A story of renewed hope & the power of Dis

Oh one more thing I AM trying not to get annoyed I really am I am learning coping mechanisms Yesterday after PT we went to Wal-Mart I sent him in for 3 things...3... camera memory cards (I wrote down what) a hose for the dryer and Bayer advanced extra strength He is in the store 15 minutes when my cell phone rings Hello ? Fred's voice Hold on..... Woman's voice This is Mary from Wal-Mart then she goes into a spiel about how old is my camera, how many pixels am I sure I want a 2 gb memory card :eek: Seriously I am curled up in the car in a ball of pain and this :lmao: I was polite I wasn't nasty but when she hung up I immediately texted Mo like an alcoholic in need of intervention & support THANKS MO' for the laughter & bringing me "down" to "normal" again

I didn't blow at DH and we laughed about it I told him I reached out to a girlfriend and he knows I am sharing this because well it was just plain silly :rotfl2::rotfl2:
Oh one more thing I AM trying not to get annoyed I really am I am learning coping mechanisms Yesterday after PT we went to Wal-Mart I sent him in for 3 things...3... camera memory cards (I wrote down what) a hose for the dryer and Bayer advanced extra strength He is in the store 15 minutes when my cell phone rings Hello ? Fred's voice Hold on..... Woman's voice This is Mary from Wal-Mart then she goes into a spiel about how old is my camera, how many pixels am I sure I want a 2 gb memory card :eek: Seriously I am curled up in the car in a ball of pain and this :lmao: I was polite I wasn't nasty but when she hung up I immediately texted Mo like an alcoholic in need of intervention & support THANKS MO' for the laughter & bringing me "down" to "normal" again

I didn't blow at DH and we laughed about it I told him I reached out to a girlfriend and he knows I am sharing this because well it was just plain silly :rotfl2::rotfl2:

I see your problem.....you sent him out with 3 things too many on your list. :rolleyes1
Ruthie, I am sorry you are in pain. You know you are already in my prayes, they will of course continue.

about the phone call.....hmmm..... let me get this right..... you sent a MAN in to a Walmart.....ALONE???!!!!! In my experience your lucky all you got extra was a phone call. :rotfl2: If they started asking my DH which kind of camera etc. I had, he probably would have just bought me a new camera to match whatever memory card she said was the best. :rotfl2:

It sounds to me like you handled that situation wonderfully! Great job! I agree it was silly. Fred sounds like he is trying hard to help. It is hard to watch them struggle to do the things we whip through so effortlessly. I know I have actually stood with mouth open watching my husband get my youngest ready for school on a day I am unable to do it. As my older daughter would say....Dad's on the struggle bus, and.... I think he's driving. :lmao: It is so very diffucult to realize this is second nature to us, that they can't seem to even finish it. YET, they seem to have pointers on how we can do it better. Honestly, if I sit back and think about it, it is comical. But, I imagine I would be no good programming a computer, or managing a liquor store. :rolleyes1

Maybe God has :stir: of your plans in order for you 2 to sit quietly together enjoying each others presence without distractions....even if it is the most magical place on earth. :lovestruc

I am attempting to work in the yard today, planting. It should give me much time to spend praying. Your health & you & Fred relationship will be in my prayers. All of my other disboard friends will be remembered too.

Have a wonderful weekend. Hope everyones is filled with love & Peace!
Oh Ruthie... We are definately here for you - vent away!

Oh no about DH and the camera card... I cannot believe that he did that... Sorry - I work the camera boat at Target, and I would NEVER call someone and try a sale on them. YIKES! I hope he came out with the Bayer.

I also hope that you are in less pain today and you are able to hit WDW tomorrow. (((Hugs)))

Laughter is the best medicine and you all are my elixir :rotfl: !!

I AM sympathetic and appreciative to Walmarts Mary (or as Mo called her The Walmartian :lmao::lmao:) I imagine Fred stood there with a deer in the headlights look and she wanted to help..actually according to her 2 gb cards are no longer made and she wanted to make sure it is truly what I needed :sad2: but how is this a big deal they last forever just download the pics and there you go

I LOL when I read Dee's DH would probably just buy another camera but that would mean he had access to $$$ to do so :rolleyes1 just sayin NOT how we roll around here that is a long lesson learned over decades and even he knows he can't have extra $$ in that pocket with a big hole in it

The DD describing Dad on the struggle bus and he's driving :idea: this is hysterical and makes me have a new perspective too
I see your problem.....you sent him out with 3 things too many on your list. :rolleyes1

Its not something I would choose to do..even one thing is usually a saga..I have had calls from him in the past (chunky or smooth ??) but this was a first a walmartian emolyee ;)
Ruthie, that is such a typical man when sending him shopping. It happens to all of us.

I hear you on the "hard getting out of bed". I'm 55, Mark turned 60 in January, and some mornings it is hard to get out of that bed without moaning.

I'm so sorry you are having pain and trouble straightening up again...hope you feel better soon.
I'm still here, just got way behind. I'm glad your DH made it home safe. I cracked up at the struggle bus. I hope you make it to WDW without too much pain!
Ruthie, I'm sorry that your plans aren't going exactly as you wanted. Hope you get to have a little fun.

Also - be sure to tell your PT about your pain.

As to sending DH into the Walmart, I am soooo spoiled. My DH does most of the shopping and, as long as I am specific (and write legibly) he'll pick up what I write on the list. We do have a very large amount of baking powder at the moment due to me having a flake moment and writing powder instead of soda.

Hang in there...I believe that all things happen for a reason even if we don't know it at the time.
I am so hoping tomorrow is a better day for you both! Don't be proud! Let him push you in a wheelchair (if you can trust him to "drive") and enjoy your time together!
You have a way with words and icanhardly wait for the next installment! Ruth
I am so hoping tomorrow is a better day for you both! Don't be proud! Let him push you in a wheelchair (if you can trust him to "drive") and enjoy your time together!
You have a way with words and icanhardly wait for the next installment! Ruth

:thumbsup2 I want to "ditto" this.

Hopefully, by the time you are reading this you are feeling better.

Honestly, my husband wouldn't have the money to just impulsively buy a camera either, but if he did, that would be the option he would take rather than "chancing" getting the wrong thing. :rolleyes:
Alright I stand a little bit taller (I don't know what I'm aiming for only 5'3 or 4" anyway ;) ) I guess straight would be nice, yesterday was good house is cleaner important thing animals are calm & so are we :goodvibes Oh my mouth could have started world war 10,000 twice yesterday morning but I stopped, reflected, felt your prayers, and thought of my Steel Magnolia Sisters and it passed Even then both of our volumes were low :cool1: we are learning

We are getting there, the most fun was getting part of the Pluto collection in one dedicated area and talking abut each piece (where/when) (plan to take pictures)

We are going slow last night sleeping was rough I found every spring in the bed, moved to recliners (side by side ahhh ) watched a movie and then that was not working for me I ended up sleeping on the floor (I woke and told him I think theres a bad board under the house I was on it all night :scared:) Its ok though

WDW we are coming, probably not for long but at least for Donalds Safari Brkfst 10:40 ( my biggest motivation is I am ...frugal...this is an ADR that will charge your cc/debit card a fine if no show no Mickey you get enough of our $$ ) I am not proud, I will be in a wheelchair no choice really if I am on the mend I'm certainly not going to hurt myself It rained last night and its overcast now so that may also have been a part of the problem Praying the sun breaks through and stays out

Update later with pictures (otherwise you will think I made DH up :rotfl:)

Blessings all

WHAT the heck is up with this ticker ???? I can't take almost another year of this !!!! LOL
I am sooo late to the party, but glad I finally have internet and can jump in. I love that you started a ptr for a two day trip. Why the heck not? I just read the whole thread and I laughed, cried and got upset right along with you. You do have awesome DIS friends and I'm glad they have been here for you while I've been absent!! I have been praying for you every day of my trip, though. I haven't forgotten you.:hug:

Loving the pics of the furbabies, "dressed" or not! And instead of birdbath we called it a "submarine shower".

The whole WalMart thing cracked me up. And the "advise" from Fred...well, you know men have a deep seated need to "fix" things. When all we want is a little understanding and sympathy.:rolleyes: I'm very proud of the way you are handling things. This is such great progress!! And remember, the enemy will do everything he can to come between you and Fred, so stay strong my friend! :flower3:

I'm glad you will be keeping today's ADR. You two need some down time and some fun. I hope the weather cooperates. Dan and I are leaving for home this morning. Finally! He has tomorrow off and we plan to spend every minute together. Have a fantastic day with Fred!!:yay:
Alright I stand a little bit taller (I don't know what I'm aiming for only 5'3 or 4" anyway ;) ) I guess straight would be nice, yesterday was good house is cleaner important thing animals are calm & so are we :goodvibes Oh my mouth could have started world war 10,000 twice yesterday morning but I stopped, reflected, felt your prayers, and thought of my Steel Magnolia Sisters and it passed Even then both of our volumes were low :cool1: we are learning

We are getting there, the most fun was getting part of the Pluto collection in one dedicated area and talking abut each piece (where/when) (plan to take pictures)

We are going slow last night sleeping was rough I found every spring in the bed, moved to recliners (side by side ahhh ) watched a movie and then that was not working for me I ended up sleeping on the floor (I woke and told him I think theres a bad board under the house I was on it all night :scared:) Its ok though

WDW we are coming, probably not for long but at least for Donalds Safari Brkfst 10:40 ( my biggest motivation is I am ...frugal...this is an ADR that will charge your cc/debit card a fine if no show no Mickey you get enough of our $$ ) I am not proud, I will be in a wheelchair no choice really if I am on the mend I'm certainly not going to hurt myself It rained last night and its overcast now so that may also have been a part of the problem Praying the sun breaks through and stays out

Update later with pictures (otherwise you will think I made DH up :rotfl:)

Blessings all

WHAT the heck is up with this ticker ???? I can't take almost another year of this !!!! LOL

Say hello to Mickey and Donald for me.

Enjoy the breakfast and the racy-wheels. Have fun and I'm looking forward to the pictures.
I am sooo late to the party, but glad I finally have internet and can jump in. I love that you started a ptr for a two day trip. Why the heck not? I just read the whole thread and I laughed, cried and got upset right along with you. You do have awesome DIS friends and I'm glad they have been here for you while I've been absent!! I have been praying for you every day of my trip, though. I haven't forgotten you.:hug:

Loving the pics of the furbabies, "dressed" or not! And instead of birdbath we called it a "submarine shower".

The whole WalMart thing cracked me up. And the "advise" from Fred...well, you know men have a deep seated need to "fix" things. When all we want is a little understanding and sympathy.:rolleyes: I'm very proud of the way you are handling things. This is such great progress!! And remember, the enemy will do everything he can to come between you and Fred, so stay strong my friend! :flower3:

I'm glad you will be keeping today's ADR. You two need some down time and some fun. I hope the weather cooperates. Dan and I are leaving for home this morning. Finally! He has tomorrow off and we plan to spend every minute together. Have a fantastic day with Fred!!:yay:

I MISS you Lois (I know and I have done the same) every woman here has influenced me in the BEST way possible I am strong because of all of you :goodvibes So glad you are connected again and look forward to hearing all about the family, the move, etc Hope Dan has the physical problems behind him now

Say hello to Mickey and Donald for me.

Enjoy the breakfast and the racy-wheels. Have fun and I'm looking forward to the pictures.

and here is my friend across the world princess: what a wonderful way to start my day :goodvibes Yes pictures later :flower3:
Alright I stand a little bit taller (I don't know what I'm aiming for only 5'3 or 4" anyway ;) ) I guess straight would be nice, yesterday was good house is cleaner important thing animals are calm & so are we :goodvibes Oh my mouth could have started world war 10,000 twice yesterday morning but I stopped, reflected, felt your prayers, and thought of my Steel Magnolia Sisters and it passed Even then both of our volumes were low :cool1: we are learning

We are the same height Ruthie. :thumbsup2 I don't know why I always find that interesting... I guess - when we are on the Dis, it's hard to visualize how tall some people are? :confused3

So glad you are able to hold back a little to keep the peace - hopefully Fred is going the same... I pray for a continued lovely weekend for you.

We are getting there, the most fun was getting part of the Pluto collection in one dedicated area and talking abut each piece (where/when) (plan to take pictures)

Yay!!! Can't wait to see pictures!

We are going slow last night sleeping was rough I found every spring in the bed, moved to recliners (side by side ahhh ) watched a movie and then that was not working for me I ended up sleeping on the floor (I woke and told him I think theres a bad board under the house I was on it all night :scared:) Its ok though

WDW we are coming, probably not for long but at least for Donalds Safari Brkfst 10:40 ( my biggest motivation is I am ...frugal...this is an ADR that will charge your cc/debit card a fine if no show no Mickey you get enough of our $$ ) I am not proud, I will be in a wheelchair no choice really if I am on the mend I'm certainly not going to hurt myself It rained last night and its overcast now so that may also have been a part of the problem Praying the sun breaks through and stays out

Update later with pictures (otherwise you will think I made DH up :rotfl:)

Blessings all

Glad to hear you are still going to see Donald... You'll be fine in the wheelchair - and it's probably the best right now.

WHAT the heck is up with this ticker ???? I can't take almost another year of this !!!! LOL

I think you need another ticker... after all - I will be there in - ahem - 3 months (from tomorrow)... :cool1:

Many hugs today and enjoy your day... AK is our favorite park and even if it rains, being in Disney is a reason to smile. :grouphug:

Sorry you didn't have a good sleep last night. Happy you are doing a little better though. I hope you have a great experience together today. Pray you share many laughs together today. Many smiles. Built many warm memories.

I forget which pp mentioned men always wanting to fix thing. Years ago, I was struggling with some things. DH was becoming very frustrated with me. I didn't understand his frustration. Then a friend of mine, who happens to be a man, said to me..... "he just wants to take a hammer & fix it. ... that what guys want...he wants to fix YOU". True. And I have found, they do not want anyone else fixing you. DH has adjusted that I am a human that is not fixable by others. I need to reach out to others that allow me to fix myself. :goodvibes That IMO is how we are designed as humans, to need each other to flourish & grow.
So, to the pp.... thank you for that reminder. :goodvibes

Can't wait to hear about you & Freds day. And to see the pictures.

Hi Sisters !! I am in WDW after almost 5 months in my honest to goodness favorite park !!

:cool1::cool1::cool1: No Fred was NOT scowling or in a mood no sunglasses + sun=angry bird looking face :rotfl: I do not like this Photopass location the sun is always in your eyes during the morning BUT its the sun !!

Now for those of you who know Dmguerts (D') and the beautiful handcrafted appliqued bags/work of art she designs I have to say...I have coveted one for a long time....:rolleyes1 BUT sorry D' I have gone over to the Dark Side..and this is what I wanted to show you (NO not the Dark Side of Universal) the dark side of a bag other than D's I found one that could have been MADE for ME !!!! and so I present to you..............................

3-D Pluto !!Although I MUST say a wallet would be a great addition ;)

I almost lost it several times today mostly by Characters :goodvibes



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