age 3 and under and other ticket pricing.


Earning My Ears
Sep 25, 1999
Instead of making an age limit, why doesn`t disney offer differently price passes for those who do not wish to ride anything or are too small to ride. $25 per day sightseer pass-No riding or shows. This would cover infants, elderly, wheelchair bound, and the few people who may be just along for the ride. They still would eat and buy souvenirs. They could have a special bracelet for those paying full price. Would it be too much of a hassle to police this type of thing?

Yes, I think it would be too much of a hassle to police. It would be pretty hard to check every person walking into the Haunted Mansion for example - or any attraction for that matter. Maybe Disney needs to structure the prices differently - have more 'steps' for example - say under 3 is free, 3-9 is so much, 10-15 is so much, 16-21 so much, then adult price - and maybe a senior price. Of course - that might be too much trouble too - since right now I don't think they hassle too much over 'borderline' age 3 or age 10 - but might if there were more cut-off ages. OF course we could always go back to ABCDE tickets :eek: (no way :) )


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