All Stars rates-please help!


Earning My Ears
Jan 17, 2002
Is there a web site that lists rates & room discriptions for the All Stars resorts. I guess maybe I should check out other resort prices also. Can I do this w/o calling? A price list would be helpful. Thanks!
go to and look at the resorts section. deb has pics of all the resorts.
you can also check out for rack rates to the resorts. mary also lists discounts, who can use them, and restrictions they may have.

happy planning!!
Thank you all for the info! It was very helpful! We make the trip to FL to visit my parents, so we usually spend one day at MK and drive back to their house. We thought about doing something different liike spending the weekend at the beach, but its more expensive for Holiday Inn than the All stars!!!! Maybe I can convince DH to spend 2 days at Disney instead! Thanks again!


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