Any AG codes out there? DD needs a special treat


Oct 31, 2003
Yesterday DD5 had to have allergy testing done it was very hard on her. Then we found out she is very allergic to grass, mold and her cats. She left crying that she has to get rid of her cats and can't play outside anymore. The Dr was great with her He told her she can play outside and Mommy just has to give the cats a bath.
Next stop of the day was the lab they needed four tubes of blood from her. L<et's just say THAT WENT WELL! NOT!!
And the mean Mother that I am we went to the dentist next where we learned she needs to see an orthodonist. She does not know what thats all about yet.
Really I didn't plan the day to have so much in it that just the way it worked out. Made dental appt. 6 months ago and the allergist was supposed to be last month but she got real sick the day it was to be done and we had to postpone and the only time they really had was yesterday unless I wanted to wait longer which we didn't since she has been in bad shape breathing wise.

Any way are there any goog codes out there today?

Don't know of any codes but wanted to say poor baby to your DD!!! I had allergy testing done at age 4 and STILL remember how miserable I was.

For the record I am allergic to cats as well but we didn't get rid of mine. I think the constant exposure to the allergen (cat dander) built up my resistance over time. We did however keep the cat out of my bedroom and that seemed to help.
151676 is good for $10 off a $30 purchase. I just used it twice last week.

Hugs and pixie dust for your DD.
thanks for the code and support.

We talked to her last night about the cat not being allowed in her room and washing her hands everytime she plays with the cat.

We have two cats we may try to find a home for one of them. to lessen the amount of cat allergens in the house. DD has been in very bad shape for the last 6 months such having to rush her in to the dr. when she could barley breathe more than once in the last few months.
Hugs to your DD and you, thats a rough day even for an adult!
I know how hard this can be... I am allergicto cats and mold spores also. I used to take shots weekly to help and we also bathed our cats once a week. Now my allergies as an adult seem to be much better. I live with my bf and he has a cat and I don't have any problems. I think I have built up a tolerance.

My son has also had major issues in the past. I have had to rush him to the hospital several times b/c he could barely breathe. One time he even had to be rushed by ambulance from one childrens hospital to another because they could not stabalize him. They had him tested for allergies and he came back positive for cats. However, even after that he continued to have problems and after much reluctance he has finally been diagnosed with having asthma. After this diagnosis he has been out of the hospital for 2 years in a row!!!

Best of luck to you and your DD.
For the record I am allergic to cats as well but we didn't get rid of mine. I think the constant exposure to the allergen (cat dander) built up my resistance over time. We did however keep the cat out of my bedroom and that seemed to help.

Just something to keep in mind - I was also allergy tested as a kid and it came up positive for cats (amongst other things) We had 3 cats at the time, I was 11 - I didnt want to get rid of them, and neither did my mom. We never did.

Then when I had kids and moved out - I didnt have animals anymore.

Flash forward to today - 33 years old and can NOT step FOOT in a house with any animal - and if it's CATS??? Holy cow - forget about it. Im talking about 5 - 10 minutes tops, instant asthma attack! And usually one thats NOT cured with a puff of albuterol. We're taking about hospital admission asthma attack. Its NO fun. :(

You may build up resistance during the exposure, but when you remove that allergen, and re-introduce it, you could be asking for trouble.

On that note - hugs to your daughter. Breathing problems SUCK!! :guilty:
Yesterday DD5 had to have allergy testing done it was very hard on her. Then we found out she is very allergic to grass, mold and her cats. She left crying that she has to get rid of her cats and can't play outside anymore. The Dr was great with her He told her she can play outside and Mommy just has to give the cats a bath.
Next stop of the day was the lab they needed four tubes of blood from her. L<et's just say THAT WENT WELL! NOT!!
And the mean Mother that I am we went to the dentist next where we learned she needs to see an orthodonist. She does not know what thats all about yet.
Really I didn't plan the day to have so much in it that just the way it worked out. Made dental appt. 6 months ago and the allergist was supposed to be last month but she got real sick the day it was to be done and we had to postpone and the only time they really had was yesterday unless I wanted to wait longer which we didn't since she has been in bad shape breathing wise.

Any way are there any goog codes out there today?


I don't have any codes but I just wanted to mention something about the orthodontist. We were told my DD would need Phase I work done b/c of certain issues she has part of which was going to involve a palate expander. After doing some research we were referred to an ortho who uses the Damon System which is a type of braces that eliminates the need for most ortho work that is traditionally done on the younger kids before getting braces. We are so excited, this system will eliminate a great deal of treatment time and pain for our DD. I would just advise that you make sure to do tons of research before agreeing to any treatment and make sure that the ortho you see is up to date on the most recent technology.
Don't mean to sound like a jerk, but did anyone ever hear of allergy shots. We just started my son a month and a half ago. He is 13 and has many allergies and very bad asthma. So after to Allergists recommended the shots for him we started. He gets two shots in the back of his upper arm. It's a very tiny needle and he said doesn't hurt at all. Left arm is for dust and dust might’s, and the Right arm is for everything else like: Rag weed, grass, tree pollen, dogs, mold, etc. Interesting though he is allergic to dogs but not cats... I would have thought it would be the other way around. We have a ****zu that is really his and my DW, frankly I could do without it...

Based on his allergies and his asthma, the doctor feels this is the best thing for him. He goes once a week for 5-6 months, then once a month for 5 years. We sat him down and he wanted to do this because he loves his dog and was afraid we would have to get rid of him.

Again so far so good, you may want to consider them, it's a much better option than suffering and numerous trips to the hospital every Fall and Spring.
Just thought I would give you another option to research/think about. I managed a pet shop for 13 years, many years ago. We carried a product called AllerPet. They made one formula for cats and another for dogs. If I recall correctly right as I was getting out of the business they brought out a whole new line of products which were more user friendly and convenient. Anyway all you had to do was apply the product to the pet, I believe it was weekly or after swimming or being drenched. My customers loved this product and I had a hard time keeping it in stock. I got nothing but positive reviews and although I could not test the product firsthand as I have no "pet" allergies - I feel preety darn confident recommending it to others after all the great things I heard from the customers. Just thought it might be worth a try! Good luck!
Thanks for your support! We go back to the allergist in a month to talk about where to go next such as shots or no shots. DD's Dr. felt that we need to give her some time to relax before we talk about where we go next. She was really upset when we were there!


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