A talking iPod? New alternative for communication

If anyone is seriously interested, I was invited to participate in the beta testing for this software (didn't do it, but have the information). I know one of the major guys involved in development.

It's AWESOME!!! Yay, updates in communication systems!

Thanks for the link, I had known a few groups were working on “PECS on a PDA” but I did not know it had come this far and had the potential for broader usages.



Thanks for the link, I had known a few groups were working on “PECS on a PDA” but I did not know it had come this far and had the potential for broader usages.


I had seen some applications that looked like they were using the ability to put photos on the iPod. They looked like they used the 'cover flow' ability to scroll through pictures.

This is a very complete and powerful program though and looks much more sophisticated that anything else that I have seen. ::yes::
An update to the story.
The communication software (called Proloquo2Go) is available on the iTunes app store as of yesterday.
Thanks! I have an ipod touch and I am interested in this software! My son has a Dynavox augmentative communication device but it weighs about 10 pounds! The smaller devices are too fragile for him to mess with since he has only had the big one since January. This device has been a miracle for our family, so I am always looking for something smaller, especially for trips to WDW because that thing is not fun to lug around but we would not go anywhere without it!

Thanks Sue!

I just checked it out and this software is awesome! I will be adding this to my touch, and for anyone that uses PECS and has an Iphone or Touch, this looks great ($149.99) and has gotten great reviews!
Thanks! I have an ipod touch and I am interested in this software! My son has a Dynavox augmentative communication device but it weighs about 10 pounds! The smaller devices are too fragile for him to mess with since he has only had the big one since January. This device has been a miracle for our family, so I am always looking for something smaller, especially for trips to WDW because that thing is not fun to lug around but we would not go anywhere without it!

Thanks Sue!

I just checked it out and this software is awesome! I will be adding this to my touch, and for anyone that uses PECS and has an Iphone or Touch, this looks great ($149.99) and has gotten great reviews!
We were actually Beta testers (people who test out the software before it goes to market). We've had it since late February.
My DD has a PRC Vantage communication device for her 'main' device. Even though it is only about 4.5 pounds and we can put it on her wheelchair, it still was a hassle to bring to WDW.
We brought the "iPod talker" (DD likes hers called "Heather" because that it the name of the voice) with us to WDW in March and it was great. It is small enough and light enough to bring anywhere.
I'll post some pictures tomorrow of it with the speaker we got for it and also of the WDW pages I made for each park.
It is truly awesome!

I would love to see pics of this! I am thinking that along with the pics we can put on the itouch it will be perfect for our July trip. I don't like to give my son access to my ipod normally but if this will make the trip easier I am all for it! The case with the speakers looks great!

I didn't get to load the pictures this weekend, but here area couple.
Here is the iPod itself in the speaker case. The lanyard is $1.98 from Home Depot in the key department.

Here is the MK category I made - 3 pictures so you can see how you can scroll thru a whole category. I pulled most of the Disney icons off the internet. The stick figure type things are part of the program.


We have this at our school, but I haven't been able to see it in action yet. Thanks for posting the photos, Sue!

Wish they could make a bigger one though, for students with more severe motor skill issues. As a PP stated, the larger communication devices are too heavy to lug around (and also can hurt when you get one whipped at your face by a frustrated student).
We have this at our school, but I haven't been able to see it in action yet. Thanks for posting the photos, Sue!

Wish they could make a bigger one though, for students with more severe motor skill issues. As a PP stated, the larger communication devices are too heavy to lug around (and also can hurt when you get one whipped at your face by a frustrated student).
There are rumors that Apple is going to come out with a larger size iPod touch, which this app could be loaded on to.
One of the aims of the people who developed it was to make a communication device that you could just go to a store and buy. They wanted the total price to be low enough that it was within reach of people (compared to other small handheld communication devices that are between $1000 and $3000).
The iPod is about $230-390, depending on size of the drive in it (the app runs fine on the small size drive). The speaker will be between $20-40. The app itself is on an introductory price, but even after that is over, it will be priced at $199. So someone could get an entire communication device for under $600.
It is also small and cool - not something that breaks your back carrying it and makes someone stand out because it's unusual.

Thanks so much! That is great and would be great for our upcoming trip. My only worry is that he navigates so quickly on his Dynavox and he has only had it a few months, introducing something else might confuse him. I think this is great though and it is getting all 5 star review in ITunes. I think I will have to get this. Maybe it would even be cheaper if I got him a refurb touch of his own so I would not have to worry about mine (I love it!)!

Thanks again for the great pics!!


Thanks so much! That is great and would be great for our upcoming trip. My only worry is that he navigates so quickly on his Dynavox and he has only had it a few months, introducing something else might confuse him. I think this is great though and it is getting all 5 star review in ITunes. I think I will have to get this. Maybe it would even be cheaper if I got him a refurb touch of his own so I would not have to worry about mine (I love it!)!

Thanks again for the great pics!!

If he has only had it for a few months and is navigating quickly, he may have no trouble. What is he using (Gateway, Picture Word Power, something else)?
I was interested in how DD would do on it because her Vantage device is so very differently arranged. The Vantage uses a main page with core language and everything navigates off of that (not file folders of different related words). Here's a picture of the main page:

She picked up on it very well and didn't have a problem with understanding where to find things. Her problem is that her fine motor deficits prevent her from holding her finger correctly to always activate the iPod (although she has no problem on her Vantage). So, for the iPod, she points at what she wants to say and then I activate it.
His Dynavox uses Boardmaker software. He would have no trouble with the pics on the ipod as far as knowing what they are for, and his Dynavox pages look similar to what you posted for your daughter's Vantage. He has crazy mad visual skills so it might not be an issue. I am really thinking this would be great for going out and about when we don't want to carry the "big box". Thanks again for all this great information!
My DD actually switched from a Dynavox using individual pages and file folders to the Vantage device in March of 2007. She had no problem with knowing how to fund things after a little practice. Her problem has been motivation, since she is older andhas always had good body language

The biggest thing that I think would make a difference would be whether of not the person has the ability to understand that 2 different icons can both mean rhe same thing. Sounds like that is not a problem for your son.
My son is 19, and I was asking for something like this for years.

Right now he has some picture boards, the pieces attach with Velcro. So, he is familiar with the concept. And I think I need to have this iPod touch. He has SSI $$, what a great use for it.

Thanks for posting about this!
It is pretty cool and it was hard to keep quite about it until the point that it was actually out and I had the OK to talk.

The pictures on the website really only show a little of what it can do and how it can be set up. There is a beginning set with less words/folders. You can also set it to larger pictures so that there are less visible at a time.
I really want to try out this application for my son, but I am very confused about how to do so. I stopped in our local Apple store, and they neverheard of it. I was hoping to see it in person. I also can't find it on the Apple website.

So, help? :rolleyes: First, get a Apple touch. Can it be any version? Even the refurb "older" ones? Any amount of memory on the Touch works? Next, how do I get the application? and last, I see you need to get some sort of speakers?

Thanks! I tried searching around on the internet and I could not find information.
I'll see if I can find the application on iTunes again - I think it was $149.99?
I'll see if I can find the application on iTunes again - I think it was $149.99?
It is in the iTunes store and the introductory price is $149. I don't know how long that will last; the final price will be $199 I think.
This is the website about the program: http://www.proloquo2go.com/
In order to see the iTunes store, you need to have iTunes installed on your computer. If you do, you can get directly to the Proloquo iTunes purchase page by following a link on this page.
I really want to try out this application for my son, but I am very confused about how to do so. I stopped in our local Apple store, and they neverheard of it. I was hoping to see it in person. I also can't find it on the Apple website.
The developers are trying to work something out with Apple to maybe get it installed on one iPod touch in each Apple store so people can try it out.
PatMcDuck said:
So, help? :rolleyes: First, get a Apple touch. Can it be any version? Even the refurb "older" ones? Any amount of memory on the Touch works? Next, how do I get the application? and last, I see you need to get some sort of speakers?

Thanks! I tried searching around on the internet and I could not find information.
The first generation iPod touch did not have speakers and when it originally came out, there were only a few programs on it (like to connect to wifi, play youtube videos, a clock, etc.). It came with an earlier version of the iPod touch/iPhone software, but about 18 months ago, you could purchase updated software that allowed it to play/run little applications that they call apps. If you buy a first generation iPod, make sure it has the 2.0 software.

The second generation iPod touch has a faster processor, better battery life and a built in speaker. I would recommend the 2nd generation iPod touch rather than the first. The built in speaker is not loud enough to use except in very quiet surroundings, but the longer battery life and faster processor are worth purchasing it. You can sometimes find refurbished iPods on the apple store. I don't know if this link will work; if it doesn't go to http://store.apple.com and look for the link for refurbished iPods (the link should be on the left side of the page). The 2nd generation ones are listed there as 'current generation.'

If your son was able to try using the iPod touch at the store and was successful, he should do fine with the Proloquo2Go program.

Now, for speakers. The one we got was iMainGo from Amazon.com
There are 2 versions of that speaker. The first one requires some retrofitting to make the ipod fit in it and if you see less expensive speakers listed, they are probably the first version. The second version may be listed as iMainGo2 or it just may have a phrase about fitting it that says: "new easy-fit iMainGo foam system". The first version did not have that, so any that list that are the second version.
There are some other speakers that I've heard good things about. One is the
iHome and I think you can purchase that online from Walmart.
There is a discussion group (sort of like an email list) about Proloquo2Go. You can sign up for it here. There is quite a bit of discussion about speakers if you look at the archive of past emails.

We were Beta testers and had it on two generation 2 ipods. Mine has a lot of memory - 32G and I have a lot of apps loaded and a lot of music. Mine is less than 1/2 full.
DD's is 8G, so it is the smallest one. She has quite a lot of music, but only about 20 apps. I don't really notice a lot of difference between using Proloquo2go on her iPod compared to mine.


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