Anyone know about Terri Schultz, New VP of DVC?


DIS Veteran
May 23, 2009
i heard that Ken Potrock is moving on the be President, Consumer Products Commercialization. Not sure if this is good or bad for Ken, us and Terri. Am most interested (and anxious) about Terri Schultz. I read her last position was Vice President, New Vacation Operations & Disney Cruise Line Finance, and served as Treasurer for Disney Vacation Club Condominium Associations, Inc. Any thoughts about where she will take DVC, and ideas on the issues she needs to address?
It was rumored a few weeks ago that Ken was leaving. He recently got a new boss. Changes can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on who you ask. Any time that a finance person is put in charge, you can bet that it will be good for the company and not so good for us.

They need to prove their worth, impress their boss, cut costs, and increase profit.

Good luck everyone.

:earsboy: Bill

I always appreciate your take on things, Bill! I agree that change can be good or bad. I had the same concerns about her being a finance person, and hopefully she can continue to build the value of DVC.

My sense is DVC is moving from “small potatoes” from a Disney POV to having an bigger impact on the parks in terms of a stable/growing number of people always at WDW (increased theme park revenue stream). Our impact is greater.

The whole thing is very interesting to me.
m most interested (and anxious) about Terri Schultz.

My understanding from friends who work for DVC Sales is that Ken is definitely moving on. Can't recall what they said his new title will be but it's not DVC is the way I understood it.

Many years ago, when I worked for MS, Terri worked for DVC and I always found her to be entirely warm and approachable and positive. She was away from DVC for a number of years and a funny coincidence happened when she was coming back to DVC several years ago..... DH and I were in Hawaii staying at Aulani a few days. One morning we were sitting near Off the Hook Lounge by the main pool and saw a small entourage of "suits" go by. And in Hawaii, anyone dressed up stands out, believe me! (one of many things I love about Hawaii!) I saw a woman that looked like Terri, whom I had not seen in years. I'd just heard she was coming back to DVC, and went to see if it was her. Sure enough, they had been down to the beach/lagoon area and I greeted her as they were coming back up the beach stairs. She immediately remembered me and warmly greeted me. I welcomed her home and we chatted for just a minute before they had to move on. Personally, I think she will be very good for DVC. And that's speaking as a 25 year member.
This is great feedback. It’s good to know she is a “people person” as well as a numbers person. Although most people at her level are very astute about people and can intermingle well.
That's one thing about Disney, they really like to move management every few years. Makes it very hard on the CM's.

:earsboy: Bill

George, then Jim, then Claire, then Ken, and now Terri. :scared1:

:earsboy: Bill

George, then Jim, then Claire, then Ken, and now Terri. :scared1:

There was someone before George, yes? It wasn't Matt Ouimet was it? He was an AWESOME leader at DCL!

Claire was just put in to soothe things and get DVC pointed back in the right direction. She is a gifted troubleshooter, and truly one of the nicest top Disney leaders I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Disney uses her skills when they have an issue with one of their umpteen companies around the world. I sure wish she could've stayed w/DVC. I've had CM's tell me some wonderful stories about her.

In 25 years of corporate America, 5 or 6 leaders doesn't seem too bad.....
No official announcement has been made. The last time we talked to Terri Schultz she was acting as Ken Potrock's assistant, taking down questions with promises to contact us later if they couldn't answer the query at the post annual meeting meet and greets. And yes, she never answered DH's question.
Soothe things over after Hurricane Lewis...

Yes, it was THAT bad.

I was several time zones away and still heard he got the boot within minutes.

Now he slings spa franchises.....

All of the other senior leaders were pretty good.

I thought that he is a VP at Walmart? Lewis was a Disney bean counter and was let go along with two other higher ups due to the Aulani mess.

:earsboy: Bill

I thought that he is a VP at Walmart? Lewis was a Disney bean counter and was let go along with two other higher ups due to the Aulani mess.

I believe he did originally go to Walmart. Bless their souls. What I heard in the grapevine was that Jim & Al Weiss have something to do with Marilyn Monroe spas. I can't verify that. Just what my DVC and Disney CM friends have said. :D
No official announcement has been made. The last time we talked to Terri Schultz she was acting as Ken Potrock's assistant...

Oh I writing fake news? I swear I read somewhere that she is replacing Potrock. If I got this wrong, I apologize...
Oh I writing fake news? I swear I read somewhere that she is replacing Potrock. If I got this wrong, I apologize...

It's been established that she is replacing him, don't know for how long she will be around.

:earsboy: Bill

Oh I writing fake news? I swear I read somewhere that she is replacing Potrock. If I got this wrong, I apologize...

No fake news from you! I had heard it was true at least 2 weeks ago from insiders. I love Terri!

As for how long she will stay? I will be surprised if Terri does not stick around a while. She was with DVC for a few years before, in another role, not quite as high up.
I believe he did originally go to Walmart. Bless their souls. What I heard in the grapevine was that Jim & Al Weiss have something to do with Marilyn Monroe spas. I can't verify that. Just what my DVC and Disney CM friends have said. :D

Al decided to retire “immediately”. Once he was gone, Jim’s days were numbered.

Oh, the stories I could tell......
In the new Disney Files that I got today, there was an insert page with a message from Ken and a message from Terri.
In the new Disney Files that I got today, there was an insert page with a message from Ken and a message from Terri.

Insert page means that it went to press prior to the changes, I wonder if they knew that this was coming? Was it a promotion or a demotion?

:earsboy: Bill


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