And Welcome from me, too!


Proud to have called Bob Varley 'friend'
Aug 18, 1999
Hey, welcome back my friends to the show that never ends, we're so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside......

Things will just continue to get better and better, so feel free to join right in........! :bounce:
SimonV, I always enjoy "seeing" you. I always think of our great experience taking the airboat ride at Boggy Creek last Thanksgiving, on your recommendation, when I see your name. :D
Why MaryAnn, how kind of you!

And it's good to see the traffic on the new-look DIS building up again so quickly. It is always a worry (especially for the tech team!) when you have a major move like this, and it is gratifying to see everything remaining very positive and healthy.

Onwards we go......!


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