Anyone enjoy having multiple use years?

I am a big buy where you want to stay person though so you might be better of with SSR. I just never want to have to worry about future changes to availability and how non-home resort booking works.

Thanks, I would love to stay at the Grand Floridian, but prices are just too high to justify the purchase. My all time favorite resort is Beach Club but with the shorter deed expiration, I do not see that as a good value. Hindsight we should have waited when we bought at VWL and bought at Beach Club.... But we love VWL so have not been disappointed at all.
2 different UY and really not an issue.
We generally travel in April and October, stay in different resorts and have different plans for each trip. Keeping track of the points and banking,etc is not difficult with the information they have on the dvc website.
I thought our multiple use years would be no big deal until the recent COVID rules. The inability to borrow more than 50% of our points has me wishing our three contracts could be pooled at 7 months. It always somehow seems to work out regardless, but definitely more complicated
I will experience my decision to have two use year probably in 2022. I did not choose the use year , I chose the deals. The sunny side of it is that I discovered the split stays by reading this forum and I really look forward to try it. Will do probably 3 to 4 days in one place and the same at the other resort.
Sounds manageable, but I've not been bold enough to try it yet. I've been pretty fortunate finding add-ons all with same Use Year so far :thumbsup2
We are close to doing the two use year thing. We have trying to find the right Oct use year add on for months, but just cant seem to get to them fast enough, so it just might be another use year add on at different resort for us.
I just joined the two UY club, so I'll let you know how it goes. It was never my intention to end up with two UYs, but I wanted to own at VGC and only wanted a small contract, and my unicorn contracts showed up with an Oct UY instead of a Sep UY. It was too good a deal to pass up just because it was a different UY, and these points are only for VGC anyway. If I do end up adding on at DL Tower, I'll keep it to the Oct UY so I can combine points for larger accommodations at the 7 month mark if I ever need it.

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