Another really dumb ticket question


Earning My Ears
Aug 30, 2001
What's to stop me from having someone I know who is a Florida resident, buy me discounted tickets to WDW? Do they check IDs at the gate? Is there a pictue on the ticket? What's the catch????
I believe the only Florida-resident discounts offered are for the annual passes. And, yes, they to require a photo ID at the very least. I've even seen mention of biometric finger scans in use on some (if not all) annual passes.
I'm not a FLA resident, and when we got our AP's they took a scan of our Driver's license and when you first use them it records your biometric fingerprint scan. The photo ID is there as a backup in the event the bio-scan fails. I'd imagine it is the same for FLA residents, but not sure how it works on the daily/hopper passes. Disney is VERY protective of its revenue stream.


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