Any word on those great new member perks Ken mentioned at annual meeting?

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DIS Veteran
Oct 24, 2006
He said we would be hearing about some new perks for members "soon." According to my calendar, it is just about soon.
Nope. DVC still hasn't updated the Portable Perks that's available for download on
"Soon" is a term subject to interpretation. It could mean very shortly after or, if comparing "soon" to the time that the earth has existed, which is usually the case with promised benefits from DVD, it could take a little longer. In 2005, DVD said that on-line booking would be coming "soon." It showed up in January 2012.
I used their live chat feature to ask just this morning. I have a trip in a few weeks and was hoping to see a list of updated "perks". I was told the website and the printable portable perks pamphlet would be updated at the end of January.
My follow up question was, "So I won't have an updated list of discounts for my trip?" Response, "They will be updated by the end of January."
I guess that means no.
I used their live chat feature to ask just this morning. I have a trip in a few weeks and was hoping to see a list of updated "perks". I was told the website and the printable portable perks pamphlet would be updated at the end of January.
My follow up question was, "So I won't have an updated list of discounts for my trip?" Response, "They will be updated by the end of January."
I guess that means no.

Tomorrow would be "by the end of January". I'm waiting too! :confused3
I used their live chat feature to ask just this morning. I have a trip in a few weeks and was hoping to see a list of updated "perks". I was told the website and the printable portable perks pamphlet would be updated at the end of January.
My follow up question was, "So I won't have an updated list of discounts for my trip?" Response, "They will be updated by the end of January."
I guess that means no.

So are they just honoring the same 2013 perks for the time being? We will be there in a week.
Waiting too!!! Going to be there Feb 12, very excited but could use some more excitement. lololol:coffee:
Why does this make me nervous?!?! I'm expecting worse, not better.
I'm hoping that the new Perks they talked about at the annual meeting was not referring to Portable Perks. These perks have been going on for years. I'm interested in some new (different) perks that really mean something. The only real perk I consider valuable is the AP discount. Most of the current discounts mirror what you can get as an AP holder.
I called in today to DVC Member and complained about the lack of information as I have a trip on Jan 25. I was told by next week , the portable perks should be updated. I asked for the mailing address and email address to send feedback correspondence as well.
I wrote an email and I am planning on printing it out and mailing it as well. Anyway, if anyone is really concerned I suggest calling and sending feedback. Perhaps if enough members voice their concerns the perks will be updated in a more timely manner.
While I know nothing is guaranteed, and 2013 perks may still be honored it really isn't fair that those of us that choose to vacation in Jan shouldn't have the same access to 2014 benefits as everyone else. I was really hoping on some type of ticket discount however, I doubt if there is one I wil be able to take advantage of it.

Oh well. that is my 2 cents.
So are they just honoring the same 2013 perks for the time being? We will be there in a week.

I don't think that perks necessarily run on a calendar basis. They can be changed anytime during the year. The $399 promo PAP came out in the fall. When they increased the discount on AP's from $100 to $146, it was in June.
I don't think that perks necessarily run on a calendar basis. They can be changed anytime during the year. The $399 promo PAP came out in the fall. When they increased the discount on AP's from $100 to $146, it was in June.

loved that $399 promo

should have doubled up on it and activated them at the end of last year 2013 and they would have been good through 2014 oh well maybe we will get it again or something similar
I think it irresponsible to start off the new year with such I vague statement. Perks should be decided on for the following year prior to the annual meeting and then should be released at the annual meeting. Anything else else short of that is not acceptable
While I know nothing is guaranteed, and 2013 perks may still be honored it really isn't fair that those of us that choose to vacation in Jan shouldn't have the same access to 2014 benefits as everyone else.

as debbie said, perks don't run on a calendar year basis. they are valid until they stop being valid. they start whenever DVC makes the deal with the third party to get access to the perk.

i'm guessing you were not around when DVC members had a free valet parking perk. that one disappeared overnight...literally. members valet-parked that evening and came back in the morning to find that they owed for the service. DVC let the deal with the third party expire without telling the members in advance...that was kind of a disaster.

DVC leadership should know to underpromise and overdeliver, but we've got a new guy. he's learning. and this is not a worst-case scenario by any means...your expectations seem a little off...
DVC leadership should know to underpromise and overdeliver, but we've got a new guy. he's learning. and this is not a worst-case scenario by any means...your expectations seem a little off...

"Perks" may not be calendar year, however, "Portable Perks" are, the current one is dated Jan 2013-Dec 31, 2013. As I said, many may still be honored from 2013 and carry over, just have to wait and see once I get there.

You are certainly entitled to your expectations and I mine. As you know mileage may vary.
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