Any other Breaking Bad fans out there?

Saul was in a Super Bowl commercial. He wasn't Saul, of course. But I was trying to yell, "It's Saul!" over everyone else. My throat was hurting, but I was so excited, "It's Saul! It's Saul!" :teeth:

I'm enjoying reading everyone's ideas and wish people would expand on them, lol. Like...zipping along, why does Hank go to Skinny Pete?

Hank could go to either one of them (I think) because he saw Badger and Skinny Pete leave Jesse's house together when he was staking out Jesse looking for the camper. He knew Badger from the first search for Heisenburg (when they arrested the con for hire) and he would have noted both license plate numbers when they got into their cars. Pete's mentioned in the past that he's on probation.

It's just a guess (obviously) but, if Hank doesn't go directly to Walt, and he has to walk on eggshells regarding Jesse, that Badger or Skinny Pete would be the person who would take the pressure.
Hank could go to either one of them (I think) because he saw Badger and Skinny Pete leave Jesse's house together when he was staking out Jesse looking for the camper. He knew Badger from the first search for Heisenburg (when they arrested the con for hire) and he would have noted both license plate numbers when they got into their cars. Pete's mentioned in the past that he's on probation.

It's just a guess (obviously) but, if Hank doesn't go directly to Walt, and he has to walk on eggshells regarding Jesse, that Badger or Skinny Pete would be the person who would take the pressure.
I see.

That's right - Skinny Pete was on probation. That was his reason for not wanting to attack or kill people, lol. Like murder is okay, so long as it isn't a parole violation. :rotfl:

I love Badger. He is always hilarious and was generally under-used, IMO.
For those who have not yet seen "Breaking Bad" and want to get caught up before the season resumes (and the series ends) this summer, and you don't want to deal with Netflix or an online service...

Not only has AMC been running the first episodes of Season 5 (one of them airs every Monday morning) for the last few weeks, but the series is also starting from the very beginning on the Sundance Channel, as of this coming Monday, March 4th (check your listings for times)!!! They are kicking it off with the pilot episode and then "Cat's In the Bag," with more episodes to air on March 11th. I was surprised to see that Sundance was going to be airing it.

Also, I guess no one knows the answer to my question about Gus Fring's family (in my previous post, above)?? Gus only referenced "the children" when talking about how they didn't like the stew he made for Walt (and Jesse). But we never saw any kids or a wife.

Obviously a man such as Gus Fring would protect his family and keep their identities hidden. I am wondering if there is any possibility of one of his secret family members suddenly surfacing in the final 8 episodes of "Breaking Bad" and joining in the ranks of people who will inevitably be chasing after Walt.

And is there any possibility that Lydia could have been more involved with Gus than just the 'business' connection we already know about?? I know there has to be more to her than what we've already seen (which is incredibly boring) -- and that would be a nifty way to make her more interesting.
Could Lydia actually be Gus's daughter? I'm trying to think of things she said to Walt and nothing is ringing a bell with me. She always wore sunglasses when they met. She didn't hesitate or even blink when referring to having someone killed. But.... you'd think if she were related to Gus she wouldn't be so close... same city, etc.

I like the theory though... that someone from Gus' family might make an appearance!!
Could Lydia actually be Gus's daughter? I'm trying to think of things she said to Walt and nothing is ringing a bell with me. She always wore sunglasses when they met. She didn't hesitate or even blink when referring to having someone killed. But.... you'd think if she were related to Gus she wouldn't be so close... same city, etc.

I like the theory though... that someone from Gus' family might make an appearance!!

I'm thinking that someone from Gus' family has to materialize. Out of all of the people who will be chasing after Walt, the one that would/could really be out for blood would be someone closely involved with Gus. And, of course, Walt has lulled himself into a false sense of security after recruiting Todd's uncle and his people to 'take care of business' in the "Gliding Over All" episode last year. Walt isn't even thinking about any other people potentially tied to Gus.

Lydia could turn out to be a relative of Gus...or she could turn out to be his younger mistress or something. Maybe the daughter she has is his??:confused3 It would be a great twist if it happened.

One way or the other, something will happen with Lydia where she and Walt end up at odds. Either she will reveal herself to be someone closer to Gus than we realized, OR she will just simply turn on Walt for some other reason.

Walt probably has his guard somewhat down with Lydia because she is female, she acts nervous and skittish, and she seems to crumble under pressure when backed into a corner. He probably doesn't view her as much of a threat. He thinks he is the one in charge.

I almost get the feeling that Lydia was written that way and portrayed that way so we, the viewers, would all see her as very annoying, weak and bland...only to be shocked when she shows her true colors in the final episodes.:rotfl2: Even when she was going to hire someone to take care of the 9 men, she acted as if she was doing it out of fear and paranoia - not because she was a major criminal/murderess. But I think she might be a major criminal and murderess!:rotfl2::rotfl2:
I'll preface this by saying that I'm not going to reveal anything here, so no one has to quickly shut their eyes and/or rapidly exit the thread to avoid seeing details!:rotfl2::rotfl2:

But...I'm just curious to know if anyone else out there has caught some of the (very few) Breaking Bad spoilers that are slowly trickling out about the final 8 episodes? I would imagine that more spoilers will start to come out in the next couple of months, but there is some minor stuff out there in cyberspace now.

I am the sort of person who actually doesn't mind spoilers to a certain extent - for example, I don't mind hearing some things about some of the episodes in a series. But I don't want to hear all of the spoilers for the entire series. So I will look for info up to a point, and then refrain from looking for info after I've gotten my fill.

I happened to be looking around for Walking Dead spoilers, and in the course of searching for those I stumbled upon a couple of different threads on websites that feature spoiler chit-chat about many shows.

So, of course, I had to see if anyone had anything to report on Breaking Bad while I was peeking into these other websites! I couldn't resist!

I wouldn't say that I found any concrete spoilers for Breaking Bad - in other words, nothing like, "X, Y & Z happens to so-and-so in the next-to-last episode." There were no actual plot revelations to speak of.

However, there were some spoiler-ish details revealed by someone who visited the set in New Mexico, and there is also a photo floating around that would seem to substantiate one of the details this person reported.

If you put 2 and 2 together, looking at the photo that is floating around you can kind of come to some conclusions about something that may happen. And in hearing about some of the other locations where scenes in the show were being filmed, there is at least one location that would raise an eyebrow as to what may happen.

So, again, I won't reveal any of the stuff I read because I assume no one wants to know, but I just wondered IF anyone out there was also reading spoiler-ish info too??
I have not read any spoiler-type news, and like you... I wouldn't want to, but it would be sooooooo hard to resist!!!!

I'm wondering if they will be rewriting anything since that one script was stolen from Bryan Cranston.

It's hard to wait isn't it?? I wish the creator/writers would reconsider... I understand going out on top, blah blah blah, but really. What am I supposed to do without them??
I have not read any spoiler-type news, and like you... I wouldn't want to, but it would be sooooooo hard to resist!!!!

I'm wondering if they will be rewriting anything since that one script was stolen from Bryan Cranston.

It's hard to wait isn't it?? I wish the creator/writers would reconsider... I understand going out on top, blah blah blah, but really. What am I supposed to do without them??

Heluvsme -

My problem is that I like to read some spoilers up to a point - just as a tease - but I don't want to know everything. I don't want to know the pivotal, major events that are supposed to surprise me or move me in some way.

The trouble with trying to seek out only certain spoilers and not others is that it's almost impossible to do that! Chances are that if the whole season of any show has already been filmed, if I look for a few 'baby spoilers' I will probably end up hitting the mother lode and learning everything that's going to happen in all 8 episodes. So it's really better to leave that Pandora's Box sealed for me or I may find out more than I want to!:rotfl2:

The tiny semi-spoilers I stumbled upon on the Television Without Pity website (in the Breaking Bad forum, for anyone who is interested) really have not been all that revealing yet. There is that one photo that I mentioned in my previous post - and that kind of shows a certain scenario that is a bit of a spoiler, although we don't know the 'hows' and 'whys' and 'whens' of it all.

And there is the one guy I mentioned (he also posted on Television Without Pity) who visited the set of the show and reported some very small details - and when I say small, I mean things like "Walter walks over to his car,' or 'Walter checks his phone.' I mean, that stuff is pretty harmless and generic for any season!

So far, thankfully, other than the one photo I saw and the report of one very particular location where some filming took place (and this location would definitely be an indication of something interesting happening!), I have not really seen any noteworthy spoilers. Then again, I haven't been looking ever since I found that much!

I, too, wondered what would happen in the wake of that stolen script! I don't think that it was the script for the final episode of the series, but still...with only 8 shows left, every morsel of every episode is going to be important and will be leading to something.

There have been conflicting stories about the script theft and car break-in - some folks said that the car was broken into and the script was stolen way back in December, but that the guy who broke in was not caught until March, so that's why it just became public news a couple of weeks ago. Others say that this whole event happened in March.

There's a big difference between a script in December and a script in March, if you know what I mean. If someone stole a script in March, that could be something at the end of the series, and I would hate to think that some thief got his hands on what is going to happen in one of the final episodes, if not THE final episode. In that event, I would certainly hope that the cast and crew go in and film an alternate version of the show, just to throw everyone off-track!:rotfl2:

ETA: In the light of the recent Walking Dead season finale, I certainly hope the Breaking Bad writers do a better job with not leaving holes in the plot and leaving all kinds of unanswered questions. I realize that the series is ending so there has to be more finality, but The Walking Dead's season finale left so many gaps and holes (and not in a fun, cliffhanger, keep-you-guessing kind of way) because I suspect they edited out a bunch of stuff to fit into a one-hour time frame. There were a lot of things that should have been shown but were left out, and the episode felt incomplete and 'thin.' If Breaking Bad ends that way - with all kinds of 'but...what happened to this person, and why didn't they show this thing' questions I will not be a happy camper. They had better tie up all the loose ends!
My husband and I were just talking about that very topic!! HOLES being left!

There are only 8 episodes!! How in holy heck are they going to answer, and tie up, all the loose strings?! I'm fretting over this. This is the stuff I lose sleep over, LOL! :rotfl:
I'm not sure if I'm the last person to learn this or the first person to learn this, but I thought I'd better post either way! If I'm telling you all something that you already know, forgive me!

1. It has now been announced by AMC that Breaking Bad will return on August 11th! August 11th?? What the heck? What happened to the July date that had originally been leaked?

I am wondering if this has something to do with the stolen script. AMC would never admit it, and I'm sure the Breaking Bad team wouldn't admit it either, but I wonder if they have had to re-shoot some things or change some things around because that one script was stolen. It would make sense, and then the re-shooting and re-editing would explain the later premiere date.

I continue to read conflicting stories as to when the script was actually stolen - some say it was stolen in December and reported to the media in March; others say that the script was stolen in March. I maintain that there would be a huge difference in a script from December (which probably covered the first or second episode of this final 8) and a script from March (which was likely the final, final episode).

2. Following the lead of the Walking Dead after-show, Talking Dead, we will now have a Breaking Bad after-show for the final 8 episodes - called Talking Bad! I think it's a great idea :woohoo:and I love the title, but only for 8 episodes? They're too late! They should at least run the first 8 episodes of Season 5 again and start Talking Bad then, just to cover one entire season at least. Great timing - starting a Breaking Bad discussion show when the series is about to end!:sad2:

I haven't found out if Chris Hardwick (from Talking Dead) is going to host Talking Bad, but Chris hosts another show called The Nerdist on BBC America and he recently had Betsy Brandt and Jon Hamm on as guests. He jokingly said to JH that there should be a show called Talking Mad, and I wondered why he didn't say anything to Betsy about a Breaking Bad after-show...which leads me to believe that Chris already knew that Talking Bad was coming down the turnpike!

The AMC site was freezing up my PC when I was reading the news earlier, so that's why I didn't catch whether or not Chris Hardwick will be hosting Talking Bad.
I KNOW!! August 11?? Ugh!

At the very first I had heard June, then I heard July for a long time, and now August 11th???

I also think it has to do with the missing script, but who knows. The optimistic side of me wants to think that they're behind the scenes negotiating another season!!!!:idea:

A girl can hope, right??
I KNOW!! August 11?? Ugh!

At the very first I had heard June, then I heard July for a long time, and now August 11th???

I also think it has to do with the missing script, but who knows. The optimistic side of me wants to think that they're behind the scenes negotiating another season!!!!:idea:

A girl can hope, right??

I think that, sadly, there won't be another season.:sad: I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I want the show to go on because I love it. They could easily stretch it out for a couple of extra seasons, under the premise that Walt was in remission and trying to get out of the mess he got himself into or whatever, and introduce a new crop of bad guys for Walt to contend with along the way.

On the other hand, I think that both AMC and Vince Gilligan didn't want to wear out Breaking Bad's welcome and cause it to get old and stale. Walt has already basically risen to the top of the food chain in his drug territory, so he could either just go on as is, in a sort of Gus Fring-type way, running the show behind the scenes and having people killed off...or he could get killed, which is more likely because he will tick off the wrong people.

I think that Vince Gilligan and Bryan Cranston have both said that there really is no end other than for Walt to die. They've also said, more or less, that the lifespan of the series was meant to be limited, because it wouldn't be plausible for the situation that Walt is in to go on and on and on, indefinitely, without some major consequences.

(Then again, over on Showtime, Dexter is just about to go into Season 8 -- and I find it very hard to believe that a scenario like that one could go on for as long as it has, with one guy killing off all of these people in the same basic area, right under everyone's noses, and very few people in Dexter's orbit have caught on. It seems like Dexter should have died or been busted a long time ago.)

I just wish that AMC hadn't put such a huge gap in the middle of the Breaking Bad seasons because it really does cause some momentum to be lost. I realize that they will likely run the whole series in the wee hours of the morning on AMC, like they did last year, before the final 8 shows begin to air in August, but it's not the same thing because those shows have already aired a long time ago.

I still tend to think that at least some of the reason for the delayed start date is due to having to re-shoot some part of whichever episode was in the script that was stolen. Maybe they re-shot the last 10 minutes of it or something, and revised the ending. I don't think we would hear about that until later on down the road, though. I think that AMC and Vince Gilligan are trying to keep as quiet as possible about what was stolen so they don't draw any further attention to it. Quite frankly, I'm actually shocked that the details of the script that was stolen have not been revealed as of yet. I wonder how it is that no one has come forth with spoilers from that script.

There is also some talk that the delay in the start date is due to timing it out so that Breaking Bad begins airing right around the time in August that the Emmy voters send in their ballots for the September Emmys. If the Emmy voters begin watching the final 8 episodes of Breaking Bad right around the time they have to vote, they may have the show fresh on their minds when it comes time to send in the ballots for Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Drama, etc. (We are assuming that Bryan and the gang will be nominated this year for their work in the first part of Season 5 that aired last year, because last year's nominations were actually for the 2011 season.) If this is true, that is a very clever strategy!

Finally, I don't know if anyone has seen it but early last week Conan O'Brien did a 1-hour+ interview with the Breaking Bad cast (minus Aaron Paul and Anna Gunn, who were off filming something somewhere) and Vince Gilligan at the Television Academy. I watched the whole 1 hr,7 min on YouTube. I don't think I am allowed to post the link to it here, but search for "Conan O'Brien Interviews Cast of Breaking Bad" on YouTube and you'll find it!! Anyway, this interview was done after the cast and crew had wrapped shooting on the series, so they were reflecting on that and on the series in general. It sounds like they just finished filming in the first week of this month - and Vince G. alluded to being on the set of the final scene, but he didn't want to reveal where that final set was (like a house, a park, a morgue, a church, a hospital, or wherever).
Thank you!!!

I had no idea Conan did that!!!

I DVR Conan about 3 nights a week, and of course I didn't DVR that night. I had no idea!!! I'm so glad you posted that, I'm going over there now!!!!

I can't get enough!
Thank you!!!

I had no idea Conan did that!!!

I DVR Conan about 3 nights a week, and of course I didn't DVR that night. I had no idea!!! I'm so glad you posted that, I'm going over there now!!!!

I can't get enough!

You're welcome! I don't think it was part of Conan's regular show, so you didn't miss anything by not DVR'ing it. It looks like it was just a special interview set up by the Television Academy with Conan as the host (maybe he was chosen because he is a huge fan of BrBa, and because he has hosting experience so he can easily do it). It is just over one hour long - at least the version that I watched on YouTube was.

I actually wish that James Lipton and Inside the Actors Studio would do an interview with the cast of BrBa. They/he did one with the Mad Men cast a couple of years ago, and they've done interviews with other full casts of other shows. At the very least, ItAS needs to interview Bryan Cranston before these final 8 episodes air. I can't see that Bryan would turn it down -- he seems to be a likable fellow with an interesting background and a sense of humor, and I think he'd happily agree to doing the interview and to tackling James Lipton's famous questionnaire at the end ("What is your favorite curse word," etc.). There have certainly been lesser actors on that show! Heck, James Lipton interviewed the whole cast of Modern Family -- while MF might be a good's no Breaking Bad!
Found this thread but didn't want to read it....yet. My DS has been bugging me to watch this show since it started and I just haven't, until now. I am almost through the second season, and wow, what a show. I am not a person to get sucked into TV shows but this one got me.
I believe amc is going to have a marathon starting this Fri. I love the show and will miss it when it's over.
:woohoo:19 days, everyone!!!:woohoo: In just under 3 weeks, our show will be starting once again, for the final home stretch.

After this long wait (the last round of new episodes ended in early September 2012, so we have already been waiting well over 10 months), Breaking Bad will finally be back in 19 days. I am soooooooo excited -- like, jumping out of my skin and chomping at the bit excited -- and yet so sad at the same time.

While listening to the Howard Stern show yesterday, Robin Quivers asked Howard if he had watched the first BrBa episode yet (they got an advanced copy -- which, I hope, means that Bryan Cranston will appear on their show again; Bryan was on their show last year and the interview was great!). Howard had not yet watched it.

Robin said, "Well, [let me just say] you're in for a real treat." And Robin is one to complain about many shows. So if she says that this first show of the 8 is good, I have to believe that something major happens right off the bat.

Aaron Paul said to a local TV reporter last week at the Emmy nominations announcement (so happy that BrBa got a lot of different nominations!) that the final 8 shows are a "violent sprint to the finish line...which is what everyone wants."

I don't think they're going to waste too much time in getting the action started in these final shows. There is no time to waste. People have to start dying -- and fast!!!

Did anyone see the still promo photos that were released by AMC a couple of weeks ago? There were maybe 50 of them, and they all depicted the characters in various combinations in the desert. (There is also an episode-by-episode synopsis, complete with titles, floating around out there too. The very last episode is called "Felina" -- which is "Finale" scrambled, BUT it could also imply feline..which could be Lydia.)

Lydia is conspicuously dressed in all black in her photos, which leads me to think -- because colors are so prominent on that show -- that she is going to show the other side I have been waiting for. I know that she has been acting skittish, nervous and jumpy -- but I suspect that she is a mean, evil killer behind the scenes.

When looking at the still promo photos I suddenly thought, "I think Hank might die." Honestly, I didn't think Hank would be killed at first. I think I even said that I didn't think he would die a couple of pages back. For some reason, all of a sudden I got the feeling that he is going to be killed (after having a big confrontation with Walt, of course). I have not heard anything to substantiate this, but I am starting to think it might happen...maybe even by Jesse's hands (if Walt convinces him to do it).

I. Cannot. Wait.
11 days until the return of BrBa!!!!!:cool1::cool1::cool1:

I did a bad thing.:guilty: I told myself I wasn't going to do it...but I did it. That's what happens when you deprive a woman of her favorite TV show for 11 months. She gets desperate and...reads spoilers!:scared1:

I am so ashamed of myself. I knew that reading just little baby spoilers would lead to reading big spoilers, and it did.

I have now read spoilers for all 8 episodes. I will, of course, not reveal them here.

What I will say is that if you, too, cannot resist spoilers and you want to read all about what is supposedly going to happen in the final 8 BrBa episodes (which may or may not be accurate), go to the "Breaking Bad General Gabbery" section of the Television Without Pity website, and read the last couple of pages of the specific Spoilers thread. If you do not want to read any spoilers of any kind, stay away from that forum and that site at all cost!

I read each and every supposed spoiler for each and every episode, and while I don't know if they are 100% true -- I'm sure some details are true and some are not -- here is what I will say. I was horrified.

Aaron Paul recently said in an interview that the last 8 shows would be a "violent sprint to the finish." Anna Gunn said that the final 8 shows would be "brutal and apocalyptic," etc.

Well, if the spoilers printed in the Television Without Pity/Breaking Bad Spoilers thread are correct (even partially correct), let's just say that Aaron Paul and Anna Gunn were not exaggerating at all. In fact, they may have even been downplaying it.:rotfl2:

Some folks on the TWoP site seem to think that the spoiler for the very last episode is a fake -- planted there just to throw us all off track -- because they don't like the way it plays out. They believe the spoilers for the preceding 7 episodes are correct, however.

I, on the other hand, think that at least some of what is said to happen in the finale sounds believable. Maybe not all of it, but some of it. We'll see. I think that a bogus script could have been floated around out there to throw everyone off, but I'd bet that some details are true. In a way, I am secretly hoping that all 8 of the spoilers I read are totally wrong, and that they were just put out there to throw everyone off. I kind of hope that none of the episodes go the way I've read about, so that I will be surprised! Lol.

I am mostly annoyed at myself for reading about what it supposed to be coming up in the final 8, but at the same least now I know when to cover my eyes and look away from the screen!:scared1:

Yikes. That's all I can say. Yikes.


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