Another Day, Another Countdown... An August 2017 PTR *Updated 8/26 I'm back!*


DIS Veteran
Apr 4, 2006
Another Day, Another Countdown!

August 19-25, 2017
All-Star Movies
Hi, everyone (@pkondz … I’m expecting my wave!) and welcome to my second PTR! Though I took a bit of a sabbatical from the Dis (the shame!), I am now back and bett-… well, I’m back! I am so excited that I’ve already reconnected with many of you and I hope to forge new friendships, too. Before I go any further, let’s cover some basics:

Who: Tracy, 34, lover of all things Disney (and pictured here below with my adorable nephew Dominic during our January 2017 trip)


This trip may be another solo one (my 4th-ish solo: “ish” because my January 2017 trip was part solo, part family… more on that later!). I’m very selflessly hoping my youngest sister will not be joining me on this trip because I’m hoping (and she is as well!) that she’ll have a teaching gig lined up by then (she’s wrapping up her PhD in London as we speak). So… if you know of any colleges or universities with an opening for a James Joyce expert, you know where to find me ;) Meanwhile, her consolation prize if things don’t work out will be coming along on this trip with me!

When not at Disney or planning a trip, I spend my days as a cataloging specialist at a research library. I’m also working on my master’s degree in library and information science (a contributing factor in my Dis sabbatical). Four semesters down, five to go.

Where: All-Star Movies (my first stay here!); my TA was able to book a Preferred Room at less than what it would have cost for a Standard Room once the discounts came out so yay for that!

When: Saturday, August 19 – Friday, August 25, 2017
My original dates were Sunday, August 20-Friday, August 25, but as fate would have it, I realized that @chunkymonkey and her husband Steve would be there still just a day before so I extended my trip by a day and they worked some magic on their end, too! Even better, the change cost me 10,000 fewer miles on my redemption miles, woohoo! So now we have dinner plans for my arrival day at Liberty Tree Tavern! :flower:

Why: Um, I can’t think of any reason not to… but also because I need to choose dates in between semesters and my summer semester ends August 5 and the fall semester fires up August 28.

Tickets: this will be my inaugural trip with an ANNUAL PASS!!! I am beyond thrilled with this decision as there are at least two additional trips I’m hoping to plan within the next year (January-ish and May-ish)

What you can expect from this PTR:

· A modest recap of my May 2015 trip, with focus on my Dis meets! (sadly I abandoned this TR in the throes of my first semester of school when I was taking 2 courses, eeeck!)

· A modest recap of my January 2017 trip (with my family!)

· Plans for my upcoming trip!

I’m so happy you’ve decided to join me on my next Disney adventure! Chime in and let me know what your favorite park, character, and/or ride is! Also, let me know if you'll be there at the same time, I love meeting up with Dis pals! :grouphug:I promise to [try to] provide an exciting build up to my next trip! See ya real soon
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Hi, everyone (@pkondz … I’m expecting my wave!)

:wave2: But of course! Only you get that one. Hi Tracy!

Though I took a bit of a sabbatical from the Dis (the shame!), I am now back

Life gets in the way. I get it. But it sure is nice to have you back!

(and pictured here below with my adorable nephew Dominic during our January 2017 trip)

Umm..... Tracy? You may have forgotten something....

ETA: Nevermind! Weird. The photo didn't show up at all on the other computer, but I see it there now.

I’m very selflessly hoping my youngest sister will not be joining me on this trip because I’m hoping (and she is as well!) that she’ll have a teaching gig lined up by then

When I first started reading that sentence, my mind filled in other blanks...

"I’m very selflessly hoping my youngest sister will not be joining me on this trip because... she was absolutely horrid the last time she came with me."

Meanwhile, her consolation prize if things don’t work out will be coming along on this trip with me!

Not too shabby a consolation prize!

When not at Disney or planning a trip, I spend my days as a cataloging specialist at a research library.

What happened to the glass museum?

my TA was able to book a Preferred Room at less than what it would have cost for a Standard Room once the discounts came out so yay for that!


When: Saturday, August 19 – Friday, August 25, 2017

Poop. Won't be there. That's when Ruby and I will (may?) be.... somewhere else.
Don't know where yet, though!

So now we have dinner plans for my arrival day at Liberty Tree Tavern! :flower:

Also nice!

Why: Um, I can’t think of any reason not to…

I should think not!!

Chime in and let me know what your favorite park, character, and/or ride is!

Park? MK... although Epcot is preeeeeetty darned close.
Character? Do you really need to ask?


Ride? Same as anyone who knows anything. HM of course. Silly question.

Also, let me know if you'll be there at the same time, I love meeting up with Dis pals!

Nope. But wish I could!

Actually... wish I could any time! :laughing:
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Yay for starting a new PTR and yay for coming back on the DIS, and of course, better than ever!!
It's so funny but I am about to post an update and I have tagged you in it too! Great Disney planners think alike, huh?
I'm so excited to hear about your plans as you'll have to continue the fun after me and Steve leave!
Congrats on pursuing the masters degree! I love the idea of constantly learning. Although after I was done with college, I was SOOOO done, LOL.
I'm also excited to hear about your past trips including the conclusion of the 2015 trip! I hope your sister gets to come too! But a solo trip sounds pretty good as well :)
There it is! :cutie:

But it sure is nice to have you back!
Awww, thanks! I've so missed my Dis fam :grouphug:

Umm..... Tracy? You may have forgotten something....
Actually... you were right! I was having issues with the picture but resolved them... but thanks for doubting yourself and your computer and not me :laughing:

"I’m very selflessly hoping my youngest sister will not be joining me on this trip because... she was absolutely horrid the last time she came with me."
:rotfl: In reality, she's amazing to travel with. She's basically at the same crazy - I mean, awesome - level at Disney that I am. :cool2:

What happened to the glass museum?
I am! I just happen to work in the research library of that glass museum. Gosh you have a good memory! One of your many fine qualities ::yes::

Don't know where yet, though!
I'll need the details as soon as you have them! :thumbsup2

Character? Do you really need to ask?
Yeah... silly question, I know! ;)
Yay for starting a new PTR and yay for coming back on the DIS, and of course, better than ever!!
Awww, shucks :goodvibes

It's so funny but I am about to post an update and I have tagged you in it too! Great Disney planners think alike, huh?
No way?! :laughing: But yes, great Disney planners do think alike! :thumbsup2

Congrats on pursuing the masters degree! I love the idea of constantly learning.
Thanks! It's been a ton of work, but I know it'll all pay off in the end. Some days I really have to tell that to myself on repeat though! :laughing:
There it is! :cutie:


Actually... you were right! I was having issues with the picture but resolved them... but thanks for doubting yourself and your computer and not me :laughing:

:laughing: Well, thanks for letting me know that I wasn't seeing (or not seeing) things!

:rotfl: In reality, she's amazing to travel with. She's basically at the same crazy - I mean, awesome - level at Disney that I am. :cool2:


I am! I just happen to work in the research library of that glass museum.

Ah! Okay. That's good, because when I get out there, I want a tour!
(jk. I wouldn't ask for that. But I will visit it.)

Gosh you have a good memory! One of your many fine qualities ::yes::

I think you told me that before, but I don't remember.

I'll need the details as soon as you have them! :thumbsup2

I have no idea when that will be! Ruby keeps changing her mind every 5 minutes (Woman's prerogative)
It's her choice, so... you'll find out around the same time I will, I think.

Yeah... silly question, I know! ;)

Well, thanks for letting me know that I wasn't seeing (or not seeing) things!
Wait, what?! You saw an image there? Strange... I didn't include one...

Ah! Okay. That's good, because when I get out there, I want a tour!
(jk. I wouldn't ask for that. But I will visit it.)
You got it! I shall roll out the red carpet upon your arrival!

I think you told me that before, but I don't remember.

I have no idea when that will be! Ruby keeps changing her mind every 5 minutes (Woman's prerogative)
It's her choice, so... you'll find out around the same time I will, I think.
Again... :laughing:
Hi Tracy!! So glad I found this while it's still young! We may be going in Aug. and if we do our dates may overlap, so I'll keep you posted :) Looking forward to hearing all your plans!
Hi Tracy!! So glad I found this while it's still young! We may be going in Aug. and if we do our dates may overlap, so I'll keep you posted :) Looking forward to hearing all your plans!
First off, thanks for joining! Secondly... YES! I think you absolutely need to go in August! ;) Please do keep me posted!
Hi Tracy! (Yes I did wave at my monitor...and I expect one back, lol)

I too had taken a leave of absence from the boards, but have been reading lately. I don't have any trips planned for this year (hoping to have one planned for late next year, but we will see how the year progresses)

Can't wait to hear more!
Hi Tracy! (Yes I did wave at my monitor...and I expect one back, lol)
:wave2: I waved, too! :thumbsup2

I too had taken a leave of absence from the boards, but have been reading lately. I don't have any trips planned for this year (hoping to have one planned for late next year, but we will see how the year progresses)
So glad to see that you made it back to the boards, too. I really did miss it here. I always find that I'm happiest when I have my Dis family around :grouphug:

Can't wait to hear more!
It's coming soon! Gonna kick it off with a recap of my January 2017 trip! So happy to have you with me! :goodvibes
:wave2: But of course! Only you get that one. Hi Tracy!

Life gets in the way. I get it. But it sure is nice to have you back!

Umm..... Tracy? You may have forgotten something....

ETA: Nevermind! Weird. The photo didn't show up at all on the other computer, but I see it there now.

When I first started reading that sentence, my mind filled in other blanks...

"I’m very selflessly hoping my youngest sister will not be joining me on this trip because... she was absolutely horrid the last time she came with me."

Not too shabby a consolation prize!

What happened to the glass museum?


Poop. Won't be there. That's when Ruby and I will (may?) be.... somewhere else.
Don't know where yet, though!

Also nice!

I should think not!!

Park? MK... although Epcot is preeeeeetty darned close.
Character? Do you really need to ask?


Ride? Same as anyone who knows anything. HM of course. Silly question.

Nope. But wish I could!

Actually... wish I could any time! :laughing:
The Ariel photo is hilarious
Hi, joining in!! So excited to see you're doing a PTR! I can't wait to hear about your upcoming trip plans, as well as hear about your past trips! :goodvibes
I am glad you are back and planning another trip. I look forward to reading about it.
Thanks so much, Rob! It's so good to be back :goodvibes I'll have an update up soon - my recap from my January trip!

The Ariel photo is hilarious
Isn't it?! I love that photo! So happy you've joined! :hyper:

Hi, joining in!! So excited to see you're doing a PTR! I can't wait to hear about your upcoming trip plans, as well as hear about your past trips!
Hey!!! So happy you made it over here :goodvibes Updates coming soon! :thumbsup2


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