Yesterday DD5 had to have allergy testing done it was very hard on her. Then we found out she is very allergic to grass, mold and her cats. She left crying that she has to get rid of her cats and can't play outside anymore. The Dr was great with her He told her she can play outside and Mommy just has to give the cats a bath.
Next stop of the day was the lab they needed four tubes of blood from her. L<et's just say THAT WENT WELL! NOT!!
And the mean Mother that I am we went to the dentist next where we learned she needs to see an orthodonist. She does not know what thats all about yet.
Really I didn't plan the day to have so much in it that just the way it worked out. Made dental appt. 6 months ago and the allergist was supposed to be last month but she got real sick the day it was to be done and we had to postpone and the only time they really had was yesterday unless I wanted to wait longer which we didn't since she has been in bad shape breathing wise.
Any way are there any goog codes out there today?
Next stop of the day was the lab they needed four tubes of blood from her. L<et's just say THAT WENT WELL! NOT!!
And the mean Mother that I am we went to the dentist next where we learned she needs to see an orthodonist. She does not know what thats all about yet.
Really I didn't plan the day to have so much in it that just the way it worked out. Made dental appt. 6 months ago and the allergist was supposed to be last month but she got real sick the day it was to be done and we had to postpone and the only time they really had was yesterday unless I wanted to wait longer which we didn't since she has been in bad shape breathing wise.
Any way are there any goog codes out there today?