Anyone Have Any Information on Amerisuites near Universal???


Earning My Ears
Dec 17, 2001
Although we are staying at CBR for most of our 9 day trip, we have decided to stay off property and nearer to Universal for the first two days in order to visit US/IOA.

I found Amerisuites on the internet for $49.95 per night with brekkie included. It looks nice from the pictures on their website and says it is across the road from US/IOA.

I wondered if anyone knew anything more about this hotel, one way or another, good or bad.

I had booked the Universal Inn before this but got some bad reports so cancelled it and rebooked Amerisuites.

I don't want to pay much more than what I am paying at Ameriisuites as I want the bulk of my money for WDW and CBR.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. We are travelling from March 16 to 24, 2002.

Karen Kerr:D
My family and I stayed at AmeriSuites by Universal last May and it was very nice. The rooms were clean and roomie and the breakfast was your standard continental with bagels, fruit, cereal and toast. Just get there early for the breakfast or there's nothing left!
You may want to check in with priceline though, we got our room there for $29 a night through them!


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