
Earning My Ears
Mar 6, 2001
Do any of you know of any specials in June, we are planning a trip for June 17-23, planning to stay at the All Stars with resort package. I have the DC membership, but know some of you have found out better deals. Let me know! + :eek:

I haven't made and reservations yet, but plan on doing so this week sometime! So excited, it's like being a kid again!

I am also going in June (16 - 21). I am currently booked at ASmu at the regular $99 rate. I can't find any discounts on the Value or Moderate resorts. I tried through DC as well, they said there are no discounts for value resorts at that time, and all the moderates are sold out (I'm assuming all the discounted ones). I know there are discounts at the Animal Kingdom Lodge for that time Period. I was quoted $184 /night for that through a travel agent on another board. If you know of any other discounts going on I'd be interested. I'd love to either save on my current ressie or upgrade to a Moderate for the same price. I've heard of $89/night Moderates out there, but I don't know if they are valid in June.
When I got my $49 rate at ASMO for Aug 11-16, I questioned the (code deleted) code for June, I was told April 22-Oct 3 the (code deleted) code price would be $65.
I might change to June, the savings is still significant.

[This message was edited by Kaa on 03-14-01 at 09:38 PM.]
I just called and tried to use the (code deleted) code for June and she told me that it wasn't available again until July. She priced the room anyway and it came up more expensive than my current non-discounted reservation.

[This message was edited by Kaa on 03-14-01 at 09:38 PM.]
I made reservations today and did not get a discount at all on the room, not with my DC # either. Disappointed, but still celebrating about going to Disney World. I got the $99 dollar rate, and they also had the cheapest plane tickets I could find, so I went with them too. They told me that there was no available DC rooms left, do they only have a certain amount that they reserve for DC members?


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