Any adult Dis'ers into Hardcore Metal?

Just read your first and last page...TOTALLY with you on the metal end!

Megadeth is hubby's official fave. I love it all, the harder the better...

Really in need of a good concert tho - last one I went to was 08 Warped Tour (Camden)

Bad Economy + Layoff in 07 = Not enough concert going for me :(

Hi and welcome!!! I am assuming you are from NJ since you mentioned Camden. You could have meant Camden ME though...........I would put my money on it that they are 2 DIFFERENT worlds!:eek::lmao::lmao:

If you are from NJ- may I suggest going to see shows at the Troc or the TLA in Philly? They have some awesome hardcore bands and the prices for tix are nowhere near what you pay for the larger venues (ie Camden) some of those shows you have to mortgage your home for! You can probably even go to ther box offices and avoid the additional fees. Just be sure you know where some cheap parking is- DH and I spend more for parking than we do on tickets some times, just b/c it is convenient!:eek:

Hope you are feeling better soon :thumbsup2 I too am home recovering from surgery this week but mine is no where near as hardcore as yours. I just had a tonsillectomy, before being put under I asked the Doc if I would be able to sing after the surgery and he was like "can you sing now?" and I was like "hell no" and he was like well in your words the answer would be "hell no" :rotfl2:

Oh no! More surgery! Hope you are feeling better soon. I love the ? you asked the doc:lmao:

I said to DH, do you think I can ask my surgeon to play some of "my" music during my surgery since they say you can subconsciously hear things? Then I thought about it- it might grate on his nerves and he may start fumbling around and snipping things he shouldn't :rotfl2: I will let him stick to whatever it is he does in the OR.:thumbsup2

That's good that your children are into good music and that you encourage them I started listening to metal in the 4th grade and my parents made me become an altar server :lmao: Seriously that was there response and I suffered through it simply so I could enjoy my metal, it was a sacrifice I was willing to make for my Piece of Mind and Heaven and Hell tapes that my older buddies had given me for my b-day. My father said you can listen to them and be an altar boy or I will take them and smash them so clearly I chose torture LOL...I think this is why I love Metal so much I had to make what for me was a great sacrifice in order to listen. That is of course until I got older :thumbsup2

Oh- you poor thing, an altar boy??? OK- do you have any pics of you in your robe ringing those bells during mass? :lmao: Come on........let's see 'em!

My mother made me get up every Sunday and go to church- it was torture. Finally I was in my teens and I said ENOUGH! She did not care about the music I listened to- for some reason she just wanted me to go to church- and she was not even a church goer??:confused3:rotfl2: Go figure...........I am a better (happier, nicer) person for not going anyway:angel:

Rest up, pop your pills and keep it metal \m/

Hey Brock- DH and I were in the city this weekend- we ate and had some beers at the Good Dog Bar! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2 Ever been?
Oh no! More surgery! Hope you are feeling better soon. I love the ? you asked the doc:lmao:

I said to DH, do you think I can ask my surgeon to play some of "my" music during my surgery since they say you can subconsciously hear things? Then I thought about it- it might grate on his nerves and he may start fumbling around and snipping things he shouldn't :rotfl2: I will let him stick to whatever it is he does in the OR.:thumbsup2

Oh- you poor thing, an altar boy??? OK- do you have any pics of you in your robe ringing those bells during mass? :lmao: Come on........let's see 'em!

My mother made me get up every Sunday and go to church- it was torture. Finally I was in my teens and I said ENOUGH! She did not care about the music I listened to- for some reason she just wanted me to go to church- and she was not even a church goer??:confused3:rotfl2: Go figure...........I am a better (happier, nicer) person for not going anyway:angel:

Rest up, pop your pills and keep it metal \m/

Hmmm I may have a pic or 2 someplace that was Hell on Earth but as I got older(6th grade) it had its advantages as I used to steal the wine and trade it for Green M&M's :hippie: if you know what I mean. Let's just say I listened to a lot of Black Sabbath in 6th grade :rotfl2:

Anyway so when I found metal at the age of 8 it spoke to me because most of the lyrics reinforced what I already believed especially when AI started listening to Death Metal in 6th grade....

But yeah my parents were and still are hardcore die hard Catholics and here I was little heathen boy from the 2nd grade on LOL I did everything I could not to go I purposely broke my arm once in the 4th grade to get out of going to CC, in 5th grade I started debating abortion and the existence of god in the middle of CCD class, in the 6th grade they had me go with the other troubled students to this woman's house who knew we didn't care and had us watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail every class lol But I didn't have any ground to stand on their house their rules and they made me get confirmed but the day of my confirmation I looked at both of them and vowed that I would get excommunicated someday....I don't care anymore and I stopped caring the minute I went to College but thinking about it now it would be kind of fun to get excommunicated I wonder what it takes these days? Hmmmm I think I have some research to do while I am out recovering with my surgery :thumbsup2

I have liquid Oxy as my pain killer trust me life in wonderful no pain at all...the other day i listed to Mastodon all day and yesterday I listened tot he first 7 Black Sabbath albums it was mind blowing on that stuff :lmao: I purposely didn't take any today I don't want to get hooked.....

BTW I listened to the new Megadeth on the pain meds and it still didn't make it sound good :rotfl2::rotfl2:...Definitely the worst album out of their last 3 releases...having said that it is still better than anything metallica has put out since 1989....:goodvibes Dave you lost a few battles but you have won the Metal war :thumbsup2
Yes, def Camden NJ ::yes::

My last Troc show was Lost Prophets and our last TLA show was CkY.

I love the prices at those venues. I got into Warped for free doing pics for the skate comp at the half pipe. HOB up here should take example from DTD's HOB. The prices in Orlando are awesome compared to AC. We saw sevendust and lost prophets at DTD and paid only $25 for LP and $50 for a NYE show for 7D.
Deicide isn't really that scary, it's just how Glens vocals are. I <3333 Glen.

And rammstein, have you heard the new songs for the new album? I wouldn't want to show your kids that just yet... maybe untill you tell them about the "birds and the bees" or whatever they call it now. :)

And yes, Manowar = Metal Gods.
Heehee...haven't heard Rammstein's new stuff yet. I'm pretty liberal with what my kids listen to, but thanks for the warning. I'll check it out first. They've been known to run around singing Du Hast, even though they have no idea what the lyrics mean.
:woohoo: Glad to hear you are feeling well after your surgery!!! Gotta have the Dis, even when laying in the hospital bed:laughing:

Let us know if you make it to LOG!!! (hope you do;))

Oh I will! DH said he does not think it will be a big deal- BUT- I am not taking any chances and I am slipping that baby into the side of my boot!!!!:thumbsup2

Yeah! Move on over to the Phila side of PA!:woohoo:

Well thank god some parents have enough sense to raise their kids to appreciate good music. Seems like the majority of people do not have a clue what good music is if they tripped over it, how in the world can the kids learn what is good and what the heck is CRAP these days when adults do not know any better? Even if they do not like metal- teach your kids about the good classic stuff- Hendrix, Jethro Tull.............

:lmao: OMG- that just reminded me! Yesterday DH and I were driving over to Philly. Well! The Ben Franklin bridge was backed up and we were sitting in traffic for AN HOUR AND HALF just to make it to the bridge. (We can usually shoot over to Philly in 20 minutes!) So this means that are many people with their windows open and you can hear the crap spewing from their windows like stinky sludge- DH and I were pissing ourselves b/c we saw these 2 guys, I would say no more than 30 blasting...................ready?.............Whitney Houston's The Greatest Love of All (I think that is the title) and then another young dude, all by himself blasting, (I had to Google this one- ) Chicago's Hard Habit to Break:lmao::rotfl2: Ahhhh- the amusement we had while sitting in traffic:rotfl2:

I will have to admit- the best music I heard coming out of a window was this, I guess you can call it African music, (it reminded me of what you would hear in the Animal Kingdom) an older gentleman was listening to it. It was pretty good! Now, I would give that 2 thumbs up b/c it takes some thought to listen, choose and appreciate something like that. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Make sure they give you that $%&@ in pill form:lmao::rotfl2: with a few refills:thumbsup2

Hope you are home now!:flower3:
Now reality is starting to set in and I'm feeling like CRAP! More uncomfortable than anything and I feel like I picked up the flu or something in the hospital.:rolleyes:

Your story reminds me of when my husband and I were driving somewhere and were stopped at a red light next to some teenage boy in a jeep. He had this awesome sound system, but he was blasting this country ballad. My husband knows that kind of stuff and told me it was Reba. We have a lot of, um, rednecks - for lack of a better term - around here. Just seemed odd that a teenage boy would be blasting that crap.

Well, they gave me percocet. I would be a horrible drug addict because everything makes me sick. I can't even take those. But they sprung me on Saturday, so I am home at least.
Just read your first and last page...TOTALLY with you on the metal end!

Megadeth is hubby's official fave. I love it all, the harder the better...

Really in need of a good concert tho - last one I went to was 08 Warped Tour (Camden)

Bad Economy + Layoff in 07 = Not enough concert going for me :(
Well...there IS that rumor about a Megadeth/Metallica/Anthrax/Slayer tour. Even that stick in the mud Lars said he'd like to do that. Hopefully if it comes to that, you'll be better off financially and will get to go.
Hope you are feeling better soon :thumbsup2 I too am home recovering from surgery this week but mine is no where near as hardcore as yours. I just had a tonsillectomy, before being put under I asked the Doc if I would be able to sing after the surgery and he was like "can you sing now?" and I was like "hell no" and he was like well in your words the answer would be "hell no" :rotfl2:

Yeah Ozzfest used to be amazing especially back in the 90's 1996, 1997, and 1998 were untouchable 3 best Ozzfests ever!!!!

Deicide are amazing and I can give you muc much much scarier bands if you'd lie ones that would make Deicide sound like Ratt vocally and lyrically. But if you seriously like Deicide you should check out Immolation and Vital Remains (newer) I love their lyrics and their music of course.....:thumbsup2 That's good that your children are into good music and that you encourage them I started listening to metal in the 4th grade and my parents made me become an altar server :lmao: Seriously that was there response and I suffered through it simply so I could enjoy my metal, it was a sacrifice I was willing to make for my Piece of Mind and Heaven and Hell tapes that my older buddies had given me for my b-day. My father said you can listen to them and be an altar boy or I will take them and smash them so clearly I chose torture LOL...I think this is why I love Metal so much I had to make what for me was a great sacrifice in order to listen. That is of course until I got older :thumbsup2

I heard the older you get, the harder a tonsillectomy is on you. Hope you are doing okay. Too bad - I can't sing to save my life either.:lmao:

I actually saw Immolation a few years ago. They were amazing and I would give anything to have that singer's hair. He's got some of the longest hair I've ever seen on a man.

I totally feel for you on the altar boy stuff. My mom made me go to a Catholic school from Kindergarten through 12th grade. I am proud to say I made it through, only ever got one lecture from a priest, and will never subject my kids to that. They can decide if they want any part of any religion when they get older. I decided I don't want to be part of any organized religion. The worst thing they did, IMHO, was have a priest teach sex ed. Ended up going out and finding everything out on my own, because what they taught was useless.
Well...there IS that rumor about a Megadeth/Metallica/Anthrax/Slayer tour. Even that stick in the mud Lars said he'd like to do that. Hopefully if it comes to that, you'll be better off financially and will get to go.

Things are def getting better lately, even have a Disney trip on the horizon ::yes::

When the shows are just Megadeth I tend to send hubby with the guys without me...

if they come around with *that* lineup, I'm Goin!

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I hope you get better soon :wizard:
Woohoo! There's people actually showing love to Manowar here! :banana:Blow your speakers!~

King of Kings!

I liked them as a kid, but suddenly stoped listening to them, then when one of my internet buddies hosted his radio show, he suddenly made it a "Manowar" night, blasting this and some other songs. So yeah, I got back into it. :D

Anybody else into Sigh? great Japense Avant-Garde/Symphonic Black Metal band. :D

Sigh - Me-Devil


Heehee...haven't heard Rammstein's new stuff yet. I'm pretty liberal with what my kids listen to, but thanks for the warning. I'll check it out first. They've been known to run around singing Du Hast, even though they have no idea what the lyrics mean.

Let's just say this... the music video for one of their new songs (in most american eyes) is considered a xxx flick, more disturbing than mein teil and mann gegen mann.

Also the album cover is how would the kiddies say... "****ies!"
Woohoo! There's people actually showing love to Manowar here! :banana:Blow your speakers!~

Other bands Play MANOWAR Kills!!! .....I love Manowar and have been lucky enough to have seen them live 3 times!!! Twice with Immortal which was an odd but amazing combination, the clash of fans was hysterical...and then the 3rd time with Rhapsody which was amazing as well!!! The second time I saw them was at this dive of a venue in Salem Ma and my buddy and I actually got invited on their bus after the show because we were going insane in the front row but we weren't on there 5 minutes before girls came on and we were left awkwardly sitting there with the drum tech drinking bud light :rotfl2: Eventually we just got up and left but none the less it was awesome!!!

All Men Play on 10!!!!!! :thumbsup2

Mustis and Vortex left Dimmu Borgir. I luved Vortex's voice!

Everything will be ok clean vocalists in Black Metal can easily replaced now if Shagrath left then Dimmu would be in trouble. I mean there is no denying Vortex's work on "Death Cult Armageddon" was phenomenal and he will be missed by fans but Dimmu are so good that you won't even notice he is missing going forward especially if they replace him, which will be up to Shagrath and Galder as I doubt Nuclear Blast would force the issue. :thumbsup2

But if you like I.C.S Vortex, have you checked out his other bands? You probably know he was vocalist/bass for Broknagar on the albums "The Archaic Course" and "Quintessence". But he was also the lead vocalist on the album "Sideshow Symphonies" by Arcturus. It is an ok album former Dimmu Borgir member Hellhammer is also in that band they aren't heavy they are more like Atmospheric Artsy Black Metal. I am sure he has done other things but that's all I can remember and I am too lazy to look it up LOL....Blast it Loud and Proud :rockband:
Everything will be ok clean vocalists in Black Metal can easily replaced now if Shagrath left then Dimmu would be in trouble. I mean there is no denying Vortex's work on "Death Cult Armageddon" was phenomenal and he will be missed by fans but Dimmu are so good that you won't even notice he is missing going forward especially if they replace him, which will be up to Shagrath and Galder as I doubt Nuclear Blast would force the issue. :thumbsup2

But if you like I.C.S Vortex, have you checked out his other bands? You probably know he was vocalist/bass for Broknagar on the albums "The Archaic Course" and "Quintessence". But he was also the lead vocalist on the album "Sideshow Symphonies" by Arcturus. It is an ok album former Dimmu Borgir member Hellhammer is also in that band they aren't heavy they are more like Atmospheric Artsy Black Metal. I am sure he has done other things but that's all I can remember and I am too lazy to look it up LOL....Blast it Loud and Proud :rockband:

Thanks for the info Metal.

I have never checked out his other bands. I will check out the harder stuff. I just remember seeing them live for the first time and was blown away by his vocals.

Hey- Am I the only one who LUVS the song, Wild Rover of Hell by Volbeat??? I especially like the chorus. I am not sure what to think of them. I like the singers voice, but the music is a bit mellow. Not sure why they play them on Liquid Metal??? I would say they might be the most mellow band they play on that station.
Thanks for the info Metal.

I have never checked out his other bands. I will check out the harder stuff. I just remember seeing them live for the first time and was blown away by his vocals.

Hey- Am I the only one who LUVS the song, Wild Rover of Hell by Volbeat??? I especially like the chorus. I am not sure what to think of them. I like the singers voice, but the music is a bit mellow. Not sure why they play them on Liquid Metal??? I would say they might be the most mellow band they play on that station.

Volbeat are good they are Groove Metal so it makes sense that they are played on Liquid Metal., although I am kind of surprised that they play them as they aren't on a major US or even European record label. I may be wrong but I think that they are on their own or a very small one out of Denmark. Of course that could have changed they could very well have signed with someone I haven't been paying attention to them as of late. I haven't heard any of their recent stuff but I have the album "Rock the Rebel/ Metal the Devil" and it is 100% bad @zz. :thumbsup2 I haven't heard that song it must be off of their newest album I will check it out today, but if it is anything like their other stuff it is going to be awesome :goodvibes
Volbeat are good they are Groove Metal so it makes sense that they are played on Liquid Metal.,

I thought it is odd b/c Liquid Metal squeezes Volbeat between some Napalm Death and some Cannibal Corpse!

Definitely not the same "rip the flesh from your face" kinda music!

Hey! How are our 2 post-op metal patients feeling today!?

Mustis and Vortex left Dimmu Borgir. I luved Vortex's voice!
:scared1::scared1: And Metal Church is no more, but that's old news. Still makes me sad, though.
now if Shagrath left then Dimmu would be in trouble.
Hey- Am I the only one who LUVS the song, Wild Rover of Hell by Volbeat??? I especially like the chorus. I am not sure what to think of them. I like the singers voice, but the music is a bit mellow. Not sure why they play them on Liquid Metal??? I would say they might be the most mellow band they play on that station.
I like it too. Seems to be the song of the month on Liquid Metal. Every time I turn it on they play that song. That one and Wrong Answer by Municipal Waste. I'm not picky, I like that one too.
Hey! How are our 2 post-op metal patients feeling today!?

Admitted back into the hospital. There's cerebrospinal fluid gushing out of the incision in my spine. Needless to say, I didn't make it to LoG/Gwar/JFAC last night. I've been stuck in this hospital since early yesterday.:sad2:
:Admitted back into the hospital. There's cerebrospinal fluid gushing out of the incision in my spine. Needless to say, I didn't make it to LoG/Gwar/JFAC last night. I've been stuck in this hospital since early yesterday.:sad2:

OMG- not more trouble!!!!!?? I am so sorry you are going through all of this!

Sending positive thoughts your way:hug:
I thought it is odd b/c Liquid Metal squeezes Volbeat between some Napalm Death and some Cannibal Corpse!

Definitely not the same "rip the flesh from your face" kinda music!

Hey! How are our 2 post-op metal patients feeling today!?

Yeah I feel you, but Metal is Metal as long as it's True Metal they can be played in any order. When you think about it before Lacuna Coil got big in the US they used to tour with Cannibal Corpse same with bands like The Gathering, typically speaking as long as bands are accepted by Brothers and Sisters of True Metal any band can play with any other even if it doesn't make sense. The exception of course being with the extreme Black Metal and Death Metal under grounds respectively.....Like I said I saw Immortal and Manowar play the same show in 2003 talk about oil and water...But as different as the fans were they respected one another because True Metal is True Metal..Now the first opener was Chimaira and they rightfully got booed off the stage for the posers they are LOL It was so awesome they played 1 song and got off the stage it was the coolest thing I have ever seen at a show, every single person in the venue either turned their backs to the stage or left the floor. The lead singer stopped and started whining and attacking the crowd and everyone was silent with back turned it was as if we were all fighting as one and he whimpered off and said something to the effect of "fine you guys don't want to hear us we wont make you listen" ...When they got off the stage everyone started cheering and chanting "We Want Metal" ....

I still have some discomfort but not bad I am recovering quite nicely and the Oxy is amazing :rotfl2: Thanks for asking :thumbsup2

And Tat2ddisneymom I hope you are back on your feet soon :goodvibes Sorry you missed that show....
Yeah I feel you, but Metal is Metal as long as it's True Metal they can be played in any order. When you think about it before Lacuna Coil got big in the US they used to tour with Cannibal Corpse same with bands like The Gathering, typically speaking as long as bands are accepted by Brothers and Sisters of True Metal any band can play with any other even if it doesn't make sense. The exception of course being with the extreme Black Metal and Death Metal under grounds respectively.....Like I said I saw Immortal and Manowar play the same show in 2003 talk about oil and water...But as different as the fans were they respected one another because True Metal is True Metal..Now the first opener was Chimaira and they rightfully got booed off the stage for the posers they are LOL It was so awesome they played 1 song and got off the stage it was the coolest thing I have ever seen at a show, every single person in the venue either turned their backs to the stage or left the floor. The lead singer stopped and started whining and attacking the crowd and everyone was silent with back turned it was as if we were all fighting as one and he whimpered off and said something to the effect of "fine you guys don't want to hear us we wont make you listen" ...When they got off the stage everyone started cheering and chanting "We Want Metal" ....

See, I hate Lacuna Coil (Kitty, I think I mentioned something about not liking Iwrestledabearonce- oh dear god- when their music comes on feel like an ice pick is being shoved into my brain- I am not a fan of chicas). bleck.

I am a picky metal fan. I can hate bands. Just b/c it is metal does not mean I like it. I have to enjoy what I hear.

But- you say Chimaira are posers!!!?? Get out- I really like them. What makes them posers? Inquiring minds need to know.

I still have some discomfort but not bad I am recovering quite nicely and the Oxy is amazing :rotfl2: Thanks for asking :thumbsup2

And Tat2ddisneymom I hope you are back on your feet soon :goodvibes Sorry you missed that show....

Well- you be a good boy and keep taking that Oxy:thumbsup2....and eating ice cream (OK, so I get my medical advice from Cindy Brady!):laughing:
Admitted back into the hospital. There's cerebrospinal fluid gushing out of the incision in my spine. Needless to say, I didn't make it to LoG/Gwar/JFAC last night. I've been stuck in this hospital since early yesterday.:sad2:
Ouch, sorry to hear that. I'm hoping to go to that concert when it comes to Milwaukee. But I know I'll be standing farther back when Gwar plays...I don't wanna get covered in Gwar juice.
It seems like most people here listen to more of the "older" metal. Does anybody like the newer, death/prog metal? I like those bands the best (Between the Buried and Me, The Black Dahlia Murder, etc.)
Ouch, sorry to hear that. I'm hoping to go to that concert when it comes to Milwaukee. But I know I'll be standing farther back when Gwar plays...I don't wanna get covered in Gwar juice.
It seems like most people here listen to more of the "older" metal. Does anybody like the newer, death/prog metal? I like those bands the best (Between the Buried and Me, The Black Dahlia Murder, etc.)


Ewwww- Gwar juice............put on a raincoat!:scared1:

Band question for you all..............
Anyone ever hear of Between the Buried and Me?
I am listening to them now and I cannot say much for the vocals, but OMG- the guitars are frickin' awesome!:eek:
Any info?

I never really paid much attention to them, and then I saw them open for Opeth and Dream Theater last year. They put on a killer set! So I decided to check out thier stuff and was kinda underwhelmed. Of course then I heard 'Colors' and was floored :scared1: They really hit it out of the park with that CD ... One of my favorite prog-metal CDs of recent years.

They're definately prog-metal and take some getting used to. They've got some of the quirkiness of System of a Down or Faith no More, with some crazy instrument skills. The more you listen to them, the more it sort of clicks. Their earlier stuff is hit/miss, but I'd recommend picking up a copy of 'Colors' or 'Colors Live'. They're going to have a hard time topping that for a follow-up.

California is one of my all time fav CDs ... and Lateralus is probably high on my list as well
While I consider myself to have a very strong knowledge of all things music and know my way around metal, I am but a simple novice compared to Metalis4ever :worship:

Surprisingly, I think my top two bands of the last few years aren't even metal :confused: I kinda listen to everything. But, my favorite flavors of music still remain prog/fusion and metal. I don't know how anyone can truly appreciate music and not like some form of METAL ??

I guess Brock would be your "go to" prog metal dude!:thumbsup2
Guess all I had to do was look a couple pages back...
Band question for you all..............

Anyone ever hear of Between the Buried and Me?

I am listening to them now and I cannot say much for the vocals, but OMG- the guitars are frickin' awesome!:eek:

Any info?
They're definitely my favorite band, everybody in the band is soo talented.
I don't know what you listened to but this is my favorite song of all time. My favorite part is 6:42, that part of the solo is amazing.
As for his vocals, he does have a good singing voice. They have an amazing CD that has covers of Queen, Pink Floyd and a bunch others. He has awesome falsetto too(I think that's what it's called) like at 6:20 in this video.
That might be too much info, haha, but I love that band.

Ewwww- Gwar juice............put on a raincoat!:scared1:

I guess Brock would be your "go to" prog metal dude!:thumbsup2
Haha, I don't want the be that guy.


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