Anybody else totally stressed - 2 jobs, house, husband, kids!!!!!!

:grouphug: to everyone in a similar situation. And to ilovediznee: enjoy your Sunday!

I'm not a parent, but I cared for my parents and uncle for fifteen years in addition to working full time (usually at least 60 hours weekly). My father had Alzheimers for 12 years before his death, which was horrendously expensive, and for seven of those years I was a candidate for a sleep deprivation study! I was lucky if I had two hours sleep each night--and that was interrupted! :eek: Even when he was in the nursing home during his last two year, I was there until he settled down around 1 or 2 a.m. nearly every night. When he passed on, I slept for four days--just got up for a drink of water and to use the facilities. Scared my mother to no end! *LOL*

While our experiences are different, the results are the same. We're exhausted, stressed, and we take care of everyone except ourselves. I used to get up at 4:30 in the morning just to have time to exercise (job is very sedentary) and organize my day before everyone else was up and moving! I still do when the weather is warm--or hot!--it's really nice to watch the world awakening. :)

As others have mentioned, I have done two things that made a big difference in my life: learn how to say NO and simplify everything as much as possible. I'm still paying medical expenses from my parents (thankfully, my uncle had good insurance!), but I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

What you choose to say NO to will be different that what I do--you have a young daughter. But you and your DH can determine what is important to you outside your immediate family and when it is appropriate to say NO to others--even your DD occasionally. While her needs are paramount for the most part, they also have to fit into the means of the family without causing excessive stress.

It looks like you already are beginning to work through existing issues and develop a plan for the future. And making plans--even if there are detours--is helpful for reaching your destination! Good luck! :)
Ok, last Sunday was busy, but I got to do what I wanted. We went and looked at a housing development and I did get to sleep in so that was great.

Now this past weekend so busy and I worked both days, BUT this weekend I am off Saturday so plan to sleep in.

Do I need to work more at my PT job to cut more debit? Yes, but I've decided I can't kill myself and don't want to get sick. I WAS going to pick up a shift for this Saturday because now our DD will be at a sleepover, but I've said "NO" since my DH will be gone too. Now I can do what I want, even if it is cleaning or watching TV. I need some down time!

I am so ready for a break! I don't know about anybody else, but I am exhausted! I work FT, PT to pay off medical bills, have the house, a husband, a daughter, school stuff winding down, summer camp stuff to pay for. Did anyone notice I didn't mention a THING for me? If I'm at home, I do stuff at home because I feel guilty for not "doing" something. I have worked either at my FT or PT job everyday since Mother's Day, so I told my husband that if ANYONE bothers me this Sunday, I will blow up since it is my first whole day off! While I have the whole weekend off from my PT job, our DD's b'day party is Saturday night, we have a graduation party to go to on Friday, so Sunday is it! And the reality is that even though Sunday should be a spiritual day, I hate Sundays because wash, the house, meals and getting ready for the next week.

As you can see, I am not a happy person right now. My DH said today, "what can I do to help and what is wrong?" Well, I'd like to be out of debt so I could actually go out to dinner every once in awhile or even a bit of shopping, I'd like someone else to clean up the house, cook, put away the wash (he washes all the clothes), I'd like someone to do all the planning getting DD to and from school and now summer activities and someone to do all the other stuff I do. Besides that, I'm happy.

Please don't go into "if you work both FT and PT why doesn't your DH and DD do more?" Well, they do more and I email the every night I am working a list of what to do, but it seems never ending.

I KNOW there are other people in my boat and I am just looking for support!

Thanks - Diane :eek::eek::eek::eek:

2 jobs, a hubby, and kids sounds less stressful than 2 hubbies and 1 job! :rotfl:
i will be right there with you in the fall! working part time, going to school, taking care of our 3 young kids (4, 2, 3 months), cooking, cleaning. my hubby works 3rd shift so he can only do so much before he crashes in bed. :hug:


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