Any tips for warding off the bugs?


Feb 5, 2001
Hi! We are visiting in Sept and I understand the bugs can be pretty bad. First, can anyone tell me what to expect this time of year...what kind of bugs, I have heard something about love bugs??? AND, what is the best way to ward off any bugs lurking about? I know long pants, long sleeves...but it's awfully hard to do that when it is still so warm at night. Off, is not the greatest for me so I am hoping someone uses something else that seems better. Thanks anyone!

I'm not sure about this tip personally, but someone has posted earlier about taking Bounce dryer sheets and rubbing them all over your clothing, body and hair to repel bugs! Let me know if you try it! I think I'm gonna give it a whirl in April!

My family and I were in WDW last year inthe beginning of May. We had no problems with bugs at all. But in other buggy and sunny areas we had great success with Coppertone Bug and Sun. It kills two birds with one stone!


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