Amanda & Roy's *House of Blues Wedding* April 3, 2017 - TRAVEL DAYS -- MAY 16th Update!


So as far as floral goes, I was totally against real flowers. I don't like them, I think they're a waste of money and I hate that they only last for one day.

As I started tossing around the idea of a fake bouquet I realized that most likely I will be annoyed with having to DIY anything considering this trip is a planners nightmare already since it's my first time taking my daughter who will be about to be 1 plus the wedding and all of our family being there. Normally my disney trips are on excel spreadsheets and followed strictly. However, now that I have Marcy I have to force myself to know that I will have to bend a little bit.

So basically, I decided that I would rather have someone else stress about it and have them brought to me.

Jennifer got me in touch with Toni at raining roses, who I looked up and they seem to do amazing work. Toni has been super helpful so far and has worked with my budget.

This was the inspo for my bridal bouquet20161207_212302.jpg
Then for my two bridesmaids just one big flower- which will be the peachy Juliet rose you see in my bouquet.

Then for boutonniere for roy, 3 groomsmen and our two dads..

Then for aisle decor mason jars with an assortment of mainly orange flowers. This was the inspo.


Then corsages for the moms, my grandmom and my sister who is officiating the wedding!

Then two large arrangements will be put on whiskey barrels on both sides of the aisle.

One less thing for me to worry about day of and also one less thing to pack.
Oooh, I love that bouquet! I've read some amazing things about Raining Roses on a different forum - it seems like their work always turns out gorgeous! I love the mason jars, too.... such a classic but still sort of funky look that with look great at House of Blues! The peach Juliet garden roses are so pretty!!
Oooh, I love that bouquet! I've read some amazing things about Raining Roses on a different forum - it seems like their work always turns out gorgeous! I love the mason jars, too.... such a classic but still sort of funky look that with look great at House of Blues! The peach Juliet garden roses are so pretty!!

Thank you! I am obsessed with the Juliet roses lol
100 DAYS till the wedding!
Just a loose ends update in celebration of 100 days. :scared:

I think I mentioned in my last post that my sister is officiating the wedding. I am so excited about this even though I know she probably will stumble through it and cry, that to me means a lot more than just some random person doing it. I asked her with a card from Etsy, she kind of did not understand what it was at first LOL. But she said yes, and of course told me she will cry the whole time.

If you haven't realized yet, I am Etsy obsessed and order about 3 or 4 things from there a week. With me working full time and having an almost 9 month old I just feel like DIY-ing is too much for me right now. Excuses, excuses lol.

Next up I ordered our wine box for our unity ceremony, I'm a huge wine drinker (not that I care what I am drinking) but I am super excited to put in our favorite wine and open it on our 5th anniversary!


I ordered my wedding band, I decided to go minimal and get a rose gold twisted band. It doesn't match my white gold engagement ring but I really like the stacked look so probably on another anniversary I will get a white gold band.


I also ordered DF cool storm trooper cufflinks..


I also don't think I ever mentioned that I have booked Regina Hyman for 5 hours day of the wedding and 2 hours for our Dessert Party! I am so excited that I booked her we can't wait to work with her. :cloud9:

I hope everyone has a happy holiday!
OMG so we are only 87 days from the wedding, 80 till we leave for Disney world! I'm so happy but can't believe how fast this is all going.

Since I last updated I changed the ceremony time till 12pm because I originally was going to do 11am ceremony, till 11:20ish then have our first dance, mother/son, father/daughter dances right in the ceremony space. But I am so nervous there won't be a flow from ceremony to the dances that I do not want to do it that way instead, I decided to do our first dances at Chef Arts Homecoming where we have a private space + we want to have our dances be the actual song since we are choosing a green day song for our first dance.

Then I found a violinist/guitar duo online for $375/hour. Jeannie Rudberg. I asked so S&D brides who confirmed that she is great/easy to work with etc.

The songs I requested so far - I still have to pick a song for moms entering etc.

Prelude (shuffled)
Grim Grinning Ghosts
Zip e de do da (did I spell that right, ugh lol)
We Belong Together (toy story)
God Only knows
Don't worry baby
Tale as Old as Time
Close to you - the carpenters
(any Disney songs to fill time)

Groom/Groomsmen TBD .. he was originally considering a Final Fantasy song but then he decided maybe a star wars song that's not so in your face star wars.

Bridesmaids/Flower girl - So this is love - Cinderella

Bride .. See the Light - Tangled

Unity - If I didn't have you - Monster's Inc

Processional - Life's a Happy Song - Muppets ( I hope this sounds good on violin/guitar?)

Next up, dessert party the menu I have is

Mickey Pretzels
Mashed Potato Bar
Master's Cupcake
Strawberry Tarts
Zebra Domes
Coffee, decaf, tea $38+ pp

Then we are doing a mix in on soarin', I originally asked for frozen ever after but at this time they're only doing test track or soarin.

Yesterday I also ordered Mickey Head balloons to be delivered to HOB at 11AM which was pricey but not as bad as I thought ($25 fee to guarantee time of delivery + $6 per balloon, I got 6)

I also purchased some bridesmaids gifts - a tote bag for each of us

And an alex and ani that says "believing is just the beginning"
Ahhh as always, I love everything! The playlist sounds great, and that DP menu is to DIE for! So jealous!

Yay for Mickey balloons! It was one of the favorite things I had at my wedding :) and I also did Disney Alex and Ani bracelets for my bridesmaids too. Great minds think alike!
I mentioned before how much I loved the idea of a reception at Homecoming, and after eating there a few weeks ago, I stand by my comments! The food was amazing! So much that my now fiance loves the idea of using it for our wedding reception next year...
I mentioned before how much I loved the idea of a reception at Homecoming, and after eating there a few weeks ago, I stand by my comments! The food was amazing! So much that my now fiance loves the idea of using it for our wedding reception next year...

That is awesome! definitely look into it, my contact at homecoming's name is Kylie and she has been absolutely incredible through this whole process trying to make everything work for me. next week she should be sending me more pics of the lunch set up for the 'reception' and I will be sure to share!
Ahhh as always, I love everything! The playlist sounds great, and that DP menu is to DIE for! So jealous!

Yay for Mickey balloons! It was one of the favorite things I had at my wedding :) and I also did Disney Alex and Ani bracelets for my bridesmaids too. Great minds think alike!

Yes! I've been of course stealing inspiration from your pics with the balloons! I think they're great, we are mainly going to try to use ours as a 'staged exit'

We are 72 days from the wedding and 65 days till we pack up the car and leave.

Since the last update, surprisingly, a lot has happened.

So remember that wedding band I bought because I wanted to be 'minimal' yeah that didn't work out, the ring was so small I can't even show you a picture because it barely shows up in pictures.... so I decided to go the full opposite way and get TWO wedding bands. :rolleyes1

I love the idea of 'stacking' rings, my DF always complains about my engagement ring saying it is too small/not clear - which like, who's fault is that? But anyway, I love my engagement ring so when he says stuff like that to me OR INFRONT OF PEOPLE it bums me out. So with stacking rings I thought I could get one ring now and then maybe our 5th anniversary get another one.

We went to Kay, and I tried on a few rings and both the sales lady and DF did not understand what I really had in mind. So I stacked one white gold ring and one rose gold ring and showed them both, and they both were floored. Roy basically was like we need to get you these rings today - and the lady agreed that it was a great time to get them because of the sale (of course she said that). Yup, instead of me being minimal - I went and got TWO wedding bands.

Ugh, this seems to be the story of my wedding so far - don't try to cheap out just go for it because you'll save yourself a lot of time and unneeded stress.

DF also justified the two rings by saying he wants Marcy to give me one of them during our ceremony. Hopefully she doesn't put it in her mouth and I look like mom of the year :rolleyes2

Then Roy got his ring which I totally thought he would go stainless steel, but once he tried on the white gold he was sold. So now we both have wedding bands!


Next, I booked a DHS photo shoot! WHAT! I originally was looking at MK shoots, while MK has a lot of memories for me I ultimately feel most connected to DHS. I worked at DHS during my DCP and it's the park that I have the most memories in growing up. I think I will save MK for maybe an anniversary shoot when I'm in better shape and can afford HMU again. I'm playing a very dangerous game with this shoot. We are having it the morning after our wedding, which is like a 7am call time. So not super early. But I am not having my hair or makeup done, and I can not hold a curling iron or do my own mascara so needless to say if I look a mess .. it's my own cheap fault. (Cheaping out again) If we get down there and end up having the money for it I will consider it but honestly I just gave my three favorites (Jacob, Ali and Amanda) all who take more scenery shots than up in your face.

We also got our buttons back from purebuttons once we had a final RSVP - 30 people will be there guys! 12 booked rooms (we needed 10) and so I ordered buttons for all the adults + ordered special buttons for Roy and me.


I also ordered some cute wedding earrings from Etsy (surprise) I didn't get a good pic of them yet but I will post once I take a good one!

So let's do a timeline!!

Tuesday March 28th

- We pack up the car
- Leave from Philadelphia area (we aren't sure if we will leave at like 6pm or 2am yet), I've done this trip since I was a little girl so it actually has become a part of 'my Disney experience' (MDE, right?) the times I have flown to Disney I felt like something was missing. Good Ol' Family roadtrip, our soundtrack will probably be Marcy Danger losing her sh*t in the backseat.

Wednesday March 29th - Magic Kingdom, duh
check in to PORS RR - Garden View (eek!)
-BOG lunch (still up for debate, depending on how tired we are)
LTT dinner @ 440PM or 725PM

Thursday March 30th
Breakfast - Ohana @855AM
- say aloha (aloha goodbye) to the family and go back to the room for hair/makeup trial and dress steaming! during this time I am hoping DF & Marcy are able to go swimming and I can "relax." I am also hoping I am able to get my manicure.
Dinner - Tokyo Dining @ 650PM

Friday March 31st, DHS day + some guests arrival date
Lunch at 50PT @125PM
Dinner @ CM for 15 guests (idk who will go yet) @515PM

Saturday April 1st DAK or MK + Most guests arriving this date
GF tea with Bridesmaids @ 205PM
Then whatever we feel like doing until around 8PM where I am hoping to take most of the girls to Trader Sams.

Sunday April 2nd DAK morning + epcot night
Y&Y Lunch @1PM
Garden Grill Dinner @ 545PM
DP at Rue De Paris @ 730pm (regina hyman, our photog, will be taking pictures at the dp, we have hired her for two hours)

Monday April 3rd - WEDDING DAY!!!
Beaute arrives at like 5am, lets not even talk about that part.
9AM-945 getting ready photos in the room
945 - set up for first look
10AM - 1045AM, portraits of DF & me at PORS (probably will add bridal party to this)
11AM-1130AM, portraits of DF & me at WL (this is the resort I grew up in, learned how to swim here - it means so much to me to have pictures here even if it is out of the way completely)
1145 back at HOB (we may have to move times up because my coordinator wants me there by 1130)
12PM-1220 - ceremony
1220-1245 most likely pics of family members, bridal party, guests around HOB and Disney Springs.
1245-115 - pics of DF & me around DS
(we have regina booked till 2PM so I think we will have her take photos of us at homecoming, champagne toasts and cake cutting then invite her for lunch)

we also check out of PORS this day and check in to AKL villas - Kidani our plan is after lunch check in. See if any of our guests want to go to the parks if not we will relax, change most likely go to Epcot for F&G and some mommy & daddy time. Then a LATE jiko reservation (like 10PM).

April 4th - check out of AKLV and into SSR
(we rented points for AKL and it was too late to get it for the whole second half of our trip so we are moving to SSR which honestly why the f not at this point since I'm trying to fit literally everything into this trip)
645 our DFAP photog picks us up at Kidani
7AM-8AM pics in DHS - I made a note that I want to focus on ToT, GMR and Sunset Blvd. I noted that if possible we'd also want a pic or too at Star Tours. But so many things are off limits right now.

Then the rest of the day is up to us, most likely will be a full DAK day (we are obsessed) then picking up Marcy to check in to SSR.

April 5th - Marcy's First Birthday Celebration!
Crystal Palace 910AM - Breakfast
Also this day we may have a 'candid' style photographer follow us around I know, 4 days of photos I am nuts but I feel bad not having a first birthday shoot for Marcy. So this may be the day we do her pics but I am not sure yet.

April 6th - MK

Alternate day for Marcy's Pics
BOG dinner @ 635PM

April 7th - Check out day
hit up Disney Springs before starting the long drive home!

Woo I am so stressed just looking at this plan! Let's hope it goes smoothly!
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Your timeline looks AMAZING! I think having a photoshoot for Marcy's first birthday will be so awesome and great memories for when she gets older (for both you and her).

Let me also tell you how much I LOVE your stacked ring look. I especially love that bottom ring. Sooo pretty and unique. I also have to chime in and say that trying to go the cheap route does sometimes work out for the better (I mean we don't all have disposable incomes and have to pinch pennies somewhere), but I think when it comes to your wedding ring, get what you REALLY want and are going to love forever. I was hoping to not spend too much on my wedding band as well, but I also knew what style band I wanted. When I came back with a quote that my wedding band would cost more than George even spent on my engagement ring, I almost went back to the drawing board, but then George told me to just get what I always wanted. Yes, it was more money than we wanted to spend, but its such an important piece of jewelry that you will (hopefully) wear for the rest of your life, and if you're planning to upgrade the band one day anyways, might as well just get what you want now! I'm so glad I did this now because I'm so in love with my wedding band and don't even care about ever upgrading it (even if I do win the lottery or something crazy).

I also love, love, love your wedding buttons. Haunted Mansion is my favorite.

So excited for you that you booked the Hollywood Studios portrait session. Those are going to be amazing. I would pick all those same locations that you did, and we also have Jacob and Amanda as our top photographers for our upcoming portrait sessions :) I'm hoping your wedding guests give you some nice monetary donations so you can book hair and makeup for your shoot! I know its not on the top of your priority list and that its definitely not the most important thing, but speaking from experience, I didn't hire HMU for my engagement session at Disneyland (because I had already spent enough on the trip/photo session) and its one of my biggest regrets. I still love my pictures, but my hair look like such sh*t in them and it makes me so sad. lol.

Will talk to you on FB as you get closer to your trip. I don't want to stress you out now about trying to plan for a meet-up, but I definitely would love to see you guys while you're down here!
Your timeline looks AMAZING! I think having a photoshoot for Marcy's first birthday will be so awesome and great memories for when she gets older (for both you and her).

I think so too! The way the photographer does the pictures are so cool too, basically she follows us around Magic Kingdom, gets the same fast passes and just joins us for our day. Which after 3 days of posing I am sure will be a great break.

Let me also tell you how much I LOVE your stacked ring look. I especially love that bottom ring. Sooo pretty and unique. I also have to chime in and say that trying to go the cheap route does sometimes work out for the better (I mean we don't all have disposable incomes and have to pinch pennies somewhere), but I think when it comes to your wedding ring, get what you REALLY want and are going to love forever. I was hoping to not spend too much on my wedding band as well, but I also knew what style band I wanted. When I came back with a quote that my wedding band would cost more than George even spent on my engagement ring, I almost went back to the drawing board, but then George told me to just get what I always wanted. Yes, it was more money than we wanted to spend, but its such an important piece of jewelry that you will (hopefully) wear for the rest of your life, and if you're planning to upgrade the band one day anyways, might as well just get what you want now! I'm so glad I did this now because I'm so in love with my wedding band and don't even care about ever upgrading it (even if I do win the lottery or something crazy).

Thanks! The rose gold is everyone's favorite, I love it too.

I also love, love, love your wedding buttons. Haunted Mansion is my favorite.

Mine too! How much more can we have in common? They just came in, I'll post a pic of them.

So excited for you that you booked the Hollywood Studios portrait session. Those are going to be amazing. I would pick all those same locations that you did, and we also have Jacob and Amanda as our top photographers for our upcoming portrait sessions :) I'm hoping your wedding guests give you some nice monetary donations so you can book hair and makeup for your shoot! I know its not on the top of your priority list and that its definitely not the most important thing, but speaking from experience, I didn't hire HMU for my engagement session at Disneyland (because I had already spent enough on the trip/photo session) and its one of my biggest regrets. I still love my pictures, but my hair look like such sh*t in them and it makes me so sad. lol.

Ugh I know that's my nightmare so I am hoping my hair will hold from the day before and I have airbrushed make up so here is to hoping! But yes if I can I definitely will its just having the trial + the day of its so much $$$.

Will talk to you on FB as you get closer to your trip. I don't want to stress you out now about trying to plan for a meet-up, but I definitely would love to see you guys while you're down here![/QUOTE]

Yes! We totally should especially since we are there like 5 days before our wedding. Maybe we can meet up for flower & garden or something!
Yes, we can totally meet up for Flower and Garden! I'd love that. And I'll tell you one more thing we have in common that I noticed when I lurked all your Instagram pics...Against Me! is my favorite band ever, and looks as though its one of yours too! Gahhhh I love Laura Jane so much!
:mic:RANT post:mic:
Do most brides have these? I don't know but I feel like I need to get this out on 'paper' so that I can organize my annoyance right now.

I know I am the minority amongst DisBrides because I am getting married on property but not a DFTW so not many DisBrides will understand Justmarry weddings but I'll explain what's going on the best I can.

So Justmarry is a wedding coordinator company that handles most of the Swan & Dolphin weddings. They have been branching out to other locations in Orlando and they have recommended vendors that they will refer you to. They coordinate these vendors so that you do not have to on your own. I think I am their first House of Blues ceremony that is not an intimate setting. Most of the reviews you read about S&D / Justmarry weddings are positive experiences and one of the main reasons I chose to have a JM wedding and not a DFTW.

My planner Jennifer was considered one of the best on all reviews I've read and weddings I saw at S&D so when I was given her as a planner I was definitely excited. But right away she seemed to be distant, it took her a long time to get back to me about anything and it seemed like she didn't really care about my wedding. I understand a lot of brides probably want destination weddings to be laid back but I wanted the whole experience of planning a wedding.

For instance, my friend who is a S&D bride told me that her coordinator got her floral contract - worked on the proposal and all my friend had to do was pay 50% to her coordinator then the other 50% 45 days out. My coordinator said that my floral was 'way above her expertise' and referred me to a recommended justmarry vendor who I then had to talk to through the whole thing and I have to communicate directly with the floral company about everything. All they are 'coordinating' is day of making sure they get there? Who knows. Luckily they have been the best ever and I actually am happy to deal directly with Raining Roses and not with my coordinator.

Then, last week I get an email that explains that Jennifer is moving and here are some points I need to clarify with my new coordinator. She lists items and its like "you owe this amount _____" "do you still want to add the gold Chiavari chairs? I'll add them to your cart" this made me mad because they ARE ALREADY IN MY CART AND INCLUDED IN THE AMOUNT I OWE. but whatever, I will let that go. next line is "since you are now having your lunch at house of blues should we discuss corkage fees" This pissed me off because I am not having my lunch after the wedding at HOB and it just goes to show just how much she was not paying attention. Which like, I don't know why she is moving I hope it is for positive things and not for something negative but I just can't understand how I can pay out close to $3k for just my ceremony and still be treated like I am just another day at work.

And now for the rant of all rants, the reason I started this rant in the first place..

I booked House of Blues, Musical courtyard without seeing many pictures of it. Actually, I have only seen about 3 of the same exact wedding that is not my style at all so I really just didn't understand the layout. Jennifer has been 'present' in my plans as in my idea was to have whiskey barrels at the front of our aisle on either side with two large floral displays on each one, mason jar floral for the chairs, 22 chairs semi circled in towards DF, officiant (my sister) and me who would be on the ground level instead of on the stairs and most people are on the stairs in the pictures I have seen. Included in the price of our ceremony is a large hedge wall that will be behind us to block any onlookers in Disney Springs.

When I asked Jennifer these questions about the layout she said sure no problem, sure no problem to everything. She also stated that we would have a water station for the guests.

So when my new planner called me on Thursday, while I was excited to have a new coordinator who probably would care more she definitely sounds brand new, which I still am hopeful for because I think she will be more eager to get it right. Well when we started to discuss the layout she seemed nervous as in, she didn't think the space could accommodate all I was looking for. She kept saying "it'll be intimate" "it'll definitely be intimate" "we will definitely make it work"

This upsets me to no end because I have paid about $300 for the whiskey barrels and floral arrangements for them and I do not want them to look jumbled together just because my prior coordinator did not care enough to tell me exactly what she thought about my ideas.

What makes me most upset about this is that no one has offered to go and take pictures of the space with a mock up ceremony of what I want. There is no other weddings there that they have done and it is pretty frustrating that they are selling a product to me, which probably is my fault for paying them, but why would they not offer this? And I know they will use my wedding photos as a way to sell other brides to the musical courtyard since it is their most expensive option at HOB. I hate that I am the guinea pig for this stressful situation.

I emailed my new coordinator and told her that I need dimensions and I need photos of the space because I am stressed about my ideas now and I need her help. I wish I could have requested photos/dimensions before booking at HOB. I just feel like they are willing to take my money but try to tell me that I should just trust the process, which I don't based on what I know so far. I am hoping my new coordinator will really help me out. :sad2:

Wish me luck!
Well after my last post I am in a lot better mood. My new wedding coordinator seems to be actually trying to answer my questions and help me out. I am still kinda bummed as I feel like I am coordinating everything and all she's doing is day of set up and making sure my chairs get there but I have decided to just relax and maybe I will be a good wedding coordinator as well.

GUYS we are SERIOUSLY close to the one month mark, I'm talking 36 days till the wedding date and 29! days until we leave for Disney World.

Here are some photos of House of Blues that I was sent.
This is the view from Disney Springs, there will be a large hedge wall I am assuming starts at they gray brick that blocks the general public from seeing our ceremony.

Here are the measurements .. :badpc:

And here is a view from the side.

Most of the pictures I have seen have the bride groom officiant getting married on the stairs but I really don't like that idea I much rather us all be on the same level and easy to hear/see since my sister won't have a microphone.

I am still excited about the House of Blues space but I just am so stressed about not being able to see what I actually want to see. But it's like pulling teeth to get these photos so I guess I will deal with it.

On the other hand Chef Art's Homecoming is always helpful and they sent me some great pics of our lunch space.

Right where this family is seating will be our 'dance floor' I really hope its a pretty day so we can get some of that background in our pictures.


Here's from the 'dance floor' looking at where the guests will be seated.


This is around the bend and where our cake table/guest book will be.

Here's how the tables will most likely be set up but without the wine glasses.

Next here are some small ceremony details
Our welcome sign..

This will be on an easel that should be the first thing guests see when they walk in.

These are the program fans we ordered, this will go on each seat with one of the celebrating buttons.

Our wedding favors will be Mickey Shaped Rice Krispies most likely or another mickey shaped snack with a sticker on it from St. Jude's Research Hospital which is where we made a donation for the wedding.

I also went for my alterations appointment, the dress is pretty huge but I don't need it hemmed which saved me alot of money. I ordered a shorter dress from Alfred Angelo which I thought was just an upsell but it paid off!


So there's the back and you can kinda see how its pretty pinned up. I go to pick it up March 17th, wish me luck!
Yay, I'm so glad your new wedding coordinator is trying really hard to work with you! I'm sorry that HOB are being such pains, but glad that Homecoming is being amazing. Your reception is going to be so much fun and the food sounds sooo delicious! I love the look of all of your wedding signs and wish we would have incorporated more stuff like this into our day, but we were already way over budget. Your dress is SO stunning and I love how it looks with your pretty tattoos. Hooray for tattoo's brides!
Wow, just love all your plans. First of all, love your dress. It is just beautiful and looks perfect on you (along with the shoes). The buttons are so cute too. Having your lunch reception at Homecoming is a great idea. We were there last October afternoon just for dessert and the place is just great. There were 6 adults (we were actually sitting at that corner table outside you showed in your pictures) and the location is so pretty. The Hummingbird cake is AMAZING. We were married 8 years ago at Disney and the first thing I said to my DH while we were eating this cake is that I loved it better then our Disney Wedding Cake. We are hoping to do a 10 year anniversary IllumiNations Dessert Party (we had one the night of our wedding) and will hopefully be adding The Grey Stuff as one of our dessert options (what a great idea) and maybe we can also add the Hummingbird Cake. Anyway, best wishes for a wonderful wedding and I am sure everything will work out great.

Yay, I'm so glad your new wedding coordinator is trying really hard to work with you! I'm sorry that HOB are being such pains, but glad that Homecoming is being amazing. Your reception is going to be so much fun and the food sounds sooo delicious! I love the look of all of your wedding signs and wish we would have incorporated more stuff like this into our day, but we were already way over budget. Your dress is SO stunning and I love how it looks with your pretty tattoos. Hooray for tattoo's brides!

Thanks! My big sign in the frame is like my favorite ceremony detail, I hope it all comes together. I go to pick up my dress in 7 days :O
Wow, just love all your plans. First of all, love your dress. It is just beautiful and looks perfect on you (along with the shoes). The buttons are so cute too. Having your lunch reception at Homecoming is a great idea. We were there last October afternoon just for dessert and the place is just great. There were 6 adults (we were actually sitting at that corner table outside you showed in your pictures) and the location is so pretty. The Hummingbird cake is AMAZING. We were married 8 years ago at Disney and the first thing I said to my DH while we were eating this cake is that I loved it better then our Disney Wedding Cake. We are hoping to do a 10 year anniversary IllumiNations Dessert Party (we had one the night of our wedding) and will hopefully be adding The Grey Stuff as one of our dessert options (what a great idea) and maybe we can also add the Hummingbird Cake. Anyway, best wishes for a wonderful wedding and I am sure everything will work out great.


Thanks everyone always is talking about how great homecoming is so I am so excited to try the food!! The 10 year anniversary dessert party sounds like a great idea. Thank you so much for your kind words!


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