :) I don't use a hoop when I do silk ribbon embroidery, though.
When I was still into cross stitching I never used a hoop. My older sister got me started in it and hadn't used one either. I was in my early 20's before I realized some people did!
I don't use a hoop, I do put masking tape around the edges to keep it together so that the threads in the material don't start coming off.

Okay, now I feel like the oddball! :crazy: I always have to use a hoop. Everytime I try to cross stitch without one, my fingers get cramped trying to hold the material taut enough. Any tips to help me get "hoopless"?
I have never used a hoop.
My friend uses some sort of roller that she attaches both short ends to and rolls it sort of like a scroll.
I have always been told that a hoop damages the threads.
No hoop for me either. But I have gotten used to using a frame for larger projects. Instead of buying one, I just made it. It's about 10 X 12 and made out of soft wood. Use flat pushpins to hold the fabric in place.

I tried using the scroll type, but just can't get into it.

I want to try one of these though:


I have friends who swear by them.

I just find it easiest to roll up the end of the fabric and hold onto it in my hand.
I never use a hoop. I'm not coordinated enough to get the cloth inside it.


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