A Tale of Two Trippies Rolled into One

Great location at Pop! And remember, even if Victoria was being a snot, Kali had a blast! You gave her a GREAT first trip to Disney!!!

I'm so glad they were able to get you in a room quick- that's some pixie dust!

And you SHOULD wave and scream and say "Nicole, I'm over here.. come read me over here!!!" :) That's what DisFriends do! Hahahahahaha!!
Well, I was excited to get to Hollywood Studios, baby!!! I had booked the promotion of buy 4 day park tickets and get one free, so I figured the free day should be Hollywood Studios! My reasoning? On this night the girls were going to the Miley Cyrus concert at the Amway Center and I figured I could just go back to HS after our supper and have some alone time in my favorite park! It sounded good! I had set my fastpasses prior so we knew we had Tower of Terror, RocknRollercoaster and the Great Movie Ride all lined up for 1,2 and 3 o’clock. We didn’t feel the need to get lunch as we had a big breakfast and we had dinner reservations at 1900 Park Fare. Here are some random pictures:

Ok, seriously, what is up with my hair. There are somedays my bangs look like total crap and this apparently one of those days! It was a little drizzly, so that was working against me as well, but yuck. Just ignore my hair, ok?

I’ve never had the magic shot with Chip, so that was pretty cool! I was expecting Tink.

Let me just tell you right now that Kali LOVED RnR!!! Oh, I was so glad! She thought it was awesome that with our fastpasses we cruised right past all those people waiting. I wished I would have gotten a picture of the standby line but I’m sure it was probably about 90 minutes. As I’ve said before, I do not like this time of year for the crowd factor alone. Yes, the weather was perfect, but not the crowds. Does it sound like I hate crowds? BINGO! Up next – Tower of Terror!!! Along the way we ran into some Citizens of Hollywood with the man making the starlet carry her own bag. Well, I got into the action by telling him to carry the bag for her. Kali thought that was a riot by my getting involved. Hey, this is MY element and they are there to perform for me!!

Don’t be scared Kali…..you’ll be ok…..

We lived!!! Yay!!! We were feeling hungry so we had to stop and eat. I thought we were going to be able to bypass lunch, but that didn’t work out. We decided to eat at the Commissary (I love the burgers as they put shrimp on top. I think that’s cool!)

And look at this cupcake!!!


How cool that Kali liked RnRc! (spoiler: Eleanor didn't!) :rolleyes1 Can't wait to hear about the rest of your DHS adventure! Oh and the magic shot is cute, do you know I have NEVER gotten one??? :confused3
The Commissary was so busy (sense the theme here? Busy?) The girls had gone to find a place to sit while I was trying to balance everyone’s food and drinks on one tray. Oh, I was not a happy camper, so I guess I was being a little bratty myself. It’s ok. I admit to it. I finally saw them and yelled “I need some help here”. That was the last time I waited alone for our food ---- they made sure I had help for the rest of the trip.

After lunch it was time for the Great Movie Ride. I’d tell you what the standby wait time was, but honestly, I don’t even know where it’s located? We never really had to pay attention to that before as it was always walk-on. Since it was Kali’s first time I requested the Cowboy scene and that’s what we got.

Ok, I need some help here. Would someone please tell me where this umbrella is on the Streets of America?? I never seem to run into it and I really want to someday!!!

After using up our 3 fastpasses, we decided it was time to head over to the Grand Floridian for supper at 1900 Park Fare. Victoria and I love this buffet and the character interaction is superb! The girls were watching the time as they had to leave by 6:15pm in order to make it to the Miley concert. Ugh. At least Kali was enjoying herself. She thought it was the most amazing thing to see little girls dressed like their favorite princesses. She particularly liked 2 sisters’ costumes so I asked their Mom if it would be ok if Kali had her picture taken with them and sure enough, Kali made these little girls’ day by asking!! It was so cute! This was what I was hoping for ---- to see magic from a newbie’s eyes and I certainly did with Kali!

Just look at Kali’s face!! Awesome!

To prove it’s all about Victoria, she even made Lady Tremaine wait while she reapplied her lipstick. Oh, Lady Tremaine had some comments to say about that, let me tell you!

Now the plan was the girls were going to take a cab over to the Amway Center for the concert and I was just going to hop the bus back to HS for the evening. This is when Kali informed me that her parents would really prefer if I went along with them in the taxi. Now, I will honor their wishes, obviously, but this was not what I was planning. Nor did I have a $126 cab fare on my list of expenses. Yep!!! That was from GF to Amway and back to HS. Thank goodness this cab had a debit card machine right in it or I would have been up the creek without a paddle! But, they were safely in the Center and I was on my way back to HS. Victoria did have the courtesy to text me that they were in their seats just waiting for Miley to start. Ok. Good. I apologize for no pictures of the concert ---- quite frankly what she does on stage is not something I would want in my trip report anyways.

Let me tell you, doing a park alone is lonely. I thought it would be fun to be by myself but I didn’t like it very much. Yes, there was no one whining, but there was also no one to share my joy with. I thought I would stay for Fantasmic, but I pooped out after just a little bit. It just wasn’t fun for me.

I love you, Hollywood Studios, but it’s just not the same. I think I was back in the room around 10:30pm. I was thinking about doing laundry then, but I really wanted to be in the room when the girls got back. I was a wee bit nervous about them, but I knew they are both intelligent girls. That is until 11:15pm when the phone rang. They went to where the taxis were supposed to be, but there were none there and Victoria was getting nervous. Now, remember Victoria’s new best friend Gabriel the cab driver? The one that Victoria saved his phone number to her phone? Yeah, well didn’t that come in handy at this moment! I told her to call him and see if he was able to pick her up. He was actually home and off duty, but he went to get them and bring them back to POP. Bless you, Gabriel. You have this Mama’s gratitude forever! Of course you also had a $120 fare, but that’s besides the point. I then received another call as the security guard at the gate was giving them a hard time about coming back because Victoria forgot the room number. Oy vey!!! So finally they were safe and sound back at POP.

Ok girls…..go to bed now!!!

Great pics of Hollywood Studios & 1900 Park Faire.

Love the picture of Victoria applying her lipstick while Lady Tremaine waited. :rotfl2:

Kali's face is so awesome with all the pictures. You can see the excitement in her eyes & face! And she really does have about the best pants ever!!!

The cab thing is a little scary, but glad to hear they made it home safe & sound. Or to the hotel, I mean.

And Karen- for Magic Shots- I never have them offered to me either. In November I specifically ASKED at Animal Kingdom for one! The stitch one.

I have never seen the Chip one and I LOVE it- so freakin' cute!!!
Great location at Pop! And remember, even if Victoria was being a snot, Kali had a blast! You gave her a GREAT first trip to Disney!!!

I'm so glad they were able to get you in a room quick- that's some pixie dust!

And you SHOULD wave and scream and say "Nicole, I'm over here.. come read me over here!!!" :) That's what DisFriends do! Hahahahahaha!!

Yeah, I really do think Kali had a great trip. At least it seemed that way. Ok, next time I start a report I will yell at you!! Deal?


How cool that Kali liked RnRc! (spoiler: Eleanor didn't!) :rolleyes1 Can't wait to hear about the rest of your DHS adventure! Oh and the magic shot is cute, do you know I have NEVER gotten one??? :confused3

Oh no, Eleanor didn’t like it. Hmmmm. Did she get sick or did she just didn’t like it?

I ALWAYS ask for Magic Shots. Hey if I’m going to dole out the money for the Photopass pics I am sure as heck going to take advantage of it! I didn’t get as many pics this time around as her highness wasn’t into taking pics. Oh well. At least I was hosting a share and it wasn’t the entire $149 I spent.

Great pics of Hollywood Studios & 1900 Park Faire.

Love the picture of Victoria applying her lipstick while Lady Tremaine waited. :rotfl2:

Kali's face is so awesome with all the pictures. You can see the excitement in her eyes & face! And she really does have about the best pants ever!!!

The cab thing is a little scary, but glad to hear they made it home safe & sound. Or to the hotel, I mean.

And Karen- for Magic Shots- I never have them offered to me either. In November I specifically ASKED at Animal Kingdom for one! The stitch one.

I have never seen the Chip one and I LOVE it- so freakin' cute!!!

Kali has Walking Dead, Gummy Worms, and now Miley leggings. It must be nice to be thin enough to pull them off!! Ok, I apologize….I keep spelling Park Faire wrong. *hanging my head in shame now*.

So, Nicole……did you notice you beat Karen on posting after one of my updates. Hee Hee!!! I think she may be losing her MASTERSTALKER status!!!
Yeah, I really do think Kali had a great trip. At least it seemed that way. Ok, next time I start a report I will yell at you!! Deal?

Oh no, Eleanor didn’t like it. Hmmmm. Did she get sick or did she just didn’t like it?

I ALWAYS ask for Magic Shots. Hey if I’m going to dole out the money for the Photopass pics I am sure as heck going to take advantage of it! I didn’t get as many pics this time around as her highness wasn’t into taking pics. Oh well. At least I was hosting a share and it wasn’t the entire $149 I spent.

Kali has Walking Dead, Gummy Worms, and now Miley leggings. It must be nice to be thin enough to pull them off!! Ok, I apologize….I keep spelling Park Faire wrong. *hanging my head in shame now*.

So, Nicole……did you notice you beat Karen on posting after one of my updates. Hee Hee!!! I think she may be losing her MASTERSTALKER status!!!

Oh PUHLEASE! I LET you go ahead of me. I was being generous because you are my

Yes, I had to go back and look that up. :lmao:
and apparently that is SUCH a long word that the DIS had to add a space in Jambo. Guess it's longer than supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! (I don't think that spelling is right)
Dis doesn't like us trying to outdo Mary Poppins.

Next thing you know- we'll have made a movie out of our trip with musical numbers, poses & all. We'll both star. I'll sing (which btw I have the worlds most godawful voice) And you can dance. (since you have Cupid's Shuffle down!)

I'm pretty sure we'll get the Oscar next year.

Ann, you are in it by default. And our merchandise for the movie will include leggin's with your face (since you are now an Oscar Award winning star) that Kali can wear.

See, we think of it all.

And also- please don't EVER base the right way to spell on something I wrote. Along with singing.. I am also the world's worst speller. (and also selfie picture taking).
Dis doesn't like us trying to outdo Mary Poppins.

Next thing you know- we'll have made a movie out of our trip with musical numbers, poses & all. We'll both star. I'll sing (which btw I have the worlds most godawful voice) And you can dance. (since you have Cupid's Shuffle down!)

I'm pretty sure we'll get the Oscar next year.

Ann, you are in it by default. And our merchandise for the movie will include leggin's with your face (since you are now an Oscar Award winning star) that Kali can wear.

See, we think of it all.

And also- please don't EVER base the right way to spell on something I wrote. Along with singing.. I am also the world's worst speller. (and also selfie picture taking).


There she goes! Giving me my belly laugh for the day. I need to just bring you to my house to walk around behind me all day mocking me (or yourself...either works!) so I can laugh all day long. I would even let you sing and take selfies, because the sight of those would make my day as well. My own personal mockingbird. OMG, yet another name for you. ;)

There she goes! Giving me my belly laugh for the day. I need to just bring you to my house to walk around behind me all day mocking me (or yourself...either works!) so I can laugh all day long. I would even let you sing and take selfies, because the sight of those would make my day as well. My own personal mockingbird. OMG, yet another name for you. ;)

You know, there is a new song out "selfie"!!! You two should listen to it!!! :lmao:

There she goes! Giving me my belly laugh for the day. I need to just bring you to my house to walk around behind me all day mocking me (or yourself...either works!) so I can laugh all day long. I would even let you sing and take selfies, because the sight of those would make my day as well. My own personal mockingbird. OMG, yet another name for you. ;)

Okay, you konw the mental picture that just popped into my head. You know that scene in Dumb and Dumber where they duo the song "mockingbird" in the big dog carwash van?

We're totally recreating that scene.

If you don't know what I'm talking about- you should you tube it to practice your part.
Day Two of Hollywood Studios! The goal today was to hit all the things we missed yesterday such as Beauty & the Beast and the American Idol Experience! Victoria and Kali met a new friend at the bus stop. Disney’s Transportation worker Tyler.

And here’s Victoria being, well, Victoria….

Our first stop, however, was to meet the ducks at the entrance of HS…

Then it was off to Beauty & the Beast show….and my true love ---- Gaston! Awwweeee….drooling just thinking about him right now! He is such a manly man!! ….ok, I’ll stop now. Kali loved the show! Of course I was crying as I always do. I just love it so much. We had the same fast passes scheduled as yesterday, so we got to do filler things today. It was onto the Muppets in 3D/4D!!!

OH, and guess who we met in the fountain at the muppets……DUCKS!!! WHAT ARE THE ODDS???!!!

Even more random shots:

OH, and I’m sure Victoria took this one to show you all how cute the Miley leggings are…

Or she wanted a picture of Kali’s behind…..I’m not sure which! :lmao:

And here is the annual photo of Victoria in Catastrophe Canyon:

Ann- those are the leggings we are going to create... only with your face on them!!!!!

I love Kali's fashion style. I love that Dino shirt as well. I want one! :)


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