Any fireworks, parades, etc. at IOA?


DIS Veteran
Oct 6, 1999
Just curious. We will only be there one day, but I don't want to miss anything spectacular.


Disneyland 1982
Aug. 1983, May 1985, May 1987, Oct. 1996
Polynesian July 1999
March 2001--Buena Vista Suites
Depends, when will you be visiting Universal Orlando????

Why? Well, to name a few items:

- Mardi Gras parade now being held nightly at USF (through March 17th)
- IOA will be bringing back "Adventure to the Stars" nightly fireworks for the summertime.
- USF will be introducing a nightly fireworks show this Summer (now there's some big news to chat about on the board)
- IOA will also be bringing back alot of the summertime "street shows" throughout the islands this Summer.

etc, etc, etc.

So please let us know what the dates are of your vacation so we can help
I´m happy to knew that universal is planing some kind of nightime firework show. I just love fireworks and universal (both parks) does not offers nice fireworks spectacles during our last trips.

We will be in Orlando March 10-16. We plan to go to IOA on Tuesday, 3/14.


Disneyland 1982
Aug. 1983, May 1985, May 1987, Oct. 1996
Polynesian July 1999
March 2001--Buena Vista Suites
It sounds like you will be in the midst of Mardi Gras when you visit.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
I noticed this was posted awhile ago and was just wondering if the fireworks shows were still going and what times they are during late June? Also have the parks added any parades during the day?
How do I find out what spectacular events will be taking place on this day/night?

This is out last night in Florida and I want it to be a GREAT ONE!
I think Mardi Gras runs through March 17.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Does anyone know the times and dates that the fireworks will run?
We'll be there (HRH) in late August , so presumably the fireworks will still be on at that time but it won't get dark till quite late and don't the parks close fairly early even in summer?
I would not have thought it would be dark enough for fireworks at 9:00!


The fireworks generally run at closing.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."


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